The above image was print screened from HoshiDubs' latest video; auditions for the (currently) only open spot in what will be their 2nd Gen of Shuensha. They close May 1st, so you've only got this week to put in your application! Here is the link to the video, where you can read the rules and post your audition. And since I never covered it, here is their most recent release for y'all to enjoy;
Chi (HanaChiiru) is holding auditions for various collabs that she wants to do including; Sakura Mankai (Momusu), Otakebi Boy WAO & Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda (Berryz Koubou), Lollipop (Big Bang/2NE1), Etude & Girls' Generation (SNSD).
Everything is well outlined and organized! I know that I am definitely looking forward to when these are released; especially the SNSD songs and Sakura Mankai, cause I'd never heard it before this and it's beautiful! There are a lot of open spots, so don't hesitate to audition!
Also, don't forget! Yo project's forums have a section all about projects and cover groups (H!P, Kpop, JE, Broadway, etc) where many are calling out for participants. Just look for the code [AUDITIONING] before the thread title when browsing.
Blabbing about dubs. Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm just an Asian music lover who enjoys taking part in the dubbing communities on YouTube. Here I am going to be tossing out my opinions just for fun, and hopefully meeting more awesome people along the way!
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