ILU RAE & KAPPA. They've sent this my way, and we've casually talked about it, and Raebee has actually asked a few times if I was going to cover this. Probably cause she thinks it's as awesome as I do. I was going to start writing about this yesterday, but it got too late. My mother shakes her head at the amount of time I spend online; I simply tell her that there aren't enough hours in a day to do all that I want to.
Let's face it, with summer rolling around and things picking up -within the dubbing community and at my work- I'm probably going to be constantly in a state of catch-up. So just bare with me. At one point last month, I was talking about putting Blabodu on hiatus for the summer if things got too crazy, since I am only one person. But so far I'm sticking it out alright. Anyways, I'm getting offsubject; Back to Hana!
LOL I'm such an emotional dork. I get so crazy over the moon about things sometimes, especially if they're to do with dubs I really like (that automatically includes Hana). I only got as far as the second song in this concert and turned to complete mush. Like a snow cone on a hot day (omg I want one now). I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, seeing as I haven't written about the first song, the big smashin' kick off to this concert~
Full Member List;
[in order from 1st to 5th gen, but
listed in groups of 9 for simplicity]
Sayuri [Kappa] { さゆり } → orange lily
Suiren { すいれん } → lotus
Himawari { ひまわり } → sunflower
Ajisai { あじさい } → hydrangea
Satsuki { さつき } → azalea
Kanna { かんな } → canna
Kinsenka { きんせんか } → marigold
Mizuki { みずき } → dogwood flower
Sakura { さくら } → cherry blossom
Kiku { きく } → chrysanthemum
Tsubaki { つばき } → camelia
Akizakura { あきざくら } → cosmos
Shobu { しょぶ } → iris
Aoi { あおい } → hollyhock
Botan { ぼたん } → peony
Rina { りな } → jasmine
Kiri { きり } → paulownia flower
Nadeshiko { なでしこ } → pink dianthus
Asagao { あさがお } → morning glory
Hakuren { はくれん } → magnolia
Tanpopo { たんぽぽ } → dandelion
Momo { もも } → peach blossom
Ibara { いばら } → rose
Chika { ちか } → scattered flowers
Kikyo { ききょう } → bell flower
Chuurippu { ちゅうりっぷ } → tulip
Hinageshi { ひなげし } → poppy
Track 01 ~ Hello to You! / THE EPICNESS BEGINS! D'aw, I forgot how much I love Eggs. Though I'm more into the current ones and than the girls from back then. I think it's adorable that they start this off. For a full cast list (everytime), please refer to the drop-down section; it's too much to list it all here.
I love the verse melody in this song and all of the Hana girls who sing the the Egg's part do so fantastically! The blending is sensational! Sayuri (aka Kappa) is a master of mixing ~ it's like she whirls her magic wand and puts everything together seamlessly. Though we know it's really her skillz and dedication that get the job done. The end result is always so professional, so top notch that it could be the real thing.
I have high expectations when it comes to this whole concert, and I know that they will be met. Hana is an exceptional group of talented ladies, and the mixers of Hana (the team known as Kakei) combine the girls' individual awesomeness together. And what do you get? Dubs like this. Concerts like this. It's so real, so believable. You could put this entire vocal version on a DVD of this concert and people would just be like WOW and not know it wasn't something official.
Anyways, the first part of this (eggs only) is fabulous! I'm loving the verse. And the "la la la"s starting at 2:42 are so lovely! Then it gets even better as all 41 (if I counted right) parts sung by the full 27 members hits full force at 3:10. We already know very well by now that these girls blend brilliantly together, so it goes without saying that with most people taking on two singing roles, the awesomeness is just increased. Like the special metal in Stargate SG-1 that kajillatriples the might of the bomb. Only in a more happy, delightful and delicious bomb-of-epicness way.
I love the 'da ah ah~' at 3:15. The lyric is only "da" but some more syllables / sounds are added on with cute-attitude and it's so cool. All the "SAY HELLO"s are fun and wonderful sounding! And Ajisai's "Everybody say!" at 3:23ish is adorably awesome. This dub is mostly chorus, since the opening song is basically H!P saying hello, and thus Hana's hello to all us listeners and fans. Kappa's vocalizing at 3:53 is sounds fabulous! A great ending to a spectacular dub!
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