Takahashi Ai - Celia
Niigaki Risa - AsunaSasaki
Tanaka Reina - Liana
Kamei Eri - Antoinette
Michishige Sayumi - Renna
Kusumi Koharu - Dani
Mitsui Aika - Tsuina
JunJun - Windy
LinLin - Rin
Nanchatte Renai (hosted by channelyopro) / L O L x a kajillion. This is actually one of my shared vids, so I'm sort of...'killing two birds with one stone' sounds so mean, poor birds, but that's essentially it. I kept laughing as I listened to this, it's so epic and entertaining. A total win by Yo!Pro. I don't even know what to say. If you haven't viewed this yet and are up for a good laugh, you totally need to check it out. Celia sounds fantastic! And whoever sang the operaish parts sounds so crazy awesome.

Song of Amazon, Giselle
Princess Pudding, Yukiki
Onegai Miwaku no Target by PURIMA (hosted by yoprohobos) / I know I have my dumb moments, but...is this really the PV for this song? *looks it up* Ohmygosh it is. WTF? I wonder what the lyric translation is, maybe it'd make sense. I have no idea who is singing when, and I don't think I really know any of the girls who participate in this, but regardless; I love this!! It sounds SO GOOD. I want an MP3! It's totally a keeper, something that's worth more than one listen. The cast sounds very lovely, and I'm liking the song's melody. Complete win.

Yume Kara Samete by Liana (hosted by superbestfureindozu) / Ohh Liana sounds so pretty!! Her drop-down description made me laugh a little, but this is not a dub one would lol at like some of the other dubs she partakes in. No no; this is beautiful. Liana did a magnificent job on this dub! *listens to again* Gawd I love her singing. It's not perfect, a few off notes, but who cares about that kind of thing when listening to such a lovely dub. It's wonderful~
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