From what the thread tells me, this is one late release, lol. "SORRY ITS TWO YEARS LATE!" So I won't be really commenting on the singers since all their lines are real old; I'll just point out stuff I like and which dubs I like the most. Besides, I have no CClyrics for any of this, therefore I'd be easily lost. I have no cast list either, so I've no clue who participated.

*05 Feel your breeze / Easily my favorite on the entire album! If you want some lyrics to refer to I googled and found some. The beginning of this is gorgeous!! I LOVE the melody and the lyrics; "I say, feel your breeze. Anytime, anywhere in my heart..." Whoever sings in this, the group parts are awesome!
For me, the best thing in this song is the blending and how these singers sound together. The whole group, and also spots that sound like duets. I love love'em. There are also oodles of outstanding solos throughout the dub. Ohmygosh, the group parts make me extremely happy. And this is two years old? Pfft. Pure win. About 3:02 and onward blows my mind.
*04 Sorafune / Second fave, hands down! Some more lyrics for reference. Some of the repeatedness of parts bothers me after a little while, but I love the melodies and once again; the beginning drew me right in. The first set of "Sono fune wo koide yuke..." etc lyrics sounds beautifully brilliant! Though it does sound like around 0:11ish maybe the singing and music are a little off from each other, but I don't know this song well enough to say.

*02 Keep the Faith / It took me a moment to figure out who this song is by; KAT-TUN. Lyrics for reference. Out of the remaining seven tracks (including this one), there aren't any songs that I really like. But as I listened to them all, this is probably top of my list. The beat is pretty rockin' and I rather like the chorus. And B!P totally brings the rock, and quite a bit of smexyness too.
The beginning is fab, the "No No No You show me the faith, kanarazu I'll keep it for you..." etc parts are catchy. I prefer the verses and pre-chorus overall though. I like how the individual singers sound on their solos and also on the smaller group parts. The rap is EPIC!! And the following part (2:44) is super. The SnM members are so talented, and don't disappoint.
*01 Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono / Whoa, those low notes in the first verse; they are low, lol, and the girls pulled them off well. I kind of like parts of this song, but not enough that I would pick it off a list of songs. I really like this group of singers, and they sound good on all the different parts. So I find myself enjoying anyways. I adore the "Wow wow wow wow"s, and I like the rap quite a bit, as well as the following part at 3:10.

*09 solitude ~Hontou no SAYONARA~
These two tracks are pretty cool actually. I think I even like them more that the previous two I mentioned. But the only spots I am sure of are the first two, so oh well. I'm not going to re-order everything, lol. 08 is fun, definitely catchy, with an upbeat chorus and many nicely hit notes. 09 has a gentle and lovely melody, it's smooth and relaxing.
*06 Seishun AMIGO
*07 Itoshi no NAPOLITAN
When it comes to these last two, the songs are just so so for me. You can't write a dub off simply because of song choice, but it really does have an influence on what you think of it. Sometimes I am totally in love with a dub, regardless if I dislike the song. But other times, I can't get into a dub because of the song. My dislike of it is a barrier. And these songs aren't really my thing. But awesome vocals, just as in the rest of the songs.
Yay, I'm glad you're checking out some of our subgroups =) BOYSTYLE is Kimitsu's brainchild, and while things have been going a bit slowly around SnM lately, hopefully with summer we'll have a lot of new release for you to peruse =)