Ookina ai de Motenashite by Eun Mi [eunmijjang] / fknwef kjnef ?!!?! This lady is crazy! "there were some unbearable parts" - WHAT? Whatever. I heard the first "Ookina ai..." and was like (*o*) Eun Mi could use a little more energy sometimes though, the beginning iss gorgeous but a little like robotic perfection. She has some kick-butt awesome vocals, just needs to add a little umph! to'em.
And she does have energy, just not all that consistently; the opening and the first verse are lovely, but she's killer on the first pre-chorus (0:34)! Ohmygosh, I love it ~ she sings wonderfully, with energy and emotion! Gah, such a pretty voice. Her first line is marvelous, and I adore her 'to' in the following "samishigariya da to" plus her "OH YEAH OH YEAH" is sweet.
Eun Mi also did a great job on the chorus; it and the pre-chorus are my fave parts, though the verses are still swell. The second verse did have some strain on higher notes, and I think the melody of the part can make it tricky to sound energetic on. But the chorus, throughout the dub, is terrific! Overall, she did a really good job on this!!

Moonlight Night by Rii [AzNxRawRx] / I'm not really a fan of this song. Same ol' really, lol. I don't like most overly repetitive songs. For example, I don't like The Manpower very much either. The beat is pretty cool and catchy, but I just don't care for it enough that I'd willingly pick it off a list of songs to listen to. Anyways!! The OPV is awesome, props to Homeschooledchick17
Song choice aside, Rii's vocals are magnificent! She sings with such PAWAA; strongly, with umph! It's makes her fun to listen to. D'aw, she likes this song a lot and recorded this purely for fun and had a good time doing so. That's awesome! She sounds fabulous on all of the "Moonlight Night"s parts, I especially like the ones in the chorus.
Rii's also good on the verses, but I like the chorus more. Her high notes are splendid throughout and her energy is addicting. I don't even like this song and I'm on my third listen. Her line delivery is passionate while at the same time you can really hear that she's having fun. I totally like this. Pure win.
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