! ! ! Two of the previous polls had a total of 35 voters. This time around there were 41! I felt so mushy-happy when it got into the 30s again, and even more so when it went up another 11 votes. It makes me incredibly happy that people like this blog of mine ;w; Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote.
There wasn't exactly a reason behind choosing these two songs, except that I'd heard several dubs of them and I was curious as to which was prefered. Not only personal preference, but in a dubber/mixer's opinon. I like First Kiss, but Nanchatte really pushes my happy-button. I like the melody & beat more, and also the rapping. Plus there are more girls, instead of just Airi + two.
I would think that Nanchatte is harder to mix, with the rap and all the different parts and the number of girls. FK seems a little easier, with only the three girls and a non-complicated melody. But I don't actually know, I'm only guessing. Plus everyone has their strong and weak points in singing; some are good at slower songs & some aren't - some are great at rapping and singing faster songs & some aren't. So as for dubbing preference, it kind of depends on the dubber.
And when it comes to video versions, I really like watching/listening to the dubs with the newer lineup of Aa (Airi, Miyabi, Akari), concert version. It's more entertaining for me. And with Nanchatte I like the black-outfits warehouse PV, though I also really like the concert versions when the crowd is added in! If I had to pick one to sing, personally, it'd be First Kiss; cause I'd epic fail Nanchatte. lol. But I'll likely listen to a NR dub any day over one of FK.
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