I've only written about this project once before and it wasn't too long ago - probably because the project itself is pretty new - Since then they've released two more dubs, one of them being Oh! by IroIro; since I just reviewed a dub of that song (even if it was somewhat briefly), I'm just going to link y'all. Also, you can check out their YT channel here. Now onto the other release.
First Kiss by Shiawase / YES! I am so thankful for CClyrics; I love'em! / I really like that this project turned this trio into a five-person groupdub! It's something a little different than all the other dubs of this song out there. Trace starts things off, & ohemgee, I love her voice! and the way she sings "narenai no" ~ her smooth attitudeish 'no' is so sweet. Eun Mi follows, sounding a little lacking in energy; I do like her singing though, just I'd like a bit more from her.
0:45 is Ayurii, and though her solo is quite small, what you do hear of her is wonderful! Next is Belly at 0:48 and her "ga ita no watashi" is terrific! 0:55 is Kate, whom we don't hear enough of first off either - a splendid solo but a little on the low side when it comes to energy I think. The duet by Tr/Be at 0:59 is amazing!! Epic blending, kfjnekjf kgnejknhe! Uwah, I love Trace's 1:05 solo to pieces, her whole line "nigiyaka na mama ga yokatta" ~ so spot on and awesome!
The girls tried some harmonies, and the few ones I was paying attention for turned out alright; they maybe could have been a bit better, but I'm not one to talk because I know nothing about singing them, though I'd like to learn. The first chorus is at 1:16 and it's pretty swell; could use a little more umph! from some people, and also by some throughout the whole dub. But that aside, this is fantastic!
Eun Mi's solo at 3:09 turned out nice, she managed the higher notes pretty well, though she was a little pitchy. But props to her for taking on that line and those notes. And Ayurii has the ending line, her "KISU shite" is good.
I am so tired. Going to fall asleep here at the computer, lol. So I'd better go to bed. I'll finish up on the H's tomorrow and also check out some more of my shared videos. I have the next two days off, not three, because of the holiday; they're predicting work will be real busy this weekend. Sayonara until tomorrow~
Takahashi Ai - Celia Niigaki Risa - AsunaSasaki Tanaka Reina - Liana Kamei Eri - Antoinette Michishige Sayumi - Renna Kusumi Koharu - Dani Mitsui Aika - Tsuina JunJun - Windy LinLin - Rin
Nanchatte Renai (hosted by channelyopro) / L O L x a kajillion. This is actually one of my shared vids, so I'm sort of...'killing two birds with one stone' sounds so mean, poor birds, but that's essentially it. I kept laughing as I listened to this, it's so epic and entertaining. A total win by Yo!Pro. I don't even know what to say. If you haven't viewed this yet and are up for a good laugh, you totally need to check it out. Celia sounds fantastic! And whoever sang the operaish parts sounds so crazy awesome.
Featuring~ Song of Amazon, Giselle Princess Pudding, Yukiki
Onegai Miwaku no Target by PURIMA (hosted by yoprohobos) / I know I have my dumb moments, but...is this really the PV for this song? *looks it up* Ohmygosh it is. WTF? I wonder what the lyric translation is, maybe it'd make sense. I have no idea who is singing when, and I don't think I really know any of the girls who participate in this, but regardless; I love this!! It sounds SO GOOD. I want an MP3! It's totally a keeper, something that's worth more than one listen. The cast sounds very lovely, and I'm liking the song's melody. Complete win.
Yume Kara Samete by Liana (hosted by superbestfureindozu) / Ohh Liana sounds so pretty!! Her drop-down description made me laugh a little, but this is not a dub one would lol at like some of the other dubs she partakes in. No no; this is beautiful. Liana did a magnificent job on this dub! *listens to again* Gawd I love her singing. It's not perfect, a few off notes, but who cares about that kind of thing when listening to such a lovely dub. It's wonderful~
Massara Blue Jeans by °Amai-Koubou / Yoku Project's most recent release is Lady Panther, but I'm not a big fan of that song. So I shall link you, but not talk about it. Now on to this dub; the volumes are a little iffy - the group parts too loud and the general volume a bit loud. I had to turn it down from the start. The loudness in group parts caused some fuzziness.
Belly (lovely as ever), Hanni (sweet voice, good job on Erika's line) and Lucy (I really like her "waratte LET'S GO") all did wonderfully on their solos in the first verse! On the Ha/Na duet at 0:34ish there is discord; one or both of them are kind of pitchy which throws off the blending of the duet. The next duet by Be/Eu is fabulous! I love how the "kaketara" sounds, the blending is awesome. But, though it's hard to tell, I think one girl is heard a little more than the other.
0:40ish is Ku/Li, and I picked out Kuri's voice right away. I don't know how to explain the way she sounds, it's very different and a little bit funky / pitchy. She dominates the duet, it's hard to hear Liz. lol, the last duet is Lu/Lu, Lucy with herself and she's swell. The "massara pin no BURUU JIINZU" (and similar lyrics) in this dub are great, but again the volume and fuzziness makes me wince.
0:51ish is Natsumi, her solo is short but she sounds splendid! Belly and Lucy both do good on their parts, but many of the high notes in the chorus are iffy. The "mechakucha" etc & "love me do" parts turned out pretty cool. Listening to the second chorus, it almost sounds like Lucy makes her voice sound different when singing as Airi and Megumi. It's not bad, but I'm not one much for vocal imitation. She sounds marvelous, so do Belly and Hanni.
The duets the second time are all pretty nice, this Ha/Na duet sounding much better. Belly's solo at 2:55 is terrific, her high notes are still a little strained, and her timing at 3:10 is really off. Overall the things that could use work are the fuzziness (whether due to volumes or something else) and pitching. The energy level is good and all these gals did a nice job.
*runs off to get food with sister before continuing*
It's a bit much to decide what to write about when there is so much to catch up on, guh. So I decided to use a random generator (1-26), matching up alphabet letters with their numeral positions. After choosing as letter this way, I will refer to my list of projects and whatever falls under that letter I will check out the latest from.
This is totally random, but with the sheer amount I have to catch up, it's too much to sift through everything without some kind of system. So here we go! The first two tries resulted in nothing, since I don't know any G or X projects, lol. The next was 16, which corresponds with the letter P. I know many people have asked me to look at things, and I promise I will! Every few letters, I'll do an entry about something that's been shared with me~
I've already written about PA-FE's latest dubs, you can find those entries by clicking on their label on the right hand side, or simply here. They've recently done songs such as; Ryuusei Boy and Roman ~My Dear Boy~ (click links to listen).
If you're a shoutbox reader, than you know that the awesome leader Awai just shared with me the news about PA-FE's upcoming concert! Their YT channel tells us, "Premiering On July 5th 2010 at 6:00pm central time! PA-FE Kyuuto 2010 KIRAMEKI SWEETZ Summer Concert!" I will be very busy this weekend at work, because of the holiday. But I hope to catch this!
I am still in love with Pinky Team's dub of Sakura Mankai (which reminds me, I need to get the MP3 for that). I've listened to quite a bit from them, though I don't remember how I discovered them in the first place....*backtracks to first PT entry*
Ahh, it was Sayuri [Lilacsilk28] who lead me to them indirectly. You can see past entries on them here. Of all their current groups, I have to admit that my favorites are Pinky Team (H!P) and Aegyo (kpop). But overall PT puts out a lot of great dubs! Let's take a look at some of their most recent;
MIRACLE HAPPY LOVE SONG (Pinky Team Special) / I remember back when this single of Buono's first came out and Rae asked me if I'd heard this song, which is the B-side. I hadn't then and I still haven't until now. I don't care much for the song itself, but the OPV is pretty sweet; props to karakedi06 for it.
Aiko starts things off at 0:16 ~ Uwah, she's always got such great energy! I really like the verses in this dub and she sounds fabulous on the beginning of the first one. She hits some pretty notes just within her first two lines. Her "kita" is a tiny bit off, but it's minor. Next is Okie, and geesh, I adore her. She sent me the MP3 for her solo dub of Taiyou no Uta, which I downloaded in a heartbeat and have already listened to like 20 times or something. But as for her in this dub, like at 0:27, she's sweet and fantastic!
Sayuri has the pre-chorus at 0:39, I don't know if I'm the only one picking up on it because of my headphones being weird or such? But I hear a slightly odd...high pitch quiet buzzy sound? during her solo. But ignoring it, she sounds as wonderful as ever! 0:54 is the first chorus and you can tell a lot of the notes are at the edge of the girls' range; they sound a little strained. But they managed them well overall!
There are also some pitchy notes here and there by different gals throughout the dub, but I bet this isn't a super easy song to sing. I've heard all of these girls before, and they're usually pretty spot on. So I think that maybe the trickiness of the song and it's notes caused the amount of pitchiness in this.
One reason I like the verse so much -it has a nice melody and it's in their ranges- they all sing it well and in key. I think it's the part / melody that suits them all the best. Even if this isn't a favorite of mine from PT, I'm happy to have heard a new song through listening to these girls' singing. Props to them for tackling it!
Blue Rose by YAKUZA / Oh yay this song ~ it's good. Gotta love sites like projecthello and Stage48; lyrics. Wow, this turned out pretty snazzy! The overall volume seems a little loud though; I went from one dub to the next and had to turn down the volume on this one cause it was too loud for me.
With the way this song goes, only two girls get solos (Rixie and Hikki) while the other two duet together on the pre-chorus (Mitsuki and Okie) and I like that part as well as the verses, but the chorus is my favorite. I don't have a whole lot to say on this one, idk why.
I enjoy this, but my brain is failing at breaking it down, lol. Rixie and Hikki sound splendid! Okie and Mitsuki aren't always noticeably blending because they aren't always balanced in volume, but they both sound marvelous. This is so worth a listen.
I've been working long days at work, leaving me little time to blog. I apologize for the sluggishness of things lately. I'll try and catch up some on my days off.
*waterpixieva ~ Love Does Not Wait / I haven't actually paid this group any attention yet!! I adore After School, so this is cool in my book. FreakingA, Eva sounds amazing!! This is a good melody and tempo for her. I love her voice, so lovely+sweet. She sings with a wonderful emotion that really comes across to the listener. There are a handful of iffy higher notes, but I like this dub way too much for them to really matter.
*momito666 ~ Lira no kataomoi / Wow, this is so good. I don't know the song at all, but Sandi sounds splendid singing it. I like the little bit of vocalizing in the beginning before the verse starts. I don't know which part I like the most; I adore her on the verse melody, so pretty ~ but the pre-chorus is pretty awesome too, as well as the chorus. I think I'm going to have to go with the verses, she hits so many nice notes. Overall this is excellent and enjoyable!!
*chibikonkon ~ Magic Girl / OHEMGEE, this is spectacular!! The chorus blew my mind. K is insanely kawaii. Incredibly cute. She delivers her lines awesomely, with great umph! energy and emotion. I don't know if I've ever heard her before, and I'm new to the song; they make a smashing combo! I am downloading this now, cause it's so worth listening to more then once. K's terrific on the verses and such, but the chorus is hardcore win. I love the different parts she sings on it, she's sounds epic with herself. She's nails her notes, charms you with her voice, and has got some skillz. Love love love.
*amiswami2 ~ Yeah! Meccha Holiday / I love Ami's "sungee"s! They are so so so good. She's fabulous on the chorus; I've missed her voice, it's been too long since I've listened to anything by her. I love her on the verses (ex 0:38), in fact, I think they are my favorite part of this dub. And she's also great on the pre-chorus (ex 1:06), I especially adore the "nantoka kantoka ne" at 1:15. Ami has a unique sound that I find irresistible. This is awesome.
*hitsugayahinamori ~ Party Time / Michi is way too hard on herself. But we all view our singing differently than other people, eh? We look for flaws while others often just enjoy. This is really good for a oneshot! I thought the music was a little bit loud in some places -mostly the chorus- but she sounds wonderful on all parts of the song! I think her energy is pretty darn swell too. Michi has a lovely voice and hits a lot of pretty notes in this.
*chocolateblakberri ~ Haru no Arashi / This is one of the only Mano songs I actually like. Yeah, I've only heard a small handful, but that is quite enough, lol. Pooh-chii sent this my way a handful of days ago and I'm only now getting around to it. Her song choice makes me happy, and I look forward to hearing her on other Mano songs, including ones I'm unfamiliar with. And look at them eggs! I adore eggs. I wonder which ones those are.
Anyways! I think most of the time I hear Pooh-chii on slightly more upbeat songs (stuff like Tsuugaku Vector), so it's cool to hear her sing this. I'm already on my third listen, trying fully take it in. She sounds pretty (with her usual cuteness too) the entire dub. The beginning starts off with the verse part, which she's great on throughout! I wanna dance along with those eggs to her singing.
One of my favorite parts of the song is the pre-chorus "zutto zutto" etc. Pooh-chii hits a few iffy notes on the first one (1:08), but overall did a fabulous job on that part. For me, the chorus wins out; it's wonderful!! I really like 3:32, with the little echoes. The other echoes in this are pretty sweet too, they're on the end of the chorus, like on the "kokoro ni" at 3:47.
*paperblossom ~ Metamorphoze / I don't need to say much when it comes to Papery, because she is an amazing singer. But I always enjoy her covers, enough so that I like to share them. She sang this Gackt song as part of an anime contest, and for the first round the participants had to do 'cross-singing' - sing a song originally by the opposite gender. So this is a very interesting dub and worth a listen.
*LovablexKarupin ~ Listen!! / Karu is born to sing K-ON. She's so fan-freaking-tastic. This isn't a very long dub, but it's packed with talent and fabulous vocals & the chorus blows your mind a little bit. Such PAWAA and umph! I love it. All you need to know about the formula for epicness is that Karu is in the mix.
*madleybloomingstar ~ Oh! / YAY! I always get excited when a 'Happay Karaoke Fun Time' dub pops up in my subs. Awai's River dub is still my favorite, but all of the ones that I've heard are spectacular! This isn't one of those kind of songs you can rock out to, more like the kind that makes you wanna dance along to. Awai freaking pwned this. She sounds incredibly adorable in a super pretty way. I don't know if she picked this video on purpose, but I like that it has subtitles. Totally sweet dub.
*ReinaLoverai ~ Soku Dakishimete / I adore this song, partially because Megumi is in it, but it's also just a good C-ute song. I like their early stuff, the indies. Their other songs are good too, but I like them to different degrees whereas with a group like Berryz, I like just about every single of theirs. Ai is a fan of this song too, yay! That's why she picked it. Her energy level is epic and she's oodles of fun to listen to; delightful! At 2:24 her voice coming from Megumi and Airi's mouths is so win.
*HanonHoshoAquaPearl ~ Misc songs / Frick, this is terrific!! I love love and adore Raii's voice! She mentioned in the drop-down that she's sick and kept using her 'cute voice' but regardless; she sounds smashing!! Oh em gee fkneswfjkl lhktmrhkl raburabu! She's excellent on Campus Life and aMa no Jaku, but my faves of the four songs she sings are MY BOY and Maji Bomber. Feel better soon Raii!
"The time is here again! All 27 members of Hana Project have come together to produce their second annual summer concert. This year, we're dubbing Hello!Project's 2007 10th Anniversary Dai Kansha Natsu Matsuri."
ILU RAE & KAPPA. They've sent this my way, and we've casually talked about it, and Raebee has actually asked a few times if I was going to cover this. Probably cause she thinks it's as awesome as I do. I was going to start writing about this yesterday, but it got too late. My mother shakes her head at the amount of time I spend online; I simply tell her that there aren't enough hours in a day to do all that I want to.
Let's face it, with summer rolling around and things picking up -within the dubbing community and at my work- I'm probably going to be constantly in a state of catch-up. So just bare with me. At one point last month, I was talking about putting Blabodu on hiatus for the summer if things got too crazy, since I am only one person. But so far I'm sticking it out alright. Anyways, I'm getting offsubject; Back to Hana!
LOL I'm such an emotional dork. I get so crazy over the moon about things sometimes, especially if they're to do with dubs I really like (that automatically includes Hana). I only got as far as the second song in this concert and turned to complete mush. Like a snow cone on a hot day (omg I want one now). I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, seeing as I haven't written about the first song, the big smashin' kick off to this concert~
Full Member List; [in order from 1st to 5th gen, but listed in groups of 9 for simplicity]
Track 01 ~ Hello to You! / THE EPICNESS BEGINS! D'aw, I forgot how much I love Eggs. Though I'm more into the current ones and than the girls from back then. I think it's adorable that they start this off. For a full cast list (everytime), please refer to the drop-down section; it's too much to list it all here.
I love the verse melody in this song and all of the Hana girls who sing the the Egg's part do so fantastically! The blending is sensational! Sayuri (aka Kappa) is a master of mixing ~ it's like she whirls her magic wand and puts everything together seamlessly. Though we know it's really her skillz and dedication that get the job done. The end result is always so professional, so top notch that it could be the real thing.
I have high expectations when it comes to this whole concert, and I know that they will be met. Hana is an exceptional group of talented ladies, and the mixers of Hana (the team known as Kakei) combine the girls' individual awesomeness together. And what do you get? Dubs like this. Concerts like this. It's so real, so believable. You could put this entire vocal version on a DVD of this concert and people would just be like WOW and not know it wasn't something official.
Anyways, the first part of this (eggs only) is fabulous! I'm loving the verse. And the "la la la"s starting at 2:42 are so lovely! Then it gets even better as all 41 (if I counted right) parts sung by the full 27 members hits full force at 3:10. We already know very well by now that these girls blend brilliantly together, so it goes without saying that with most people taking on two singing roles, the awesomeness is just increased. Like the special metal in Stargate SG-1 that kajillatriples the might of the bomb. Only in a more happy, delightful and delicious bomb-of-epicness way.
I love the 'da ah ah~' at 3:15. The lyric is only "da" but some more syllables / sounds are added on with cute-attitude and it's so cool. All the "SAY HELLO"s are fun and wonderful sounding! And Ajisai's"Everybody say!" at 3:23ish is adorably awesome. This dub is mostly chorus, since the opening song is basically H!P saying hello, and thus Hana's hello to all us listeners and fans. Kappa's vocalizing at 3:53 is sounds fabulous! A great ending to a spectacular dub!
Gosh, I've been putting this off because I have so much that is niggling at my mind to be written about. I decided to start downloading SnM songs from their latest releases today, so that it would be doing so while I listened to and wrote about other stuff. This time around I'm covering BOYSTYLE!'s latest~
From what the thread tells me, this is one late release, lol. "SORRY ITS TWO YEARS LATE!" So I won't be really commenting on the singers since all their lines are real old; I'll just point out stuff I like and which dubs I like the most. Besides, I have no CClyrics for any of this, therefore I'd be easily lost. I have no cast list either, so I've no clue who participated.
"It’s been a while in the making, but this long-awaited BOYSTYLE! Project release definitely does not disappoint! Enjoy these nine gorgeous tracks bursting with emotion, ranging from energetic to liltingly soothing. Released May 26th, 2010."
*05 Feel your breeze / Easily my favorite on the entire album! If you want some lyrics to refer to I googled and found some. The beginning of this is gorgeous!! I LOVE the melody and the lyrics; "I say, feel your breeze. Anytime, anywhere in my heart..." Whoever sings in this, the group parts are awesome!
For me, the best thing in this song is the blending and how these singers sound together. The whole group, and also spots that sound like duets. I love love'em. There are also oodles of outstanding solos throughout the dub. Ohmygosh, the group parts make me extremely happy. And this is two years old? Pfft. Pure win. About 3:02 and onward blows my mind.
*04 Sorafune / Second fave, hands down! Some more lyrics for reference. Some of the repeatedness of parts bothers me after a little while, but I love the melodies and once again; the beginning drew me right in. The first set of "Sono fune wo koide yuke..." etc lyrics sounds beautifully brilliant! Though it does sound like around 0:11ish maybe the singing and music are a little off from each other, but I don't know this song well enough to say.
The rest of these are sort of in a loose order. Could depend on what I'm in the mood for, could be that in a few days after listening to them more I change my mind. idk. Nothing's set in stone really. Keep that in mind~
*02 Keep the Faith / It took me a moment to figure out who this song is by; KAT-TUN. Lyrics for reference. Out of the remaining seven tracks (including this one), there aren't any songs that I really like. But as I listened to them all, this is probably top of my list. The beat is pretty rockin' and I rather like the chorus. And B!P totally brings the rock, and quite a bit of smexyness too.
The beginning is fab, the "No No No You show me the faith, kanarazu I'll keep it for you..." etc parts are catchy. I prefer the verses and pre-chorus overall though. I like how the individual singers sound on their solos and also on the smaller group parts. The rap is EPIC!! And the following part (2:44) is super. The SnM members are so talented, and don't disappoint.
*01 Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono / Whoa, those low notes in the first verse; they are low, lol, and the girls pulled them off well. I kind of like parts of this song, but not enough that I would pick it off a list of songs. I really like this group of singers, and they sound good on all the different parts. So I find myself enjoying anyways. I adore the "Wow wow wow wow"s, and I like the rap quite a bit, as well as the following part at 3:10.
*08 Beautiful Life *09 solitude ~Hontou no SAYONARA~
These two tracks are pretty cool actually. I think I even like them more that the previous two I mentioned. But the only spots I am sure of are the first two, so oh well. I'm not going to re-order everything, lol. 08 is fun, definitely catchy, with an upbeat chorus and many nicely hit notes. 09 has a gentle and lovely melody, it's smooth and relaxing.
*06 Seishun AMIGO *07 Itoshi no NAPOLITAN
When it comes to these last two, the songs are just so so for me. You can't write a dub off simply because of song choice, but it really does have an influence on what you think of it. Sometimes I am totally in love with a dub, regardless if I dislike the song. But other times, I can't get into a dub because of the song. My dislike of it is a barrier. And these songs aren't really my thing. But awesome vocals, just as in the rest of the songs.
Suki-chan by SWEET Delight / Yay! This is really good! Molly nailed her first solo, she sounds fantastic!! You can hear the difference, in mics or something, between her and Ayaka's following line, which is marvelous. Next is Zoey and uwah, she's cute+sweet! I like her "RU RU RU" ~ Shaolin at 0:29, kawaii! Not a very long solo, but super adorable.
0:43ish is the pre-chorus, which the gals are fabulous on! And then we reach the highlight of the dub, at least for me; the chorus!! It's my favorite part! I really like the group lines, like the "Kirawaretara" at 1:07. The second verse starts in at 1:30, I really like Molly's"Nareru ka naa" at 1:50. I sort of find the verses of this song boring, lol. One reason they don't catch my attention in this.
After another terrific pre-chorus (1:52), it's another round of the peppy and excellent-sounding chorus. I adore the "WOW(x3) FOREVER" part! And I find the little chanty-echoes SO cool & cute. The "Suki-chan"s at 2:27 are great! I've always loved that part of this song, and the girls sang'em wonderfully. Last chorus at 2:49 following the little instrumental break = fabulous. Molly caught my ear the most, but all of these lovely ladies did a sensational job.
Cast, In Order of Appearance: Awai, Hayashi Ame, Logan, suki-chan (A bit....confusing)
Night of Fire by Biscuit ROUGE / HINOI TEAM!! Ohmygosh, their music is not dubbed enough. This song is so crazy and funny, lol. Awai pwned this hardcore!! Ohmy, raburabu. Ame and Suki (if that's the right names?) could use a little more energy and volume overall. You can pick up on some very subtle energy in the way they sing, but it doesn't come across very well in the dub. Logan could use a but more umph, but he did pretty swell!
I don't have oodles to say about this. I like some parts more than others, and some things could use some work, more so individually. The "Night of Fire"s all turned out nice, but this song calls for a lot, and I think it was a little on the low side when it comes to line delivery and energy. Awai easily shines in this, but I give everyone props for singing this cool song. I really like all the groups in Totally Up!
Kataomoi no Owari ni by Coco [CocoNStorm] / D'aw, Coco's so adorable in this. Cute cute. Kawaii. Sweet. Cute. I love her voice, and she really shines in this solo. From the very first line -"Kyou mo KYANBASU ja" - she's totally awesome. Her "ni" at 0:26ish is such a pretty note. And the next line - "Onaji kougi wo uke" - is lovely. I really like the melodies in this song, and Coco sounds magnificent on them. She's slightly pitchy here and there, but nothing major, and the smile you hear in her voice makes her enjoyable to listen to regardless of off notes.
Her "AH"s in what I believe is the chorus (1:05), are wonderful! I like her more on the verses (and pre-chorus, which is pretty similar to the verses) than on the chorus, but both parts sound great. The second verse (1:48) is just as splendid as the first; oodles of nice notes, and great emotion. That is one thing I love about the chorus, and the overall dub; Coco puts such feeling into her singing! This is a superb solo from her, and one I greatly suggest y'all listen to~
Malice [maliciousdevice] Scarlet [xQueenxBoox] Koisuru Angel Heart (hosted by maliciousdevice) / A full cover, visual as well as singing, always makes me smile. Gah, poor Malice has a hurt ankle, let's all wish her 'get well soon's! I don't know if I've ever heard Scarlet before, I've heard a girl by the same name, but idk if it was her. I don't recognize her username. But when the singing first started I didn't even realize that this was a dub&cover together. She sounds fantastic!!
I adore the "I love you"s these two do together! They're SO goood. Probably one of the highlights of the vocals for me. The verses are very nice, but I also really really like the chorus. Both gals sound fabulous on their solos, but I think they're total win as a duo. Malice has such a lovely lower voice, she sounds wonderful. And her paired with Scarlet's higher pretty voice is terrific! The vocals overall are fabulous, but let's sit back and enjoy them with the fun dancing too.
Starduster by Karu [LovablexKarupin] / OHMYGAWSH ~ This is so sweet ;w; I'm not just talking about the dub, but KranxKaru or KxJ. Kran sounds like a sweetheart, and the message in the drop-down section made me all mushy. KARU; you're so mega talented I bet songbirds that nest in the trees at Julliard are jealous. Or, er, something. LOL.
Karu really is spectacular, not in this alone, but in everything I've heard her in. She has an amazing voice and I truly enjoy listening to her; anyday, everday. This is GORGEOUS. An anime ending could be scrolling right now and this dub could be playing as the official closing theme. It's so professional and epic sounding, on top of her awesome skillz and lovely+adorable voice. Definitely an instant favorite of mine.
Shouganai Yume Oibito by Yoshino Musume (SakuraProjecto) / Starting right into things, at 0:32 is Na/Ma. This song has quite a few duets in it, mainly in the verses. I don't know if I am hearing some part of Momusu in this song? Is there harmonies in the instrumental? It was somewhat tricky to pick out the girls' voices at first, which I guess could be considered cool 'cause it means that they blend well with MM. But after a second listen, I picked them out easy enough; they sound fabulous!
The verse duets are always followed by a solo, and the first one is Nae at 0:39. I almost didn't catch her "anata" because she's a bit quite on it and blended in with the background vocals, but she gained volume and the rest of her solo can be heard above them. She sounds wonderful and suits Ai's part well. 0:46ish Ku/Ka, I am definitely hearing one of them really well, though I can hear the second girl too. Overall they make a cute duo.
Following is Alie, ohmygosh total win. I LOVE her voice, it's gorgeous. So low and lovely. She sounds so so so good on her solo here. Imaaliefan. Her "ano hi" is especially epic. 1:01 is Ayuna leading off on the pre-chorus, which is made up of two short solos and another duet. Since they're so short, it's not much to go by, but from what I hear, Ayuna sounds marvelous! Spirit's at 1:04 on the second solo, she's a little bit on the quiet side, but very sweet.
1:08 is Ki/Az, and ohh so pretty. They sound great together, I really like their ending "ne" ~ Chorus time! The group parts are splendid! Though I'd like to hear the girls a little more than the music. Kuri at 1:36, the music is a little overwhelming (could be just on my end?) and so she's a bit buried beneath it, but you can still hear her. She's pitchy but has good energy and a kawaii voice. Nae's"Shouganai Yume Oibito" at 1:47 is lovely!
Al/Ki at 2:10, though Alie's strong voice dominates the duet, I barely hear Kiss. Not bad, but not very balanced. 2:17 is another awesome solo by Alie. I adore the light vibrato on her "ne" and I noticed that she has great pronunciation. Not that everyone else doesn't, I just picked up on it while listening to her as opposed to listening to a different part of the song. 2:25 is Ay/Az, whoa I really like how they sound together! I'm loving the blending.
In true Momusu fashion, not everyone gets a fair share of solos in this song. Mati, Kanny, Kiss and Azn have none, but they most certainly contributed to the dub as a whole, so props to them. Such as the marvelous Ka/Ma duet at 2:46. More chorus follows ~ ohmygosh, this song is starting to grow on me. I've never disliked it exactly & it's never been a fave. But the chorus is kind of catchy.
Ayuna at 3:00, her whole "shiteru te ni namida ga ochite yuku" is great, though I especially like her 'yuku' ~ I have to say, Alie draws my attenion the most and I think she shines in this. Her 3:15 solo is AWESOME! Energy and passion, a strong delivery, and then her "shukufuku dekiru kana" UWAH raburabu. Yay! Spirit has the 3:25 "Shouganai Yume Oibito" and she's terrific on it! Very sweet+cute+pretty. Ohmygawd, violin in the instrumental *swoon*
Nae nailed her 3:42 solo! And following her is a ton of small groups switching off on the lines of the last two rounds of the chorus. Kuri's"Shouganai Yume Oibito" at 2:35 is really cute, before Ku/Ka/Ma finishes off the dub nicely. Gosh, I wrote a lot *shot* Overall this is wonderful~
I don't remember what I was looking up the other day, possibly a song or lyrics? idk. But one way or another I found the blog ★MINI MONI MANIA★ run by Kirarin☆Snow. "This is a mostly Hello! Project-themed blog for an intended audience of Hello! Project fans and interested passersby." I don't exactly know how to sum it up, so I shall point y'all to the About page.
I didn't poke about this blog too much, but through it I was lead to another of K's blogs; K! Mixed ("DJ Kirarin☆Snow Remix Blog"). Just as the description would suggest, she does song mash-ups, though her work is better refered to as remixes, since they are so well done and awesome!
Y'all know how much I'm into dubbing, but I still enjoy listening to actual H!P singers from time to time too, lol. I can listen to their oldie-but-goodie stuff, the newer releases, and the songs that fall inbetween. And I can also wait around excitedly for new singles. BUT! This is like an extra bonus. [*note* I have no idea of K's gender, but I am going with 'she' because of the name Kirarin]
Kirarin releases mixes as she makes them, but she also puts together volumes of 'The K!☆Mix Kollection' ~ Much like a H!P album, it often has remixes she's already released as well as some she hasn't. The only one I've listened so far is her latest, Volume 7.
K combines the names of the songs she uses, coming up with things such as Rottara Rottara Has Come! and then lists which groups (some non-H!P) she's mixed together !!! Y'all should check this stuff out! I am in LOVE with four songs off of V7, and if you're into remixing or up for something different, I think you should check this blog out.
I haven't been able to get these songs out of my head. I am dying to download other volumes, I've already seen several songs remixes I want to hear so baaad. But the only downside is that you have to download the whole volume in zip form. So with my slow internet it took ages.
My The K!☆Mix Kollection: Volume 7 Faves: (In no certain order)
Kousui no ∞ Power [Buono! × Melon Kinenbi]
Polyphonic Experiment in D [Berryz × Buono! × Watarirouka Hashiritai × Idoling!!!]
Shiawase no Katachi ni Ai ga Aru [(Momusu. Sakura Gumi ∪ Momusu. Otome Gumi) × THE Possible]
This was brought to mind when I was listening to Liz's dub of this song. She said, "I guess I'm the first one ever to dub this version of Special Generation" and instantly my mind was RINGALINGLING, trying to remind me that I had heard a dub of this before. So I puzzled and pondered until my...braincells were sore, and then scratched my head and thought some more. (LOL the Grinch cartoon narrator took over my thoughts) ANYWAYS [/cheesyness]
Then I remembered that someone had sent it to me over MSN (Fae maybe?) and I knew I had it downloaded somewhere on my computer. I checked my Yopro folder and alas, only stuff by BzK in there was their latest release (WAO single, A & B side). Then I looked in my sort of 'general' folder and THERE IT WAS. I double clicked and it was like angels a'singing. Well not really, but it reminded how freaking SWEET BTMZ's version of this song is. So I felt the need to share.
Saki - Rei / Momoko - K Chinami - Molly / Miyabi - Suu Yurina - Nyanko / Risako - Msaki Maasa & Maiha - Baka
lol, I have way too much fun screwing around in paint. Anyways! This was originally released on March 21st in the yopro forums. I highly suggest you at least listen to it (since it's on box.net), and download it too; it's so worth it. I've been listening to it on repeat for like, 20+ minutes now.
And now for some solos that have been sent my way recently~
*Chiyo [xChiyoChii] ~ Rottara Rottara / I was rocking out in my chair listening to this. Well, as rockin' as you can get to this song, lol. The verse melody is so catchy, heck the song is, and it + Chiyo's singing is wonderful. I too hate that Tsunku left those group parts by Buono in the instrumental. I'd like to hear all Chiyo, not Chiyo feat Buono *shakes fist at H!P* Oh well.
This is quite a short dub, I wasn't ready for it to be over as soon as it was. Surprised me a bit, lol. Back to the singing; usually Chiyo's a bit pitchy, but that barely happened in this dub! I haven't listened to anything of hers super recently, but I think this is one of her better dubs. She sounds magnificent!
*Amaya [xsweetgurl] ~ Seventh Heaven / Perfume is neat and all, but this song doesn't do much for me. I like other stuff by them a lot more, this one I find a bit boring. My favorite part of this dub would probably be the chorus, it's the melody I like the most and the one I like her on the most. Oh Amaya discovered Gnap; I've never used it, but I heard about it a while ago.
The effect turned out pretty good; there are times when it does like it often does and jerks notes up or down, making them sound off key and out of place. But we know it's the effect and not Amaya's sweet singing. Even if this isn't my cup of tea, she did a swell job on it.
*Lizzie [Liz9419] ~ Special Generation (Eccentric Remix) / I give this gal props for even choosing this song. There is a reason people haven't been picking it right and left to dub and it's because it can be tricky. You either have to mix it all so that the repeat/echo effect is there (plus whatever else), or you have to do like Liz and sing it yourself (and BS it). I bet the timing overall can be a butt, since we're all so used to the regular version of this song.
Nice beginning! She has pretty good energy and sounds great! Her energy lessens a little as the dub goes on, but I think she did an all around nice job. She sounds like she's pretty into it, singing with umph, which makes you overlook the handful of off notes. Not the best dub I've heard from her, but interesting and cool to hear her try out the song.
IKPOPCovers / OMG I'm so excited about this! IKP + Kpop?! kfnjwef jkefnjkf. There are so so many awesome kpop songs, I'm hoping for a little SNSD but also for some other stuff too. Kpop can kind of be like H!P when it comes to dubbing; a lot of the same songs get picked. I'd like to hear a not-often-dubbed SNSD song as well as some of their more recent ones. Same goes for all of kpop. Surprise me, IKP!
I'm kind of going 'what the hell does 예쁜 mean?' since it's part of the name; 예쁜 ♦ Diamond. I'll have to find out from Taka or someone. ~ "Auditions close July 1st or Maybe sooner. We are dedicated into taking in a small amount of members since IKP is overly crowded as it is. If you do not make it this time, DON'T give up! AKB48 Auditions come in mid-July and Generation Four comes in September!"
THE Manpower!!! by Fuantei / And since I'm already writing about IKP, why not check in with their latest? *deletes a bunch of text* I sit here saying how I don't like this song, and as I listen I'm like 'ohhh' every couple of seconds. In a good way. I think projects like Hana and IroKokoro can make me like songs that I didn't before. Really, it's the repetitiveness that gets on my nerves, but the melodies in this song are actually really cool.
This is a very energetic, PAWAA-filled song and this cast did a really good job on totally bringing it! All of the solos during the "Manpower" parts are fabulous! The loud / long / higher notes throughout all turned out awesomely! The group parts and duets are AMAZING. I love love love the blending. All of the girls sound fantastic!
My brain isn't functioning well enough right now to fully review this song. A) IKP has turned it to mush through epicness, and also B) I talked about another dub of this somewhat recently and I honestly don't think I can do so again & C) there is no indication of who sings when anyways.
I feel a bit bad, since it's been sent to me a few times. But if I attempt anything, it'll be pure rambles and guessing, lol. Thanks to those who shared with me. I'm more than happy to blog about it even briefly, so that people can learn of and listen to it's BRILLIANCE. I think I'm going to download it. Welcome back Lilac~
Darnit. My shoulder was aching this morning, so I slapped on some icyhot and a heating pad and curled up in bed with a book. Then I spent the rest of the midday and afternoon cleaning my room (hardcore) and doing laundry. So I feel bad that I haven't gotten around to blogging until now. But I am going to be working steadily at the 13+ shared vids I have and all requests made!!
Creme Project released the first part of their concert, Aisukuriimu to Keeki, in January of this year (Shiroi Tokyo, refer to video for full cast listing). Since then, they have slowly but surely been releasing one part after another. There are 26 parts in total, and the project is currently about 30% of the way through the concert. I don't know if I've listened to any of it yet, so here goes. Thanks so Sayuri for sharing~
Hare Ame Nochi Suki / Coco starts things off at 0:14 as Nono; I adore how she always has energy, even subtly so in a slower song like this. I like her "shita kara" ~ Following is Moka, ohgosh her first part "KISS wo shita sono yoru" is really nice and her "JERASHII" (0:41) is very pretty.
ljkgfjioilglknj, CUTE CHOCO PAWAA! Geesh, if her voice were an edible treat I'd be munching on it all freaking day. Her first line's at 0:44ish and it's not even that long, but it's EPIC. And her voice coming out of Miyabi in her adorable oufit is so sweet (like, kickbutt sweet, not awww sweet). Her "nai" is gorgeous, makes me all mushyhappy to listen to her.
0:51, Aly as Maasa! I've been loving on Maasa so much lately, so when I heard Aly's voice I was like; D'AW ALY. Not that it matters who sings as who, but sometimes your brain likes to make connections, eh? Anyways, not a very long line either, but she sounds splendid.
Ayu at 0:58, I love her on "yashii" ~ a wonderful blend of cute and lovely. "Nee" is one little word, and yet Miyako (1:06) and Natsumi (1:08) sound flippin' terrific on it!! I'm rather in love with them right here actually *fangirlsigh* It goes to show that small lines can shine too.
1:13, chorus time! Coco's first up and she's totally cute. 1:28ish is Moka and....I'm confused. It's "nee hare dooriame nochi SUKI" and I get 'nee hare doo...' and then something like 'ananeme' sounding, then something else in place of the "nochi" before she sings the "SUKI" ~ so she kind of jumbled the lyric a little. We all makes mistakes, And!! She nailed the high notes towards the end of her solo!
Choco at 1:36 is fantastic!! Her whole line is delightful and her vocals are constantly like OH WHOA YEAH, top notch and fabulous. Following her on the "SUKI"s are Natsumi then Aly. The last one is by Ayu, and it's so low! That plus the stretched out syllables make it turn out a little odd, at least to me. But still good.
2:06 is Miyako, and I'm glad that she got an actual solo in this (I peeked ahead and I think everyone gets at least one solo of good length. YAY). When listening with headphones, her vocals start out on only one side (I'm wearing buds, so it could be left or right for me). But after "ashita wa" they switch to full. I don't know if it's a mixing error, or something that happened when recording? Just something noticable.
But that minor bit aside, she sounds superb! I really like her voice, it's been a little while since I heard her last, so I'm happy to hear her in this. Her whole solo's great; her ending "kono namida" is lovely. Following is Choco, ohmygosh, her "SUKI" is beautiful! Pure prettiful pwn. Natsumi at 2:30, a tiny bit of pitchiness, but her "I love you" and her ending "are" sound wonderful.
Coco has the final solo, the last three "SUKI"s (2:36). They're a nice finish to the dub, which overall, is awesome! I don't think I've ever heard this song before, and it's kind of pretty. These gals did a dandy job, so props props props~
Unforgettable by Kuzumochi / Sayuri also sent this my way. I'm going to be moving on from this entry to other things, so I won't be reviewing it. Have a listen though, it's Creme's latest release~
Cast (In order of solos): Awai (MadleyBloomingStar) Micchy (Hikasaii) Cherry (SimpleCherry) *cover Hikki (DisturbedStrawberry) Sky (SkyxLights)
Bo Peep Bo Peep by aegyo (Pinky Team) /LOL, the first time I heard this song (it was with the PV too) I was like W T F? The "Bo Peep"s are so annoying. But!! I have actually grown to like parts of this song, mostly the chorus. I can't help it; it's so catchy! *shot* I think we can all agree (or most of us) that even when sung by these lovely ladies, the "Bo Peep"s are annoying; they do sound cute as a group though.
CClyrics!! *bows before Pinky in thanks* You make my life easier simply by providing! 0:33 is the awesome Awai, as freaking kawaii and bubbly as ever. She sounds pretty smexy too. I like her "burigo" ~ 0:40 is Micchy, her "mallago" is great! She sounds sweet, I'm waiting to hear more from her. About 0:48 it goes back and forth between Cherry and Hikki. Cherry is a little pitchy, but props to her for being a cover and helping out. Hikki's lines aren't very long and sort of semi-fast paced, so it's not oodles to comment on, but I like how she sounds.
Oh, I'm a little sad to see that all of the "Follow me"s parts are sung as solos, never as group parts. 1:02 is Sky on the first chorus, she sounds a bit funny but that could be the effect (autotune?). Her lines don't flow super smooth, sometimes she's close to rushing and I'd like a bit more energy from her. However, I don't know how hard it is to sing this part, so I think besides the little things she did a marvelous job.
At 1:10, Micchy's"I'm so sorry, na ttaemune ijen" line sounds adorable!! Again, not a very long solo. Wow, I think Cherry just does better on the verses than the pre-chorus, because at 1:36ish she's fanatabulous! Following her at 1:42 is Awai, and her whole short but sweet solo is terrific. I kind of like the scripting for this dub.
1:51 is the second pre-chorus, this time going back and forth between Micchy and Sky. Micchy sounds wonderful, and Sky pwned her first line!! Autotune seems to make some notes iffy, but since (I think) it's part of the effect it's easy to loverlook (like Sky's "Change one's mind" is kind of meh). Then we get more of the rocking chorus! 2:06 is Hikki's longer solo, which turned out great; I really like her last line. Ohhh, I like Awai's part at 2:45 a lot.
And then Cherry has the last chorus starting at 3:06 ~ she's darling! A little on the quiet side, but sweet. The 3:13 "I'm so sorry..." line is by Micchy, and it's a great combo with Cherry's splendid solo. The dub finishes off with a last round of "Bo Peep"s which really aren't all that annoying, just slightly. I'm just glad they don't occur even more during the song, lol. The girls did a really nice job on them.
Bah, it's super late here, so sorry if this entry sucks in any way. I'm falling asleep in my chair as I write. I've had my eye on this dub since it first popped up on my subs. Firstly 'cause of the song and secondly 'cause of the project! And Pinky Team did not disappoint. Way to go, aegyo girls~
Ookina ai de Motenashite by Eun Mi [eunmijjang] / fknwef kjnef ?!!?! This lady is crazy! "there were some unbearable parts" - WHAT? Whatever. I heard the first "Ookina ai..." and was like (*o*) Eun Mi could use a little more energy sometimes though, the beginning iss gorgeous but a little like robotic perfection. She has some kick-butt awesome vocals, just needs to add a little umph! to'em.
And she does have energy, just not all that consistently; the opening and the first verse are lovely, but she's killer on the first pre-chorus (0:34)! Ohmygosh, I love it ~ she sings wonderfully, with energy and emotion! Gah, such a pretty voice. Her first line is marvelous, and I adore her 'to' in the following "samishigariya da to" plus her "OH YEAH OH YEAH" is sweet.
Eun Mi also did a great job on the chorus; it and the pre-chorus are my fave parts, though the verses are still swell. The second verse did have some strain on higher notes, and I think the melody of the part can make it tricky to sound energetic on. But the chorus, throughout the dub, is terrific! Overall, she did a really good job on this!!
Moonlight Night by Rii [AzNxRawRx] / I'm not really a fan of this song. Same ol' really, lol. I don't like most overly repetitive songs. For example, I don't like The Manpower very much either. The beat is pretty cool and catchy, but I just don't care for it enough that I'd willingly pick it off a list of songs to listen to. Anyways!! The OPV is awesome, props to Homeschooledchick17
Song choice aside, Rii's vocals are magnificent! She sings with such PAWAA; strongly, with umph! It's makes her fun to listen to. D'aw, she likes this song a lot and recorded this purely for fun and had a good time doing so. That's awesome! She sounds fabulous on all of the "Moonlight Night"s parts, I especially like the ones in the chorus.
Rii's also good on the verses, but I like the chorus more. Her high notes are splendid throughout and her energy is addicting. I don't even like this song and I'm on my third listen. Her line delivery is passionate while at the same time you can really hear that she's having fun. I totally like this. Pure win.
Bravo☆Bravo by Shiruku! (ShirukuProject) / "I'm proud to present you Shiruku!'s first single" ~ Yay debut! As I've mentioned before, this song doesn't give me a ton to comment on, because there are only three solos and oodles of group parts.
The opening "P-A-T-I"s are real cute, though I think I am hearing one girl over the rest. idk for sure, it's hard to tell. WOW I really like these three sing together on the first verse at 0:39. Lucy's borderline high/middle pretty voice together with Ayu's lovely mature voice and Daniel's higher/cute voice ~ it's a nice group balance. It's not always consistent, sometimes I hear one girl more or less in different spots, but I hear a nice balance many times.
1:01 is Lucy's solo, she's close to pitchy once or twice in the first part - on the "kiita" and "yume" - but it's minor and I think she sounds fabulous overall. She delivers well and with good energy. She leads into the chorus, which is terrific! I'll admit that I like the verses a bit more, but it's cause I like the melody of them more. The girls did a really great job on the chorus, especially the higher notes; they turned out well.
More wonderful vereses at 1:41, Ayu stands out a little more in this one to me. I don't know if the volumes could have been played with to make the three parts more balanced. It's not bad sounding though, just a difference in the loudness of their voices. 2:01 is Ayu's solo, I can easily ramble on about how much I adore her singing, but I'll just be short this time; spot on and fantastic! Raburabu.
Hmm, I don't know about what I said before - it's awful close between the verses and chorus for me. I really like both of them. Regardless of which I like more, they're both super splendid including the chorus following Ayu's solo (2:13). And at 3:01 is Daniel, and she's really cute+pretty. She suits Momo well, all of the girls suit their parts well.
I have to be cutting this short sadly, cause I have to go for a few hours, which I'm not too happy about. But I'll come home and blog more then~ Thanks for sharing, Shiruku. The group parts are what dominate this song, and the girls did a magnificent job on them.
Blabbing about dubs. Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm just an Asian music lover who enjoys taking part in the dubbing communities on YouTube. Here I am going to be tossing out my opinions just for fun, and hopefully meeting more awesome people along the way!