Saturday, June 26, 2010


Takahashi Ai: NaeHoshiChan
Niigaki Risa: AlieOngaku
Kamei Eri: AyunaDaisuki
Michishige Sayumi: lilspiritgurl
Tanaka Reina: KuriDesu27
Kusumi Koharu: Kannychan21
Mitsui Aika: Mati5fooly
Junjun: Kissfully
Linlin: aznfiregirl

Shouganai Yume Oibito by Yoshino Musume (SakuraProjecto) / Starting right into things, at 0:32 is Na/Ma. This song has quite a few duets in it, mainly in the verses. I don't know if I am hearing some part of Momusu in this song? Is there harmonies in the instrumental? It was somewhat tricky to pick out the girls' voices at first, which I guess could be considered cool 'cause it means that they blend well with MM. But after a second listen, I picked them out easy enough; they sound fabulous!

The verse duets are always followed by a solo, and the first one is Nae at 0:39. I almost didn't catch her "anata" because she's a bit quite on it and blended in with the background vocals, but she gained volume and the rest of her solo can be heard above them. She sounds wonderful and suits Ai's part well. 0:46ish Ku/Ka, I am definitely hearing one of them really well, though I can hear the second girl too. Overall they make a cute duo.

Following is Alie, ohmygosh total win. I LOVE her voice, it's gorgeous. So low and lovely. She sounds so so so good on her solo here. Imaaliefan. Her "ano hi" is especially epic. 1:01 is Ayuna leading off on the pre-chorus, which is made up of two short solos and another duet. Since they're so short, it's not much to go by, but from what I hear, Ayuna sounds marvelous! Spirit's at 1:04 on the second solo, she's a little bit on the quiet side, but very sweet.

1:08 is Ki/Az, and ohh so pretty. They sound great together, I really like their ending "ne" ~ Chorus time! The group parts are splendid! Though I'd like to hear the girls a little more than the music. Kuri at 1:36, the music is a little overwhelming (could be just on my end?) and so she's a bit buried beneath it, but you can still hear her. She's pitchy but has good energy and a kawaii voice. Nae's "Shouganai Yume Oibito" at 1:47 is lovely!

Al/Ki at 2:10, though Alie's strong voice dominates the duet, I barely hear Kiss. Not bad, but not very balanced. 2:17 is another awesome solo by Alie. I adore the light vibrato on her "ne" and I noticed that she has great pronunciation. Not that everyone else doesn't, I just picked up on it while listening to her as opposed to listening to a different part of the song. 2:25 is Ay/Az, whoa I really like how they sound together! I'm loving the blending.

In true Momusu fashion, not everyone gets a fair share of solos in this song. Mati, Kanny, Kiss and Azn have none, but they most certainly contributed to the dub as a whole, so props to them. Such as the marvelous Ka/Ma duet at 2:46. More chorus follows ~ ohmygosh, this song is starting to grow on me. I've never disliked it exactly & it's never been a fave. But the chorus is kind of catchy.

Ayuna at 3:00, her whole "shiteru te ni namida ga ochite yuku" is great, though I especially like her 'yuku' ~ I have to say, Alie draws my attenion the most and I think she shines in this. Her 3:15 solo is AWESOME! Energy and passion, a strong delivery, and then her "shukufuku dekiru kana" UWAH raburabu. Yay! Spirit has the 3:25 "Shouganai Yume Oibito" and she's terrific on it! Very sweet+cute+pretty. Ohmygawd, violin in the instrumental *swoon*

Nae nailed her 3:42 solo! And following her is a ton of small groups switching off on the lines of the last two rounds of the chorus. Kuri's "Shouganai Yume Oibito" at 2:35 is really cute, before Ku/Ka/Ma finishes off the dub nicely. Gosh, I wrote a lot *shot* Overall this is wonderful~

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