Maimi Yajima - miyakochanx3 / Miyako
Saki Nakajima - AikoAki / Ai
Airi Suzuki - Lilacsilk28 / Sayuri
Chisato Okai - ohmiyamoto / Nade
Mai Hagiwara - yumestarlet02 / Chiharu
SHOCK by °C-ustard (cremeproject) / This isn't my favorite song, and it hardly counts as a groupdub (*glares at H!P*), but none-the-less I think this turned out really good. I love when everyone sings together!! Like the lines before the chorus, before the "shock, shock" & also on the chorus. Sayuri tackled the high notes well and sounds lovely. I think so, and bunch of other people think so too; she's got mad skillz and a voice we all adore listening too.

Takahashi Ai: Saya / AnimefreakXDD
Niigaki Risa: Naoka / Banryusaint
Kamei Eri: Rii / AzNxRawRx
Michishige Sayumi: Mary / Marianahime
Tanaka Reina: Sara / Yuns217
Kusumi Koharu: Sen / NatsujiSen
Mitsui Aika: Bel / MomoxMochi
JunJun: *cover* Kayla / GoraxScene
LinLin: Lena / RionDrug
Nanchatte Renai by Shuensha (HoshiDubs) / LOL. I'm sitting here fangirling before I even listen since I really like this song, and then as the Momusu girls start moving on the screen, I wait for the music. . . .and wait. Then I realized that I had turned my headphones off when the phone rang. imadork.
The volumes seem a little odd to me. Like, idk. Parts seemed too loud at times and distracted me from listening to the singers, and I think I was picking up on some static throughout? Could just be me though. Also some off notes here and there, but regardless of the little things; I totally enjoyed this!
First of all, cause the song pwns. And 'cause even though it's not the best ever, I know that everyone really tried. I can hear it in the many many energetic lines! So props to all these lovely ladies for their gung-ho-ness. This is a keeper~

Celeste / Aqua / Amaranth
Heather / Pearl Pink / Amber
Soku Dakishimete by Bishoujo (IroKokoro Project) / The first track off of their third single, "There's still time." I'm having a slow-moving thought-process out of now where right now. Probably cause it's been like seven hours and I'm hungry again, lol. On my eighth or so time through this dub, and I must say even though it probably could have been a notch better overall, I still think it came out really well!! Definitely worth a listen. All of the girls sound great!

And to finish this entry off, here is a preview of Rival by Nikkou (HoshizoraDubs) ~
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