Friday, June 25, 2010


IKPOPCovers / OMG I'm so excited about this! IKP + Kpop?! kfnjwef jkefnjkf. There are so so many awesome kpop songs, I'm hoping for a little SNSD but also for some other stuff too. Kpop can kind of be like H!P when it comes to dubbing; a lot of the same songs get picked. I'd like to hear a not-often-dubbed SNSD song as well as some of their more recent ones. Same goes for all of kpop. Surprise me, IKP!

I'm kind of going 'what the hell does 예쁜 mean?' since it's part of the name; 예쁜 ♦ Diamond. I'll have to find out from Taka or someone. ~ "Auditions close July 1st or Maybe sooner. We are dedicated into taking in a small amount of members since IKP is overly crowded as it is. If you do not make it this time, DON'T give up! AKB48 Auditions come in mid-July and Generation Four comes in September!"

Lilac / Violet / Amaranth
Amber / Heather / Aubergine
Cerulean / Emerald / Ruby

THE Manpower!!! by Fuantei / And since I'm already writing about IKP, why not check in with their latest? *deletes a bunch of text* I sit here saying how I don't like this song, and as I listen I'm like 'ohhh' every couple of seconds. In a good way. I think projects like Hana and IroKokoro can make me like songs that I didn't before. Really, it's the repetitiveness that gets on my nerves, but the melodies in this song are actually really cool.

This is a very energetic, PAWAA-filled song and this cast did a really good job on totally bringing it! All of the solos during the "Manpower" parts are fabulous! The loud / long / higher notes throughout all turned out awesomely! The group parts and duets are AMAZING. I love love love the blending. All of the girls sound fantastic!

My brain isn't functioning well enough right now to fully review this song. A) IKP has turned it to mush through epicness, and also B) I talked about another dub of this somewhat recently and I honestly don't think I can do so again & C) there is no indication of who sings when anyways.

I feel a bit bad, since it's been sent to me a few times. But if I attempt anything, it'll be pure rambles and guessing, lol. Thanks to those who shared with me. I'm more than happy to blog about it even briefly, so that people can learn of and listen to it's BRILLIANCE. I think I'm going to download it. Welcome back Lilac~

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