Saturday, June 26, 2010


Wada Ayaka: Shaolin
Maeda Yuuka: Molly
Fukuda Kanon: Zoey
Ogawa Saki: Ayaka

Suki-chan by SWEET Delight / Yay! This is really good! Molly nailed her first solo, she sounds fantastic!! You can hear the difference, in mics or something, between her and Ayaka's following line, which is marvelous. Next is Zoey and uwah, she's cute+sweet! I like her "RU RU RU" ~ Shaolin at 0:29, kawaii! Not a very long solo, but super adorable.

0:43ish is the pre-chorus, which the gals are fabulous on! And then we reach the highlight of the dub, at least for me; the chorus!! It's my favorite part! I really like the group lines, like the "Kirawaretara" at 1:07. The second verse starts in at 1:30, I really like Molly's "Nareru ka naa" at 1:50. I sort of find the verses of this song boring, lol. One reason they don't catch my attention in this.

After another terrific pre-chorus (1:52), it's another round of the peppy and excellent-sounding chorus. I adore the "WOW(x3) FOREVER" part! And I find the little chanty-echoes SO cool & cute. The "Suki-chan"s at 2:27 are great! I've always loved that part of this song, and the girls sang'em wonderfully. Last chorus at 2:49 following the little instrumental break = fabulous. Molly caught my ear the most, but all of these lovely ladies did a sensational job.

Cast, In Order of Appearance:
Awai, Hayashi Ame, Logan,
suki-chan (A bit....confusing)

Night of Fire by Biscuit ROUGE / HINOI TEAM!! Ohmygosh, their music is not dubbed enough. This song is so crazy and funny, lol. Awai pwned this hardcore!! Ohmy, raburabu. Ame and Suki (if that's the right names?) could use a little more energy and volume overall. You can pick up on some very subtle energy in the way they sing, but it doesn't come across very well in the dub. Logan could use a but more umph, but he did pretty swell!

I don't have oodles to say about this. I like some parts more than others, and some things could use some work, more so individually. The "Night of Fire"s all turned out nice, but this song calls for a lot, and I think it was a little on the low side when it comes to line delivery and energy. Awai easily shines in this, but I give everyone props for singing this cool song. I really like all the groups in Totally Up!

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