I know I've basically just covered a bunch of dubs by the same people so far, but I kept seeing a few names repeated on my subs list so I covered'em for two reasons. A) cause I hadn't listened to anything super recent from either dubber and was truly interested & B) to honestly get them off my subs list so it wasn't so busy, lol.
I'll catch up on project releases and other things tomorrow, and whatever I don't get done will be probably be covered in BTW (Back Track Weekend). It's already late, so this'll be my last entry before bed. Thanks for the positive feedback on my new banner! I have around 10 files saved of different things I tried before finally finishing, and it makes me feel good to know that my final pick is cool.
That should mean one thing to y'all; Hana Project! They are still releasing 2010 versions of dubs, often times by a different group or with a different cast than before. There are currently about 10 redo dubs up on Hana's channel, and I believe there are more to come!
21ji made no Cinderella by Hazakura / I adored the energy and how awesome everyone sounded! Failage at knowing who is singing when, but I love'em all anyways. There were a few spots where wrong notes could be heard, I think mostly during the chorus, but nothing super horrible. I have mixed feelings about this song, but I enjoyed the dub. Welcome new members Tanpopo, Rina and Asagao! & Congrats to Tanpopo on her debut with HP!
Mikan by Hana Project / OH EM GEE!!! I think I need to fully cover this. But I'll do some shameless plugging here tonight while I'm freshly fangirling. EPIC. FANTASTIC. SPECTACULAR. GIVES AYA EAR-ORGASM. First off, I love this song. Secondly, I love the Hana girls. 1 + 1 may equal 2. But that + this = KABAM.
Message of Regret [A request by her 50th subscriber] / She knows that the high notes weren't the best, but she's getting over a cold; so it's understandable. There was really only one really screechy part, and then just noticable strain on the rest of the high notes. Even so, parts of this are pretty. Not all dubs can be the best, and dubbing isn't all about that anyways. Plus, this dub was a gift of sorts; so it's the thought and effort that counts!!
Kimi Monogatari / Ohh! Now that's more like it; this is more her range! No strain, only her lovely vocals. I really like the upbeat tempo of this song, the melody is pretty kick-butt too. Not a very long dub, but animezirow did a fabulous job; she sounds so good!
Chocolate Love, f(x) version / !! I love this song, so bonus points for song choice, even more for taking a crack at kpop (which is awesome). Freaking A. She sounds so flipping fantastic!! I would love to hear a full version of it cause it's so epic! I'm glad you get to hear some verses and chorus; animezirow sang both wonderfully. I really like her harmonies and self-group parts!
It's finally done! I don't know which of y'all saw it, but before I went to bed I got a random idea for a banner. It was. . . .incomplete, but I left it up all day. Ew, Aya. So when I got home and saw how ugly the top of my page looked I had to fix it. And I think it turned out pretty well, for someone who just screws around in MS paint, lol.
I put HanaPro as the biggest because when I first started this blog, I chose them as my main feature. Then I spread out to cover other groups as well, but I still think I talk about HP the most. If your project isn't in the banner, don't be sad/mad. I couldn't fit everyone up there (more OCDness about arranging names), so I mostly went for the groups that I've covered frequently and/or well established projects.
Enough rambling, on to the dubs!!
As I mentioned yesterday, there are a few channels that had many recent releases. So I think I am going to do a mini-entry on them, starting off with HanaChiiru!
Joonyoung: Maria [teukkiesangel] Taegu: Chloe [dumastoryy] Dongwook: Ashley [miyuki002] Byungkyu: Chi [hanachiiru]
Crazily Pretty, originally by DNT / Ohmy, this is insanely catchy. I love the beat of the song, and everyone sounds so good! I love the chorus! The rapping parts were awesome, and I like how the autotune sounded on the verses. I don't think I've ever listened to anything by DNT, so I have no clue who is singing when, lol.
I can't stop listening to this! I would adore having the MP3, I just might ask for it. Oodles of lines sounded very sexy, so props to these gals for putting in good character. There were a teeny tiny amount of offish notes overall, but they didn't take away from the fabulousness of the dub in any way.
Changmin: Britt [brbcool8] Yoochun: Chi [HanaChiiru] Junsu: Carrie [broadwaypirate1106] Jaejoong: Mer [misssaipan] Yunho: Megan [eyeLUVmusic34]
MIROTIC, originally by TVXQ / Meh, can't say I'm a fan of the song. I find the verses of the song kind of annoying, but the chorus is pretty cool. Catchy. I really love how everyone sounds together!! The blending is marvelous. *listens more* yeah, the chorus is definitely my favorite part of this dub, the rap my second fave. The verses were well delivered (awesome emotion/character too), but the chorus is just kick-butt. Nice cast!
Ai think so, cover by Chi / So pretty!! Chi sounds amazing autotuned. I really liked the beginning, though all of the dub was wonderful. I prefer the verses to the chorus; I like the melody more and how she sounds on them. Chi hit all of the higher notes super well, and did an all-around great job on this!
Lovegazer, cover by Chi / Ohh, such a simple yet pretty melody. I think I like this solo more, though all of Chi's dubs are splendid! Again, she sounds great autotuned; no off notes. But her fabulous singing is enjoyable; with or without it.
And lastly!! Chi recently opened up auditions for a cover of SNSD's Cooky.
gkjerngjkrwngjk ! I see so many dubs I want to listen to. But I'm freaking lame and again put off blogging to do random things. I guess they weren't so bad though; did laundry, semi-cleaned my bathroom and ate ice cream - Fun fact about Aya: she cannot pull (a lot of) hair out of the shower drain without almost losing the contents of her stomach - I'm weak, lol. But I did enjoy my icecream, mhmm.
HanaPro, Aika, HanaChii, animezirow; I could write an entry a piece about each one's recent dubs! And I will darn sure try to, tomorrow! My not-blogging-enough is putting me behind. It's not like work/homework where I have to get stuff done, but I feel accomplished and happy when I do. Anyways! One last share before bed~
If You Can Dream by SweetPoffin / For all y'all Disney fans. I love Elsie's singing! She did so much for this dub, ohmy. All of the parts and harmonies! Her mature voice is so lovely, though she sounded real sweet too at times; this is such a pretty song. Elsie is so good at singing as different characters. I've said it before; if she ever gets into voice acting like she hopes, I will totally buy whatever she's in. Enjoy this pretty dub. I'm off to bed~
The six singles are ; SHALL WE LOVE? by Kaori Basket Yellow Melodies by Kaori Basket Blue / HAPPY SUMMER WEDDING by SEIKA Koi no Jubaku by Kaori Basket Green / Aitakatta! by HinaGIKUrabu Sexy Night ~ Wasurerarenai Kare by KB Orange
Also released was Kaori Basket Yellow's 2010 Winter Concert; Ikimasshoi! Yellow Miracle Night. It has 20 songs!! Everything was released on Tuesday, and the A sides were uploaded on their YouTube the next day. Downloads and lyrics are up on their website, and each single has it's own member-made cover.
For the KB groups; each of the colors sang an A and B side (the A side being the name of their single), with their teams' versions of Good Morning and Dounikashite Doyoubi as extra, bringing the numbers of tracks per release to four. SEIKA's single only had an A & B side, and HinaGIKUrabu's had a total of three tracks.
I didn't listen to all of the songs tonight, but I did like Happy Summer Wedding. There were also some not-so-recent releases on KB's channel, including Kaori Basket Purple'sNanchuu Koi wo Yatteru YOU KNOW? - I love that song! And the dub turned out pretty good. I'll have to listen to all of them, plus B sides and some of KBY's concert, but it's too late tonight~
As I said when I put it up, this past poll was a bit random. And funny enough, after I put it up I heard a lot of First Kiss dubs and at least two of Nanchatte Renai. At first I thought FK would win, cause it was leading in votes. But then NR fought back, and the two were neck-and-neck until the end. The very end! This was almost a tie, but FK won by one vote!
! ! ! Two of the previous polls had a total of 35 voters. This time around there were 41! I felt so mushy-happy when it got into the 30s again, and even more so when it went up another 11 votes. It makes me incredibly happy that people like this blog of mine ;w; Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote.
There wasn't exactly a reason behind choosing these two songs, except that I'd heard several dubs of them and I was curious as to which was prefered. Not only personal preference, but in a dubber/mixer's opinon. I like First Kiss, but Nanchatte really pushes my happy-button. I like the melody & beat more, and also the rapping. Plus there are more girls, instead of just Airi + two.
I would think that Nanchatte is harder to mix, with the rap and all the different parts and the number of girls. FK seems a little easier, with only the three girls and a non-complicated melody. But I don't actually know, I'm only guessing. Plus everyone has their strong and weak points in singing; some are good at slower songs & some aren't - some are great at rapping and singing faster songs & some aren't. So as for dubbing preference, it kind of depends on the dubber.
And when it comes to video versions, I really like watching/listening to the dubs with the newer lineup of Aa (Airi, Miyabi, Akari), concert version. It's more entertaining for me. And with Nanchatte I like the black-outfits warehouse PV, though I also really like the concert versions when the crowd is added in! If I had to pick one to sing, personally, it'd be First Kiss; cause I'd epic fail Nanchatte. lol. But I'll likely listen to a NR dub any day over one of FK.
Miyako (miyakochanx3) asked me to help her spread the word of her recently begun project; Kiseki Project. I of course couldn't resist, so I'll share with y'all the little that I know! Auditions for the first generation have started, and there are only five open spots!
"This project will be covering a variety of songs going from different groups in H!P to some JE songs!" So we can look forward to releases by groups under those companies/labels/whatever. The rules are listed in the drop-down info section, plain and simple. Auditions end May 28th! One cool thing about KP is that "the group will choose together what song they would like to sing."
I actually recieved notice of this the other day, but I was blog-lazy for a day and also waiting for the right entry to fit it into. This one is perfect cause it's an entry all about auditions, lol. Strawberryz Project isn't taking on another generation, they are looking for new members to fill up the open spots in their current groups! SP is all about being an active dubbing group, thus bringing about these auditions.
As usual with auds, all the info you'll need is listed in the drop-down info section. There is a form to fill out if you want to apply, including 'song votes' - the possible members-to-be get to cast their vote on which song will be dubbed next (according to group)! There is also a chance of shuffle groups! "if you want you can request I open some shuffle groups."
H!! - Give me an A! - A!! Give me an N! - N!! Give me another fricking A! - A!!! *cheerleader peppy attitude + imaginary pompoms* What's that spell? EPIC! No, crowd. It spells HANA. But you read my mind, cause my next question was; AND WHAT IS HANA? And that's where you go- *crowd cuts Aya off* EPIC!!!
Uhh, don't ask me where that came from. I was a band geek in high school, harboring no cheerleader envy. I swear. Anyways! I feel so much better because A) as I glance at my subscripitons list I see that I'm not way behind even though I was lazy and B) cause I have BTW (Back Track Weekend) to fall back on for all of the dubs that I might not get to right now.
Time for some HanaPro! (As if y'all didn't see that coming, lol)
Blue Rose by SKR48 / Kappa spoils me. Y'all just don't know it. The first time I heard this I thought it was great, but I admit that I didn't pay it enough attention. jklfnwjkfnewjkfn !! This is freaking SPECTACULAR *savors MP3* I really really really like this.
I completely adore the way Hina and Chuu sound together on their duets, and the group parts are killer! I love the rockin' vibes of this song and all the girls did a fantastic job on putting emotion into their singing. Sayuri and Nade did awesomely on the solos during the verses, and the chorus blew my mind! Definitely & easily a favorite of mine from the Hana girls.
Be Your Girl (2010 Ver) by Tane / "Some of these girls have been featured in other Hana releases, but this is their first single all together. . . .this is Hinageshi's official debut!" So says the awesome Kiri, leader of Tane (HP's egg group), and also the mixer of this dub. Congrats girls!!
There was some pitchiness on the first round of solos, but (even though I don't love this song, it's just okay) the chorus is really good! I loooove the way the girls sound together, and the sweet simple melody really suits this group. The rest of the lines were delivered well and sounded wonderful!
Actually, after a few listens the song grows on you some. Mainly due to the fabulous vocals that fill your ears. "I think it's challenging for some to sing slow songs, and y'all displayed the right emotion for this" - I totally agree with Aoi! And to go along with what Chuu said, I think this is the "right amount of cute and mature."
Kago Ai : Suiren [ nephiminechan ] Tsuji Nozomi : Ajisai [ homeschooledchick16 ] Mika Todd : Botan [ missgumbiecat ] Takahashi Ai : Sayuri/Kappa [ xmikipinkux ]
Crazy About You by Tanemoni / I'm not crazy about the song; I just like parts of it. The same does not apply to the singers though, who sound splendid!! The beginning speaking part by Botan is cool, all of the solos throughout are good, and as always; the group parts are amazing because the blending is so spot on!
There are oodles of pretty/well-hit notes in this that make my ears happy. I love Suiren and Ajisai's singing (in this and every flipping dub I've ever heard them in); they are both super talented. Suiren sounds adorable and Ajisai has such a wonderful cute/mature voice.
The held notes following the chorus are fantastic! ohmygosh. When I heard the first one at 1:26 by Kappa, I was like (OwO) cause she sounds sooooo good. Definitely a highlight in this dub for me. Suiren (2:27) and Ajisai (3:00) also each sang a held note, both awesome. Kappa did a great job on Ai's lines in this song!
I really liked the little rapping parts in this dub! It's only twice, and the girls go back and forth in sets of two; 0:55 is Suiren and Botan, & 1:55 is Ajisai and Kappa. Lol, the first time through I thought this was good, but the song threw me off. Now seven or something listens later, I find myself actually really liking this. The chorus is super catchy, and this is overall delightful to listen to since it's the Hana girls singing it. Fabulous job ladies!
!!! Sorry I didn't blog yesterday! I couldn't get into the right mood for it, and my attention span last night couldn't handle it. LOL. Instead I spent most of my night looking into NMAcon and catching up on my reading. Well, I started an entry but it wasn't much of one and I never finished it.
I had my YT subscribed list opened all night, but never did anything with it. Until I (for the kajillionth time) saw this dub, beckoning me to click it. And since I adore Liana and Yoproject, I did! OH to the EM to the GEE (GEE GEE GEE GEE).
Bump Bump by Liza & Liana feat. Koolmon (yoproject) / *mouth agape as the epicness washes over her* gvfoeswnfjkewnfkjwfnewk fuwah ! ? The beginning blew my mind like TNT, in a beautiful way. I saw quite a few people say it and I must agree; this sounds so professional! You could put this up for sale, and people would be like; hells yeah! Koolmon's rap is fan-freaking-tastic! And the girls sound amazing!!
Bah, I'm getting distracted again ;w; *shakes up brain in attempt to get it focused and working* Sorry if this entry is an epic fail. I'm not focusing well again. Anyways! I think I've mentioned before how epic of a 3rd Gen IKP has, and if I haven't yet, then I'm doing so now!! Just looking at the list of names makes me ridiculously happy about all of the awesome, totally lovely, & skilled new additions.
First Kiss by Ransuu (IroKokoroProject) / LOL, I can't help but find it funny that it's this song. That's why I put the current poll up, cause I'd seen so many dubs of this song lately. And actually quite a handful of Nanchatte Renai too. And I must say that this is fabulous! I'm glad Takara went with the 2010 version of this, since I prefer this trio. Plus concert dubs are always short but sweet, and more interesting.
These three gals sound super wonderful!! Emerald did a magnificent job on Airi's part. I would have loved to hear Rosaceous more, but I know I will get to in future releases. And as Takara mentioned, I heard Periwinkle in Going On by Amai. She did awesomely in this release as well, even though she claims she ruined it. Pwsh pftt.
All of the lines/solos in the first part of the song were marvelous! I liked Rosa and Peri's duet at 0:50, they sound great together. The blending on all group parts is epic. Overall, the energy was at a really good level. Emerald did well on the high notes on the verses/chorus. The little solo bit starting about 0:46; I loved her first two longish notes, she hit them spot on. But the others towards the end of the line sounded a little off to me.
A short but ear-pleasing little dub. UWAH! I'm so glad that these three talented ladies made it into IKP! This is the debut for Emerald and Roseceous, so huge congrats to them!! Thanks to Takara for sharing this with me.
Or at least let me forever bind myself to y'all as a devoted fan. Cause I am having a major fangirling moment right now. Wanna know why? Because of their most recently formed group; AOI BARA! jeswngjkrnj hjehjgrknh jkgneswjknjrg ! ! !
They are to cover female rock bands! And their first release had me squealing madly in my chair; Hitohira no Hanabira by Stereopony! This is the first song I ever heard by Stereopony, and since then I have listened to and loved their other singles.
The other well known female rock group I am crossing my fingers for; anything by SCANDAL. I love just about every song they've ever come out with. Uh, I'm racking my brain for other possibilities. *AN HOUR+ PASSES* I got distracted by the Amazing Race, food and reading. Not exactly in that order.
BUT! I got lucky and Kappa was on, and then Buggy added me via Raebee, so now I have a little more information! Well actually, I just have some groups they are thinking/planning of dubbing; SCANDAL, Stereopony, & Zone! And there is also the possibility of Do as Infinity, Judy & Mary, and Day After Tomorrow.
I have listened to this well over 20+ times in a row. No lie. The song is 3:35 in length. 20 x 3 is 60. 35 x 20 is 700 / 60 is about 12. So that's at least an hour and 12 minutes I've spent listening to this dub over and over and over again. I never tire of it. By the time I'm done with this entry I'll probably be nearing 30 times.
I love all of the girls' singing, cause they're all crazy talented and I'm so glad they share their enchantingly rockin' made-of-win vocals with us. I was excited to hear Ibara/Chiiayuchan in this group!! She's part of the still-somewhat-new 5th gen. Plus the totally amazing Satsuki and Kanna, on top of the wonderful & madly skilled Kinsenka!! What an epic cast.
I love every single second of this dub, every flipping line, and since that means I have a heck of a lot to ramble on about, I'm going to refrain from doing so. But I just had to share this spectacular new group with y'all, and get some fangirling out of my system.
SHOCK by °C-ustard (cremeproject) / This isn't my favorite song, and it hardly counts as a groupdub (*glares at H!P*), but none-the-less I think this turned out really good. I love when everyone sings together!! Like the lines before the chorus, before the "shock, shock" & also on the chorus. Sayuri tackled the high notes well and sounds lovely. I think so, and bunch of other people think so too; she's got mad skillz and a voice we all adore listening too.
Nanchatte Renai by Shuensha (HoshiDubs) / LOL. I'm sitting here fangirling before I even listen since I really like this song, and then as the Momusu girls start moving on the screen, I wait for the music. . . .and wait. Then I realized that I had turned my headphones off when the phone rang. imadork.
The volumes seem a little odd to me. Like, idk. Parts seemed too loud at times and distracted me from listening to the singers, and I think I was picking up on some static throughout? Could just be me though. Also some off notes here and there, but regardless of the little things; I totally enjoyed this!
First of all, cause the song pwns. And 'cause even though it's not the best ever, I know that everyone really tried. I can hear it in the many many energetic lines! So props to all these lovely ladies for their gung-ho-ness. This is a keeper~
Celeste / Aqua / Amaranth Heather / Pearl Pink / Amber
Soku Dakishimete by Bishoujo (IroKokoro Project) / The first track off of their third single, "There's still time." I'm having a slow-moving thought-process out of now where right now. Probably cause it's been like seven hours and I'm hungry again, lol. On my eighth or so time through this dub, and I must say even though it probably could have been a notch better overall, I still think it came out really well!! Definitely worth a listen. All of the girls sound great!
And to finish this entry off, here is a preview of Rival by Nikkou (HoshizoraDubs) ~
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda groupdub, hosted by aurorazx / jihbfejwkfkwfn. It's been a bit since I listened to this song, or even a dub of this song; and this one is fantastic! I love the way these four sound together!! And all of the solos were killer (I mean that in a good way. Like; durh, my brain cells are dying from the awesomeness).
I don't know for sure if these go in order of hearance? So I'll just go by the first four solos. Everyone had good energy and did well on the fastly-sung verses. 0:28 - ohh, lovely voice, well delivered solo! 0:37 - One of those mature-ish voices that still sounds cute. 0:46 - freaking adorable! 0:55 - Loving the maturity, and the little bit of vibrato I heard. All of the girls have fabulous vocals, and did good at giving their lines character.
The solos at 3:07, with less backing music, were amazing! Anywho, if I tried to do the rest of the song I know I'd get confused about who's singing when. Plus I already fully covered this, back when Yamabuki (HanaPro) released it. But y'all should totally have a listen to this groupdub!! This dub was requested/shared by Faefae (nytefaerie)~
"lover's creme and my pudding" (Aisu Kuriimu to MY PURIN) the latest from alo!kira project / ohemgee - ILU! whoever made/offered up the color coded lyrics; it makes things so much easier. This is one big fabulous mix of cute & sexy. Or should I say, DIRTY & SUGARY SWEET, lol. It's a little bit of both, and a delight to listen to.
I wasn't sure who the first solo was, cause it's not colored & I think it just got missed. But I'm a smart cookie (lol, who took a few minutes to figure it out)! I believe it is Yuri, cause there is a pattern where whoever sings the first two solos, duets together on the next line. And since 0:26 is Yuri & Noeruu, and 0:24 is Noeruu; it makes sense that 0:22 is Yuri. Uwah! imadorkwhooveranaylzesthings.
Anyways, they both sound great on the opening lines of this dub! I also liked the following trio, which is the other three girls (Okie, Risa, Izumi). This pattern continues throughout the song; solo1, solo2, 1/2 duet, 345trio. I really like how the distribution is! You get to hear all the girls, plus different combos, on top of the awesome full-group parts. Nice mixing too.
0:29 is Okie, killing me with her kawaii voice. I liked "shite" at the end of her line. Risa at 0:31, I never tire of her lovely mature vocals. Gah, the blending overall is flippin' epic! 0:39 to 0:54 are all really good solos as well! Again, I'm glad that you get a good listen of each gals' wonderful singing. Izumi has great energy!
I don't like this song's chorus as much as the other parts, but it still sounds great! I adored Yuri's"SUTEKI." I mean, it is catchy and fun. idk. Maybe it'll grow on me. Noeruu has a very sweet voice, but she was a little quiet sometimes. Could use a little more umph! Sing loud & proud, girly! Risa's"FUTARI" at 2:15 was pretty, nice vibrato.
1:44 is Izumi, sounding splendid. I know I already mentioned it, but she has a great energy level, probably the best. I liked Okie's"minna ni tou wa" solos at 1:55 and 3:02; short but sweet. 3:15 was a really good line for Yuri! Her "yana no" was nice. All three solos at 3:07 were marvelous (Risa, Okie, Yuri)! Yay Noeruu, it was cool to hear her with a little more umph on her 3:30 line.
And Izumi's"SUTEKI" ends this song on a lovely note. Really a good groupdub! This was a request on my end, from back when I last covered alo!kira. Izumi (faraBANG) was the one who remembered, and was sweet enough to send it my way~
The above image was print screened from HoshiDubs' latest video; auditions for the (currently) only open spot in what will be their 2nd Gen of Shuensha. They close May 1st, so you've only got this week to put in your application! Here is the link to the video, where you can read the rules and post your audition. And since I never covered it, here is their most recent release for y'all to enjoy;
Chi (HanaChiiru) is holding auditions for various collabs that she wants to do including; Sakura Mankai (Momusu), Otakebi Boy WAO & Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda (Berryz Koubou), Lollipop (Big Bang/2NE1), Etude & Girls' Generation (SNSD).
Everything is well outlined and organized! I know that I am definitely looking forward to when these are released; especially the SNSD songs and Sakura Mankai, cause I'd never heard it before this and it's beautiful! There are a lot of open spots, so don't hesitate to audition!
Also, don't forget! Yo project's forums have a section all about projects and cover groups (H!P, Kpop, JE, Broadway, etc) where many are calling out for participants. Just look for the code [AUDITIONING] before the thread title when browsing.
Going On by Amai (IroKokoroProject) / I don't think I've ever actually listened to this song. Probably because I'm not a huge fan of the songs by Guardians 4 (even though I adore the H!P girls). I have to agree with what was said in the comments, "after hear Amai's version I just ... LOVE IT *-* It doesn't sounds like the original, it sounds even better, A LOT BETTER THAN THE ORIGNAL."
I was not expecting the autotune, but it sounds pretty cool! Everyone suits their part so well!! This could be G4 singing right now! Ohmy. The blending is EPIC and the group parts blow my mind. Probably one of the best releases I've heard from IKP. It sounds so real, so professional. I want to just fangirl over these girls *downloads MP3 right away*
I love this. I am in love with this. Super props to Takara for mixing this, and to all the girls for sounding so amazing. The beginning group part at 0:18 is freaking fabulous, as are all of the parts where they sing together. The perfect level of blending is immensely ear pleasing, and Aya pleasing.
0:49 is Amaranth starting the solos off; I adore her singing. Y'all probably know this from my previous ramblings about her. I can't help it, she always sounds so kick-butt. Congrats Periwinkle! This is her debut in IKP as the first member of generation 3, Akarui. It's her at 0:52. She did a fantastic job as Risako, and pwned her solos. Her singing is so full of win.
Let's all give Amber our 'get better soon' wishes! Being sick is lame, but she still sang for us and sounds awesome. 0:57 is her first line and I love it. Nakki at 1:00 - wait, I mean Celeste. She just sounds so cute, spot on, and Nakki-like I could have been fooled. I adored her ending "ne" - it's so pretty.
The following set of solos (1:04-1:16) were just as wonderful. All of the pronounciation in this dub sounds great (to my untrained ears, but I followed along over and over, and it seemed good to me)! The girls sing clearly and so well, that it's super easy to understand what they are saying. Everything is on beat and the energy is super! 1:17 is such a catchy beat, and just another part of this song that the Amai girls nailed. I really liked the last line, "Asa wa kuru kara."
3:27 gave me shivers. Good shivers. So flipping marvelous. I loved all of the solos there. EPIC. I adore this dub to pieces. Amaranth rocked her "ROKKU ON" and her entire short but magnificent solo. Periwinkle follows at 3:30 sounding sweet and pwning those higher-ish notes. 3:34 is Amber and her "Going On" was so fun/good!! And the last solo is Celeste at 3:37 who sounds as cute as ever, liked her "ku."
It kind of sucks that this doesn't have tons of solos, cause it doesn't give me much to comment on individually. And the song does get a little repetitive after so many listens, but that can't be helped. The pure epic win that this dub is outshines anything that can be picked at. I loved this~
And on a side note, when peeking at IKP's channel I saw that their 3rd Gen has been added! Congrats ladies! I'm so excited for this group, cause it's packed with talented, friendly, wonderful dubbers. Akarui (明るい) is ~
I got sidetracked by browsing through SnM singles and also did some reading on & off. And then I ate and got distracted by detective shows on TV. So I feel like I haven't accomplished very much today; lameness. Anyways!
I just peeked at Martha (missgumbiecat) 's blog Genki Almost Idol and had a little squeak-fest over the mentioning of my blog. She didn't even say much, but I felt sky high. Congrats on the 200 subscribers, girly!!
Also! I saw two of the dubs she featured; one is from an adorable girl I wasn't subscribed too (I have fixed this); LLawlitaxDD singing Otona ni narutte muzukashii. And the other was a dub I just didn't happen to click on in the sea of vids on my sub list; Pepper Keibu by AzNxRawRx. So I wanted to give a shout out about the two of them and send y'all over to Martha'sblog.
I feel a little bad that a lot of the dubs on my subs list don't get mentioned, or I don't get the time to listen to them all. So a thought just struck me and I'm going to run with it. I'm going to do a little something, idk what to call it. Back Track Weekend?
Saturdays and Sundays are (currently) my most free days, so it'll probably end up happening on one of the two. I'm going to click back as far as YT will let me go on my Subscriptions and do a set up similar to when I'm covering auditions. So that even if I don't cover everything, I'm still listening to as many as I can.
Sun 04.18 - Sat 04.24
*CherryxJuice / Shouganai Yume Oibito (04.19) Lucy has such a lovely mature voice, I can't help but like it. She had pretty good energy, and I think this is a good song for her. Some of the notes in the chorus are a little up there for her, but she hit them all wonderfully.
*MiraiLai duet with Rasubelly / Ajisai Ai Ai Monogatari (04.19) I adored the beginning! Both of these ladies sound marvelous, they make a good duo. The energy was kind of half½ some parts had it, and some could have used a sinch more. But the blending is splendid and I liked the chorus. Congrats to Lai on reaching 100 subscribers!
*twilightlegendhp / Shouganai Yume Oobito (04.20) The title track in Twilight Legend's 13th single. Homg, this is so good!! I freaking love the way all the girls sound together. All of the lines were spot on, and the duets/solos were awesome!
I don't know if it's just my settings, but the volume level seemed a little loud? idc, this is a fabulous release. This is the last single with the group for participating members Reirae (1st Gen) and Mari (3rd Gen). Reirae will remain a part of Totally Up! and Mari's official status is fully graduated.
*moamelody / I Don't Care (04.20) Hands down, my current favorite kpop dubber. She is flipping amazing. MoA always brings such character to her dubs, blows the roof off with her energy and just flat out wows you with her vocals. I'm not a huge 2NE1 fan, but MoA pwning this song and made me adore listening to her version of it. I like everything about this dub.
*michigopyon / Misc covers (04.20) Ohmy, Pyon sounds so insanely adorable/great!! I haven't listened to anything by her in a long while, and it was really enjoyable to hear her again. Super kawaii. It's too bad that she probably won't finish these dubs, cause they're really good. I do look forward to whatever she does release next, since her singing is brilliant.
*FreeMusicify / Kiddy Grade Opening (04.21) The song didn't exactly float my boat right off the bat, but it's kind of catchy after a few listens. Vera has a lovely voice that I really really like listening to. It's mature and just has this unique sound to it that I love, idk how to explain it.
*miyuki002 / FIRE collab (04.22) Epic! I loved the beginning speaking part, and all the different parts sung by the different girls sound fantastic! I think I've listened to this dub before, maybe I found it through one of the forums? Or I listened to it before off my subs and don't remember? idk. This is really good!
*LovablexKarupin / Mayonaka no Shadow Boy REUPLOAD (04.23) fewkjfnkwgnwr. I adore this song and Karu sounds so goooood singing it! I love her voice, and how she sounds with herself. She sings clearly and has great energy! Both the verses and the chorus were wonderful. I would love a MP3 of this, I just might have to ask her. Definitely worth a listen.
Annnnd that's it! The beginning of next month will bring more BTW~ I have a headache and can't focus, so I'll cover the rest of what I have plans for from today (04.24), when I get on tomorrow. Plus whatever else pops up on my subs list while I sleep. OH & Thanks to all the awesome people who leave me messages in my shoutbox. I may not always reply, but I read everything that goes in there and it makes me feel insanely happy.
ILU Michi, Tomomo, Chiiayuchan, Kappa, Aika, Faefae, Ajisai, Raebee, Miya, Sayuri, Martha, Chiyo, Amaranth, Buggy, Takara, Rixie, Okie, Amaya, Rii, Jess, Risa, Izumi, Liana, Elsa, Kristy, anyone I may not have mentioned, and everyone who takes the time to read Blabobu! I'd give everyone a color, but there isn't enough variety and I'd likely get OCD about arranging names & colors, lol. Nightnight my sweets~
I had just started into this when my older sister asked me to help her with highlighting her hair. So I spent most of my morning pulling little pieces of hair through a cap with holes in it, followed by wearing gloves and wielding a flat sticky-thing & purple colored goo. Fun fun. But her best friend is getting married today and she's the maid of honor; so I helped her out.
Darnit, I think my allergies are acting up. I guess you can develop them, cause I never had'em before last year and now I'm getting them again. My head hurts a little, & I sniffling. On top of that I'm mega hungry. But y'all know what?
I'm in a fabulous mood~ You bodily functionings won't get me down! Can't promise that my entries this will be utterly fabulous right now though, lol. Anywho, onwards!!
Iroppoi Jirettai from CSS (hosted by Chiiayu) / This song has grown on me so much; I love it. And anything by CSS is awesome! Thanks to Chiiayuchan for sharing with me ♥ This is a really great group; the duets are marvelous, I adore the chorus, the blending is consistent and wonderful, and I really liked the "SEXY ISLANDS" in this. I won't be fully covering, since I wrote a freaking book on the other Iroppoi Jirettai dub I listened to. But everyone sounds really really good!!
I noticed that sometimes people dueted with themselves, lol. The first solo by Luinestel niggled at my mind, and then I double checked and saw that it was all her. But this song had a lot of parts and was dubbed with half the number of girls, so it makes sense. Nice mixing! There were oodles of super parts that I could ramble on about, I'm sure. But let's just say I loved this to lovely little pieces~
Kimagure Princess (Autotuned) a Pinky♡Team Leader Special / At first I didn't read the note about autotune in the title, and as I was glancing at comments before clicking the drop-down section I spotted the word 'chipmunky'. It was then that I realized, and right after that I heard the first line. I have to say that this is good LOL-value. Autotune can sound really cool, but combined with chipmunky it's kind of funny.
I know someone said once (I think it was Rae?) that you have to be careful with your pitching and other things, when planning to use autotune. In this dub you do hear a lot of funky notes and some dischord on group parts; but it's due to the autotune. With that knowledge, it's easy to overlook the minor things and just enjoy listening.
Aside from the chuckles this got out of me, there were some great parts! I really liked a lot of the solos, especially on the high-ish held notes, like on the "Ii ja nai" parts. But so so many other lines with long ending notes sound fantastic. The "kuru" at 1:05 was so pretty. Frick, all the girls did kick-butt on their lines! These four blew my mind a little on the chorus.
Nageki no Figure by SKR48 (HanaPro) / The second installment of redo month for SKR, from their eighth single; RESET. This song is a bit too repetitive for my tastes, but the gals all sound magnificent. I couldn't bring myself to listen to it more than five times, sorry; the song just annoys me too much.
But if I focus on the solos, to each of the girls' parts; it's wonderful!! These four all have great voices, a nice mix of lovely and cute, and they all blend well together. Kasumisou and Kikyo (both Gen 5 members) from Tane guest starred, and this is actually their debut! Congrats ladies!
Team Haru / Team Day / Team Big Bang (Mp3 Downloads) / Finally!! It feels like I've been putting this entry off for forever. But no more!! Let's get things rolling with Haru Haru. This is one of the first Big Bang songs I recall listening to, and it's one of my favorites besides Koe wo kikasete. I have to say that I favored the third group, TBB - though all of the groups did an awesome job!
I have listened to this so much lately. I've been listening to all of the AK dubs I have downloaded a lot. Firstly because of song choice; they're feeding my love for kpop. But also because their dubs are good! As for this dub; zero pitchiness, great energy on verses & solos, amazing raps/upbeat-talk-singing.
The chorus could have used a little more umph! Blending was pretty good though. I love how it's (mainly/all ?) girls singing the lower parts; they sound so flipping good!! I also really liked the talking part in the beginning and the "Oh, girl, I cry, cry. You’re my all, say goodbye" parts. This dub is super & addicting~
A bit of an older dub (11.25.2009) but I've been going through all the pages in the Personal Project's section; I'll get to newer stuff eventually. The casts for the TH and TD can be found in the release's thread. Don't overlook them just 'cause I favored TBB! Props to all the AK members who participated in this release!
Hitomi no Screen (MP3 Download) / Aha! This is a newer-ish one (04.06.2010). "I had a little trouble mixing 10 people so it's not that great but I tried my best." Well yeah, totally understandable. Ten people! It turned out pretty darn good! I adore this song.
Bah, sleepiness just hit me randomly. I can barely keep my eyes open. But I shall continue! I'm kind of glad I didn't have to choose between groups this time. It's a cool idea, but sometimes I feel bad admitting that I liked one more than the other. lol, imadork.
There are some off things about this dub, but I love it all the same. The verses and other parts are nice, but I really liked the chorus! Only thing would be that it could use a sinch more energy. Not the best dub of this song I've heard, but actually the first groupdub of it. And overall it's enjoyable~
Team So Nyu / Team Shi Dae (MP3 Downloads) / I didn't have to choose this time either, wanna know why? Cause on a whim I took the two tracks, opened'em in Audacity and exported them as the same MP3 & the result it epic!
The two groups blend together without even trying!! All of the solos became duets, and surprisingly; they all turned out really good! I was afraid people might accidentally clash on notes or something, but no! The chorus is AMAZING. I love love love these dubs, and the sweet bubbliness of this song makes it even better. Everyone sounds awesome.
Bah, I need to go to bed. I'm too sleepy. But I have the next two days off!!
Again; ILU KAPPA. She keeps me up-to-date on HanaPro going-ons, which is really cool cause otherwise I wouldn't know about this until way later probably (well, not true. I'd probably hear about it from Rae, cause she's awesome too). Anyways! A friendly competition is to be held at HP *drum roll starts and crescendos as catchy fighting style music comes in*
"We have five generations of members, all with different arrays of strengths and weaknesses, and we thought it would be interesting to see how those different people can come together as teams. So each generation has broken up into groups with the rest of their generation-mates and each one has been tasked with producing a dub for their generation.
"Each gen picks their song, a name for their generation, and sings and mixes the dub, so it's completely a representation of that generation. The only constraints are that it needs to be a Japanese song, as that's what HP releases regularly, and that each member has to have at least one solo, so that every member is represented
"On May 28th all five dubs will go up on the Hana Project channel. After that, we'll put up a poll on our forums, open not only to our members but to our lurkers and watchers as well, and everyone will vote on which dub came together best. The winning generation will have their personal YT accounts featured on Hana Project's main channel page for a month."
! ! ! This is such a fun idea! Nothing wrong with a little challenge. And I think I (and probably other fans too) are simply excited at the idea of five dubs being released on the same day. Oodles of Hana-goodness all at once! Plus I'm super curious as to what all the gens will do. I'm not rooting for any certain group of gals right now, just waving my pom-poms for the whole project.
"oops! Well don't I feel sheepish! I finally saw the actual CNN clip today and they DID give us full credit! I wonder why the transcript was wrong??" LOL I feel as sheepish as Kate (katethegreat19). Cause I mini-rambled about it. But it's all good now. It does seem funky that the transcript was wrong, it only showed the first two shorts sentences of what the news-people said and nothing else.
I wrote at the end of last week about how Stella Voci was featured on CNN, but we all thought that credit had not been given. I just checked Kate's channel for an update and when I saw her latest bulletin I searched and searched for the video clip. & I finally found it!!
It's a little lame cause you have to wait 'til like 3:44 out of a total five minutes before SV is mentioned (it loaded slowly for me, and I was feeling impatient, lol). Josh Levs said, "This one is a fourteen person choir named Stella Voci. They do a capella songs and this one. . . well uh, they have a little bit of percussion going. This is Pachelbel's Canon."
I am really happy that SV recieved credit, even if their moment of recognition was short. They are a wonderful choir and an amazing group of girls. Here is the link to the video clip & here is a link to the choir's YT channel.
Everyday Zekkouchou (Okai Chisato Ver) by Manami1992 / Whoa, there is a Chisato version of this? "CHISATO FTW !!!!" Manami does sound a bit lower than usual, but it's not bad, just different. She has great energy and sounds as fabulous as ever.
Not a very long dub, though, what's the saying?; short but sweet. Mmhm. She had a lot of lovely notes in this, like at 0:35. Either she trilled on the "ne" or she added in making it a "ne yeah" - I don't know, but it sounds cool. Her ending "Everyday" was good too. Overall, a splendid dub~
RIVER by madleybloomingstar / kjgnejkwfnkejfnew. This is so fun!! Awai brought the energy full force, it's awesome to hear how she got so into it. Her beginning 'AKB48' was epic and packed with PAWAA, her whole intro part rocked.
Gah, I can't think of anything to say, my thoughts are all jumbled. I really really really like this. She deserves way more than 80 subscribers, but to at least get her there she only needs three more! If you like what you hear, click that lovely sunshine colored button we all adore.
Amazing super energetic dub. Full of win~
Cosmos by Pixienyan / O M G (*o*) Pfft, and this is just a oneshot? It's freaking EPIC!! Pixie sounds SO soooooooo freaking super amazing. This is a great song for her, and even though she said that she had trouble on the low notes, they turned out great! Just like the rest of her notes, every flipping one of them! Pixie sounds crazy beautiful.
There's nothing to forgive, girly; thank you for gracing us with this spectacular dub. I wanna keep it forever. Her vibratio kills me with it's awesomeness. If this is Pixie with no effort, I need to hear a solo from her where she does put effort into it. I understand where she's coming from though; almost everyone is somewhat modest about their singing, thinking they aren't as good as others say. As I've said before; you are your toughest critic.
This is brilliant. Lovely. Two minutes bursting with epicness.
Blabbing about dubs. Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm just an Asian music lover who enjoys taking part in the dubbing communities on YouTube. Here I am going to be tossing out my opinions just for fun, and hopefully meeting more awesome people along the way!