The six singles are ; SHALL WE LOVE? by Kaori Basket Yellow
Melodies by Kaori Basket Blue / HAPPY SUMMER WEDDING by SEIKA
Koi no Jubaku by Kaori Basket Green / Aitakatta! by HinaGIKUrabu
Sexy Night ~ Wasurerarenai Kare by KB Orange
Also released was Kaori Basket Yellow's 2010 Winter Concert; Ikimasshoi! Yellow Miracle Night. It has 20 songs!! Everything was released on Tuesday, and the A sides were uploaded on their YouTube the next day. Downloads and lyrics are up on their website, and each single has it's own member-made cover.

For the KB groups; each of the colors sang an A and B side (the A side being the name of their single), with their teams' versions of Good Morning and Dounikashite Doyoubi as extra, bringing the numbers of tracks per release to four. SEIKA's single only had an A & B side, and HinaGIKUrabu's had a total of three tracks.
I didn't listen to all of the songs tonight, but I did like Happy Summer Wedding. There were also some not-so-recent releases on KB's channel, including Kaori Basket Purple's Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteru YOU KNOW? - I love that song! And the dub turned out pretty good. I'll have to listen to all of them, plus B sides and some of KBY's concert, but it's too late tonight~
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