As the little info thing on the right side says, this is my blog where I blab about dubs. I started this whole blogging bit when I decided that I didn't know near enough about Morning Musume's early generations, or other H!P groups.
I didn't know who Yuko, Asuka, Aya, Kaori and Natsumi were! I also didn't know who Maiha from Berryz was, or Megumi from C-ute! And I'd never listened to a lot of the early shuffle groups, or the groups that are no longer active. That was the birth of H!PE (Hello! Project Education).
It was one of my best ideas, since it led to my discovery of so many amazing songs, and I felt like I knew a little bit better who's who in H!P. Not too long after, I believe it was Rae who asked me something about AKB48. If I'd listened to them before or such. When I told her no, she was like THMLEML?!? I then made a sort of sister-blog to H!PE, called A K B [E], again standing for education.
Not too long after, Rae was again my inspiration. She commented in one of my shoutboxes that I should make a blog about dubbing. The idea appealed to me, since I already loved leaving long comments on dubs. I took the idea and ran with it. And that is how Blabodu came to be. I thought of the name randomly, very randomly. I love this blog SO much now, and I thank everyone who supports me!!
Sadly, I put all of my focus, time and attention into this blog and so H!PE and A K B [E] have become inactive. I would really like to keep furthering my H!P and AKB48 listening and learning, but it's awful hard to find the time. Maybe one day I'll start them back up again. For now, Blabodu makes me immensely happy and definitely keeps me a busy little bee.

YT Username: MiriuOniaya
Call me: Aya, Ayachii, Ayachan, Ayarin, Aya-anything
Birthday: October 11th
Age: 20
Location: Northern Michigan, USA
Fave H!P girls: Yurina and Risa
Fave H!P group: Berryz Koubou
Music besides H!P: SCANDAL, Stereopony, SNSD, After School, YUI, Kara, Big Bang, AKB48, T-ara, Wonder Girls, f(x), Fahrenheit, S.H.E, Brown Eyed Girls, Tank, F.I.R, Kalafina, Hinoi Team, Supercell, Hey! Say! JUMP, Zwei, Younha, Aya Kamiki, AAA, etc.
Random other: I like to blog? lol. I'm a slash addict. I enjoy writing a little now and then. I adore Asian dramas, but I don't watch nearly enough. I loved Hana Kimi and I'm partway through Coffee Prince. Anime interests me but I don't have the resources or time to watch it really. I love to read online and offline.
I am a procrastinator when it comes to things like laundry, and my room can get really messy. I have a Pomeranian-Chihuahua named Suki that I love to pieces. I have three sisters, one of which I'm helping put through college, so I live with my parents. I dislike winter, flipflops and orange juice (apple FTW).
Green, blue and brown are my favorite colors, but I like other ones too. My fave kind of cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip. I drive a jade-green blazer and wear brown rimmed glasses (though I have a black pair too). Uhhh that's all I can think of for now.

If you'd like to get ahold of me for whatever reason, you can; PM me on YouTube, email me, add me to MSN, or add me to Skype. I use YT the most often, MSN the second most. I rarely get on Skype but I have it just in case, and I only check my email once every few days (if I remember to).
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[ Skype ] MiriuOniaya
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Blabodu: where I subscribe to & keep tabs on projects
BlaboduNP: " " on dubbers and soloists

Just this past May I started to take on guest & regular writers. My first reason was because at the time I was falling behind, having just come back from week off of work and struggling to juggle it and blogging.
The other reason was that I simply thought it'd be fun to read stuff from POVs other than my own. Including opinons by people who know how to mix, since I am clueless about it, lol. So here is some basic info about the wonderful people who have written for Blabodu.
~ [ KAPPA ] YT Username: xmikipinkux
Call me: Kappa, Kapparin, Cor, Sayuri, whateva!
Birthday: April 13th
Age: 21
Location: Missouri, USA
Fave H!P Girls: Takahashi Ai, Fujimoto Miki, Okai Chisato, LinLin, & Yaguchi Mari
Fave H!P Group: Morning Musume (second faves: Buono and Berryz Kobou)
~ [ IZUMI ] YT Username: faraBANG
Call me: Izumi, Izu-rin, Izu-zu, Zumi, Amaranth, Ama-muu, Aho!Ama, Fara, Farara.
Birthday: July 17
Age: 19
Location: Northern Indiana, USA
Fave H!P Girls: Takahashi Ai, Linlin, and Kusumi Koharu for MM. Suguya Risako and Tokunaga Chinami from Berryz. Suzuki Airi and Okai Chisato from C-ute. And Maeda Yuuka from S/mileage. I also really like Saho Akari.
Fave H!P Group: Tsukishima Kirari starring Koharu Kusumi, Milky Way, MoMusu, Berryz, Buono, and S/mileage, in no certain order.
~ [ HIKKI ] YT Username: DisturbedStrawberry
Call me: Hikki, Hikki-chan, Rina, Ricchan
Birthday: October 20th
Age: 17
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Fave H!P Girls: Miyabi, Reina, Chisato
Fave H!P Group: Berryz Koubou and S/mileage
~ [ AYUCHAN ] YT Username: ChiiAyu
Call me: Karen, ChiiAyu, Ayu, Chii, whatever.
Birthday: May 18th
Age: 21
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Fave H!P Girls: YOSSIE, Risako Sugaya, Miki Fujimoto, Rika Ishikawa
Fave H!P Group: Morning musume, Berryz Koubou, V-uden