Thursday, August 26, 2010
Misc [H] Project Releases
Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Jess [ lilmenchi ]
Awai [ madleybloomingstar ]
Ash [ diabolicbread ]
*Hello Stage ~ Take It Easy by Kuusai / Ohmy H!S, it's been a while. This is a darling song and these girls did a fabulous job on it! I'd love to have some CClyrics, since it's a trio scripted to four people, but since I am without, I shall simply enjoy listening! The chorus is awesome!! I love everyone together, they sound so good!! The "shinging"s are terrific, as well as the many verse and prechorus solos.
Not sure if I'm matching names and voices up correctly, but- Reika and Awai are very cute & Ash and Jess sound lovely. All of the higher notes are well managed, and though the timing is a tiny bit iffy sometimes the mixing seems fine to me. The chorus is my favorite, but the dub overall is splendid!
Cast: Reika, Sara
Scarlett, Yumi, Shinju
*Hoshizora Dubs ~ Shabondama by Nikkou / Maya sent the MP3 of this to me not too long ago and I downloaded it then. I've listened to it a few times since, but I'll admit that I'm not crazy about this song (it's been a popular song choice lately though, eh?)- Nonetheless, this is a sensational dub! Oodles of energy and kickbutt singing! The lovely ladies that make up the cast sound magnificent! I love all of the "Shabondama"s! I may not being saying much about this dub (mainly because I wrote about this song somewhat recently) but it's definitely worth a listen!!
Sootie (SootjeNL)
Rii (AzNxRawRx)
Alie (AlieOngaku)
*Hanabi Project ~ Kacchoii ze! JAPAN by Hana-Bi-N / CClyrics / "If it wasn't for Alie graduating then I would have made these three a permanent group, they sound so good together!" I happen to agree with Hanabi's leader! The "KACCHOII ZE"s throughout the dub are swell but I like other parts more. Such as both of the "VERY VERY" solos; 'wonderful love' at 0:47 and 'beautiful kiss' at 2:13. All of the solos inbetween the group parts are marvelous! It's hard to pick out a few that I like from among them.
I think I'll go by girl, starting with Sootie! I think my favorite from her is at 1:20. I love her mature lovely voice, and she sounds great on the melody of the line, I especially like her ending "aru" ~ she hits the higher 'ru' wonderfully! I also really like her "sukoshi no magokoro areba ii" solo at 2:48 and her "subarashii machi" at 3:37!
Rii is such a cutie!! Though she's a little quiet in volume, her lines are all really sweet! I like her 1:44 solo, especially her "areba ii" ~ Then there's her "WELCOME TO MY TOWN" at 2:17, gosh she's so kawaii! I love how she sounds on "town" with that little bit of adorable attitude. And I also really like her "daisuki na machi" solo at 2:44!
Alie rocks! She's a strong singer that delivers well and sounds great, which you can really hear in her "WELCOME WELCOME" at 0:49! I also like her "sore ha yaranakya hajimaranai" at 2:24, her 'nai' is a soft but pretty. And I like her last solo of the song, her "sukoshi no magokoro areba ii" at 3:45. The girl are great individually and as a group, and overall I think this turned out really well!
Shimizu Saki : Kuri [KuriDesu27]
Tsugunaga Momoko : Arisu [RaReiRoo]
Tokunaga Chinami : Lily [SytheMeisterLily]
Sudou Massa : Kim [Miriko96]
Natsuyaki Miyabi : Natsumi [KonataIzumi124]
Kumai Yurina : Ayuna [AyunaDaisuki]
Sugaya Risako : Chinatsu [fandubzRmylife]
*HonkiProject ~ Otakebi Boy WAO by Kagayake Koubou / Lovely. Pretty. Ear-pleasing. This dub is many things! But this song is one that packs a punch & calls for a lot of WAO and I'm not hearing it. The girls don't sound bored, but they could definitely step up the energy. Don't get me wrong, they all seriously sound amazing!! Clear, cute, charming! Most certainly enjoyable. But this dub is lacking fervor. I love the cast dearly and look forward to hearing them again.
Saki: Ayuna [AyunaDaisuki]
Momoko: Kaede-chan [lolypop227]
Chinami: Kurichii [KuriDesu27]
Maasa: Kate-chan [PirateCool192]
Miyabi: Eun Mi [eunmijjang]
Yurina: Kanny [kannychan21]
Risako: Kate-chan [PirateCool192]
*HanaEmiProject ~ Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance by Bouken Berryz / I'm not a big fan of this song, but I actually enjoyed this dub a lot! I love the "TIKI TIKI TIKI"s and the Bouken girls sound really good on all the melodies and parts. Kate is fantastic on lead vocals & she and Kuri are marvelous on the solos following the "EBIBADE" lines.
I really like Eun Mi on Miyabi's part, and Kaede isn't always clearly understandable. You don't get much of a chance to hear Ayuna or Kanny, but their short solos are swell and they -and everyone else- contributed to the spectacular group parts! *downloads* I like this! Yeah maybe there could have been a little bit more energy, but I still think this turned out nicely!
After YTC (You Tube Chorus) 's 80 person cover of Sakura no Ame, my mind was a little blown. It's so beautiful and the cast number is crazy! I could have sworn I wrote more about this group, but either I didn't or I forgot to label it properly, cause I can't find it. lol fail.
"We made this group due the success of Akahitoha Youtube Chorus. Comments were flashing in, and a lot of other people wanted to join in too. So we thought of creating this group, which will give the chance for singers to join choruses and spread their love of singing to the world!"
The group has just celebrated their one year anniversary, as well hitting 2,000 subscribers- an impressive number! Lead organizer RinSakuraRin is backed by a team of wonderful mixers, animators, judges and special members. More information can be found on YTC's channel and forums.
1 2 4. One hundred and twenty four. That's how many people sang together in the latest brilliant cover from YTC; Dango Daikazoku. I'm not going to really write about it, because I don't know what to say!! There are no solos, it's all fantastically blended group parts, and I couldn't hope to know who is singing when with the huge numer of participating singers and a lack of something to guide me.
I love both of these chorus covers
They are truly amazing.
Happy anniversary YTC!
They are truly amazing.
Happy anniversary YTC!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
KSI Auds
*brbcool8 ~ NU ABO / This song has grown on me, at first I didn't care for it at all, but now I like it. In the drop-down Britt said "I dont think I've ever tried to make a cover as perfect as this one" and you can definitely tell! The end result is brilliant! The whole beginning (up to 0:41) is awesome!! I especially like 0:32, Britt sings with great attitude on "dok chang juk byul myung jit gi" ~ The chorus throughout the dub is kickbutt, I love the "mystery"s and "NA NA NA NA"s
1:33 is epic!! 2:13 isn't my favorite, she's singing higher and sounds sort of cute but I prefer her on the mainly middle/low parts of the song. Like 2:41! Britt also said "I tried to make it my own, but I think I kinda sound like Amber going solo!" and while she does remind me of Amber, she's not a clone or anything and I like how she sounds. I love her "Yeah, this is how we do it bring it love f(x)" at 2:51!! And her ending "NU ABO" is awesome!
*musicdancesing97 ~ I Need a Boy / Ohh I like this! I really like the beginning speaking part, Cindy sounds mature and lovely- when she sings she's more cute+lovely, but I love both. Her bits of vibrato are splendid and though some of her notes are iffy now and then, I like the emotion she delivers her lines with. A lot of parts of this are wonderful, and overall I think she's delightful.
*4eversj1697 ~ Into The New World / I don't know her exact name, so I am referring to her as Hanzuzu. This dub didn't blow me away or anything, but I still think she did a nice job on the song she chose. I don't know how to describe her voice, but she sounds very cute+sweet and lovely; her "da heuteojin" at 0:17 is fabulous. She has some iffy notes but I give her props for giving her all. At 1:05ish she layers her voice- I really like her on the melody of the chorus!! Not perfect, but enjoyable.
*LittleMissCrap ~ Hard But Easy / A bit rushed sometimes and pitchy on the chorus, but Sarah noted that she oneshotted this song for 'a trial like thing'- practice you could say. With that in mind, this turned out pretty swell. You can tell she's a good singer simply by listening to her first few lines; her "bogo sipdagado" (0:15) is so pretty, I love her vibrato on 'gado' ~ her "geuriupdagado ireol irinji" is lovely too. And I like her "molla ah" at 0:25.
If Sarah actually worked hard on a cover of this song, I know it'd be better. But oneshots are for fun, eh? They're not meant to be flawless. The verses are my favorite in this, and parts of the chorus are nice. She put this cover up anyways because she wanted to enter Kpopcollab Summer Idol and there was a deadline to watch, so I give her props for entering with this even though it's not her best.
*xYakyuBaka ~ I Need a Girl [Female Piano version] / This song seems to be popular, lol. Beckie admits that the quality of the audio isn't the best, but you can still hear her divine voice. I love her speaking parts and pretty much every second of this. I like that she went with a slower piano version, the overall sound of Reece (thefrenziedpianist) 's playing and Beckie's singing is very soothing- Exquisite.
I love that she sang the melody and harmonies, as well as the gentle passion she fills each line with. Her "boy I need a boy"s are lovely and addicting & her higher and lower notes (plus everything inbetween) are gorgeous. Beckie is splendid on every part of this song (verses, chorus, etc), I like too much to point everything out, but this is definitely worth a listen!!
*SuzurinCovers ~ Saying I Love you / The beginning "Non neul naegae malhaettji wae" is beautiful! Suzumi has a lot of potential. Her low notes are soothing and pretty, her higher notes swell, and she has an overall very lovely sound. But I'd like to hear her sing out more- I know this is a slow song, but it doesn't have to be soft and slow.
She's semi-pitchy here and there, but not glaringly so; she has her share of good and not-so-good notes/lines, but you can hear the emotion in her words. I love her "jomdeo dalkomhage jeoldae ijeul su eobge" at 0:32! All of the chorus in this sounds marvelous and is wonderfully ear-pleasing. 2:42 turned out nicely, I like her "sipji anha" in the first line. Each time I listen to this, it grows on me more!
Suzumi sings with herself at 3:00 and it's terrific. And on top of that, she does overlapping vocals, as often done by a lead singer towards the end of a song. I really like her "jianulge Iroke neul niyope seoseona malhalge" (3:21ish) where there's her singing the main melody + her other vocals. And her "saranghae saranghae"s throughout the dub are enjoyable as well.
Niji Kirei
The lovely Miss Hannah contacted me early this month and asked me to check out the duo group she's in with her sister, Zarah. I actually didn't see the message until like, five or something days after she sent it to me. I've downloaded a handful of the tracks by Niji Kirei of KyokuProject and now I'm going to share them with y'all!
I've been fangirling madly over Zarah since the moment I first heard her. I wasn't blogging then so it was mostly silent fangirling, lol. I know she's been in some of the group dubs I've covered since I started Blabodu, but to hear her in a small group means I really get to hear her!! And on top of that I get to hear Hannah AND Hannah & Zaachan together!
I've heard their duets on Zarah's channel before, but I can never hear too much of these lovely ladies. As far as I know, Hannah doesn't take part in as many other groups as Zarah does, so my chances to hear her are less. Discovering this subunit makes me extremely happy, and I hope to hear more more more from them!
Takahashi Ai: Zarah (ChunkyyBanana)
Tanaka Reina: Hannah (HannahChan97)
Everyday Everywhere / This is the dub that was sent to me, so I shall start with it first! kgfnekwjgn kjfnewkjf. The song isn't an instant favorite, but these two sound AMAZING!! Zarah's opening solo is sensational!! Her voice is gorgeous and she's a strong singer. Hannah comes in at 0:40, she suits Reina so well, except she's way cuter!! Zaachan's "love" at 1:17 is beautiful and brilliant! I also like Hannah's "love" (1:04) but her vocalizing at 1:26 (following her "da wa") is short but so lovely!
The girls' duet line at 1:30 is fantastic ("samishii yoru mo aru yo ne")! They blend so so so SO well with each other! That also applies to their "Every/Some day Every/Some where"s throughout the dub, like in the first chorus at 1:42. These two are naturals. They sing out passionately with lots of personality and captivate those who are listening. Zarah's "watashi no seishun" at 1:49 is dazzling, very smooth and divine. And I really like Hannah's "anata to nara" solo at 1:58.
Zarah's following vocalizing bit really shows off how well she can sing, I also like her "everyday everywhere" at 2:29. Some of of the higher vocal parts in this are a little much for me, but the girls still pulled them off well. 2:58 is another wonderful sounding duet line, and then the rest is all chorus. I love Hannah's sweet+superb "watashi no seishun" at 3:47. And Zaachan's very last note in the dub (4:16ish) is beautiful.
Fujimoto Miki: Zarah
Matsuura Aya: Hannah
Aijou Oasis / THIS ROCKS!! Of the dubs I've listened to from this group, this is definitely my favorite! I love it's upbeat cool+smexy vibes. Jumping right into things, I love Zarah's "Chanto Kocchi mite yo" ~ The duet line at 0:45 is spectacular! The girls are great at singing harmony and melody parts, which shows they are flexible and skilled- they're a double package feature with the promise of blowing your mind.
Hannah has the first solo of the chorus (0:54) and it's smashing ("MAJI ni wa honki de...")!! Zaachan's following solo is also mega kickbutt! I really really love this duo on the chorus melody; it's addicting to listen to. I wish the verses weren't the same exact line division- I'd like to hear the girls switch parts in the second verse, but alas; it's how H!P divvied'em up. I'm glad that you get to hear both girls sing both parts in the chorus though!!
1:46 is another magnificent duet, and then the remainder of the dub is all chorus. At 1:55 Hannah has the lead of the melody, and on the last two rounds Zarah does. I utterly adore all of Hannah's solos, she delivers epically! Zarah rocks her last four lines, singing with oodles energy and sounding tremendous! I love that their solos overlap at 2:43, Hannah's low "OASHISU" is so lovely. Overall, this is outstanding!
Takahashi Ai: Zarah
Tanaka Reina: Hannah
Shining Itoshiki Anata / So pretty!! This song has grown on me lately, mainly because of this dub. I had it stuck in my head for a while after I heard it the first time. It's a very good song choice for both girls (I'm starting to think they can sing just about anything and totally pwn) and they sing it so well! A simple song, but one with lovely melodies that Hannah and Zarah sound charming, splendid, and allout delightful on!! So worth a listen!
--I'm not going to ramble on anymore, since I could never type out enough adjectives to fully define how extraordinary both of these gifted gals are. I searched for more by their group and found three more of dubs!! Melodies, Iroppoi Jirettai, and Jounetsu no Kiss wo Hitotsu. I've downloaded them within the last hour, but haven't really gotten the chance to listen to them. Still, I strongly suggest y'all give them a listen!! And as for KyokuProject, I shall get around to listening to stuff by their other groups when I can!
I've been fangirling madly over Zarah since the moment I first heard her. I wasn't blogging then so it was mostly silent fangirling, lol. I know she's been in some of the group dubs I've covered since I started Blabodu, but to hear her in a small group means I really get to hear her!! And on top of that I get to hear Hannah AND Hannah & Zaachan together!
I've heard their duets on Zarah's channel before, but I can never hear too much of these lovely ladies. As far as I know, Hannah doesn't take part in as many other groups as Zarah does, so my chances to hear her are less. Discovering this subunit makes me extremely happy, and I hope to hear more more more from them!
Takahashi Ai: Zarah (ChunkyyBanana)
Tanaka Reina: Hannah (HannahChan97)
Everyday Everywhere / This is the dub that was sent to me, so I shall start with it first! kgfnekwjgn kjfnewkjf. The song isn't an instant favorite, but these two sound AMAZING!! Zarah's opening solo is sensational!! Her voice is gorgeous and she's a strong singer. Hannah comes in at 0:40, she suits Reina so well, except she's way cuter!! Zaachan's "love" at 1:17 is beautiful and brilliant! I also like Hannah's "love" (1:04) but her vocalizing at 1:26 (following her "da wa") is short but so lovely!
The girls' duet line at 1:30 is fantastic ("samishii yoru mo aru yo ne")! They blend so so so SO well with each other! That also applies to their "Every/Some day Every/Some where"s throughout the dub, like in the first chorus at 1:42. These two are naturals. They sing out passionately with lots of personality and captivate those who are listening. Zarah's "watashi no seishun" at 1:49 is dazzling, very smooth and divine. And I really like Hannah's "anata to nara" solo at 1:58.
Zarah's following vocalizing bit really shows off how well she can sing, I also like her "everyday everywhere" at 2:29. Some of of the higher vocal parts in this are a little much for me, but the girls still pulled them off well. 2:58 is another wonderful sounding duet line, and then the rest is all chorus. I love Hannah's sweet+superb "watashi no seishun" at 3:47. And Zaachan's very last note in the dub (4:16ish) is beautiful.
Fujimoto Miki: Zarah
Matsuura Aya: Hannah
Aijou Oasis / THIS ROCKS!! Of the dubs I've listened to from this group, this is definitely my favorite! I love it's upbeat cool+smexy vibes. Jumping right into things, I love Zarah's "Chanto Kocchi mite yo" ~ The duet line at 0:45 is spectacular! The girls are great at singing harmony and melody parts, which shows they are flexible and skilled- they're a double package feature with the promise of blowing your mind.
Hannah has the first solo of the chorus (0:54) and it's smashing ("MAJI ni wa honki de...")!! Zaachan's following solo is also mega kickbutt! I really really love this duo on the chorus melody; it's addicting to listen to. I wish the verses weren't the same exact line division- I'd like to hear the girls switch parts in the second verse, but alas; it's how H!P divvied'em up. I'm glad that you get to hear both girls sing both parts in the chorus though!!
1:46 is another magnificent duet, and then the remainder of the dub is all chorus. At 1:55 Hannah has the lead of the melody, and on the last two rounds Zarah does. I utterly adore all of Hannah's solos, she delivers epically! Zarah rocks her last four lines, singing with oodles energy and sounding tremendous! I love that their solos overlap at 2:43, Hannah's low "OASHISU" is so lovely. Overall, this is outstanding!
Takahashi Ai: Zarah
Tanaka Reina: Hannah
Shining Itoshiki Anata / So pretty!! This song has grown on me lately, mainly because of this dub. I had it stuck in my head for a while after I heard it the first time. It's a very good song choice for both girls (I'm starting to think they can sing just about anything and totally pwn) and they sing it so well! A simple song, but one with lovely melodies that Hannah and Zarah sound charming, splendid, and allout delightful on!! So worth a listen!
--I'm not going to ramble on anymore, since I could never type out enough adjectives to fully define how extraordinary both of these gifted gals are. I searched for more by their group and found three more of dubs!! Melodies, Iroppoi Jirettai, and Jounetsu no Kiss wo Hitotsu. I've downloaded them within the last hour, but haven't really gotten the chance to listen to them. Still, I strongly suggest y'all give them a listen!! And as for KyokuProject, I shall get around to listening to stuff by their other groups when I can!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"Welcome to the (completely unexpected) auditions for the 6th Generation of Hana Project! As some of you may know, HanaPro already has three 6th Generation members, but we are now looking for a final 4 to join them and complete their generation. That said, we are only looking for FOUR people, and each girl who is selected to join will be a full member of either Hana Project (Morning Musume) or SKR48 (AKB48).
This is the first audition in a long time in which we will not be taking any Tane (trainees), so we're looking for the best you can give us. As always, 90% of the audition is based on personality, however we've got an extra strong eye out this time around for top notch vocalists as well. Interested?"
This is very unexpected! Not too long ago I blogged about how Hana wasn't going to be doing auditions (because at the time they weren't) and now they are! I have an undying love for Hana Project and finding out that they're adding more awesomeness to their ranks is exciting!
I had a lot of fun simply watching / listening to the auditions video, lol. It really gives you a taste of Hana's many groups and talents. Everything that you need to know can be found among the information in the drop-down section. Such as; requirements, the application form, and what you have to do to audition.
However, if you are confused or have questions you can check out their helpful FAQ. "Good luck! Round 1 closes on SEPTEMBER 12TH, and results will come out ASAP to both those who are selected to advance to Round 2, and those who do not make it. Happy auditioning!"
This is the first audition in a long time in which we will not be taking any Tane (trainees), so we're looking for the best you can give us. As always, 90% of the audition is based on personality, however we've got an extra strong eye out this time around for top notch vocalists as well. Interested?"
This is very unexpected! Not too long ago I blogged about how Hana wasn't going to be doing auditions (because at the time they weren't) and now they are! I have an undying love for Hana Project and finding out that they're adding more awesomeness to their ranks is exciting!
I had a lot of fun simply watching / listening to the auditions video, lol. It really gives you a taste of Hana's many groups and talents. Everything that you need to know can be found among the information in the drop-down section. Such as; requirements, the application form, and what you have to do to audition.
However, if you are confused or have questions you can check out their helpful FAQ. "Good luck! Round 1 closes on SEPTEMBER 12TH, and results will come out ASAP to both those who are selected to advance to Round 2, and those who do not make it. Happy auditioning!"
"KiramekiDubs is an online singing group that covers J-Pop. Currently we only dub Hello! Project, though we hope to sing different kinds of J-Pop soon....Kirameki has 3 main groups: Gesshoku (lunar eclipse), Hoshikuzu (stardust), Yuuyake (sunset)."
There are currently 15 members, evenly spilt between the groups. Only one of the three has debuted (Yuuyake) and has thus far released two dubs. There has also been a single from Kirameki Shuffles. I have all three dubs on one of my playlists, because Chiyo (xchiyochii) has been providing me with the MP3s! It was her polite inquiry that got me to really look at this project.
So without further rambling~
Chinatsu [ fandubzrmylife ]
Coco [ coconstorm ]
Kiro [ iaukiro ]
Nina [ animexlover28kat ]
Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago by Yuuyake / CClyrics / Oh the dears, putting lyrics in the drop-down section! Such simple melodies, yet such a lovely sounding dub! The singers in this really delight your ears with the splendid job they did on this song! It can probably be easy sometimes to sound bored on a song with a slow beat and little backing music. Plus you've got to keep time well. Mistakes are more noticable, and so are differences in volumes.
These ladies have nothing to worry about. 'Bored' is a word that doesn't even cross a listener's mind- this dub is full of gentle sweet emotion and you can tell the girls really enjoyed themselves. The blending is beautiful, everyone sings on time and no one girl is too loud in the group parts. Each and every solo is enchanting and well sung. And I'm no mixing master, but everything sounds great to me.
I don't even know where to begin! I think I am going to go girl by girl, starting with Reika! She has a solo in three of the five sets of chorus lines (including the first solo of the dub), and I love her on the melody! She sings it awesomely and sounds so so pretty+cute. Besides her chorus solos, I really like her at 1:53. I love that she's confident and sings out at a good volume with lots of emotion.
Coco has a clear and kawaii sound that's exceedingly pleasant to listen to; she's irresistible! She delivers her lines fantastically throughout the dub! Though I totally adore her at 0:49! I love her "zou no oto" and "hazui kara" ~ her higher notes are excellent and cute. Chinatsu is the only one who doesn't get a longer solo, but what she does sing is terrific! She has a mature yet gentle voice that sounds lovely! I love her "ROMIO to JURIETTO" at 1:49, and I also really like her "desu" in her 0:36 solo.
Nina is a quiet; she does have a soft voice, but I'd like to hear her sing out a little louder. I think I like her first solo the most ("shiawase ga sugiru kara") but it's a tough call, cause I also like her "anata to aruiteru" at 0:45 a lot. She sings with a very subtle energy, because of her quiet volume, but it is there. 2:02 is her longer solo and it's marvelous; I'm happy to hear her a little stronger on her first line, especially "mou sugu aeru"
And last but not least, Kiro. I like her unique voice- a mix of mature, cute and pure her. I had a bit of a tough time picking my favorite from her as well, but I think it's got to be her longer 0:58 solo. I find her "PA tto tsukutta" adorably charming and I also like her ending "wa" ~ But all the rest of her lines are fabulous as well, like the one at 0:40, of which I like her "chikaku de" a lot.
As I mentioned before, all of the group parts are so good!! The blending is brilliant and I really love how the girls sound together. They should all be proud of this first release for their unit as well as for their project! I would love to continue by writing about Yuuyake's Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba dub and Kirameki Shuffle's DESTINY LOVE, but it's late.
---I have another K entry I want to do badly, but it can wait until tomorrow. My right shoulder gives me a lot of problems when I'm online for long periods of time in a day, and since I usually work I'm on half the amount of time I've been on lately with all this free time on my hands, lol. That and I sprained my left wrist or something, cause it's been bothering me today. So bed time for me. ILY'ALL!

So without further rambling~
Chinatsu [ fandubzrmylife ]
Coco [ coconstorm ]
Kiro [ iaukiro ]
Nina [ animexlover28kat ]
Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago by Yuuyake / CClyrics / Oh the dears, putting lyrics in the drop-down section! Such simple melodies, yet such a lovely sounding dub! The singers in this really delight your ears with the splendid job they did on this song! It can probably be easy sometimes to sound bored on a song with a slow beat and little backing music. Plus you've got to keep time well. Mistakes are more noticable, and so are differences in volumes.
These ladies have nothing to worry about. 'Bored' is a word that doesn't even cross a listener's mind- this dub is full of gentle sweet emotion and you can tell the girls really enjoyed themselves. The blending is beautiful, everyone sings on time and no one girl is too loud in the group parts. Each and every solo is enchanting and well sung. And I'm no mixing master, but everything sounds great to me.
I don't even know where to begin! I think I am going to go girl by girl, starting with Reika! She has a solo in three of the five sets of chorus lines (including the first solo of the dub), and I love her on the melody! She sings it awesomely and sounds so so pretty+cute. Besides her chorus solos, I really like her at 1:53. I love that she's confident and sings out at a good volume with lots of emotion.
Coco has a clear and kawaii sound that's exceedingly pleasant to listen to; she's irresistible! She delivers her lines fantastically throughout the dub! Though I totally adore her at 0:49! I love her "zou no oto" and "hazui kara" ~ her higher notes are excellent and cute. Chinatsu is the only one who doesn't get a longer solo, but what she does sing is terrific! She has a mature yet gentle voice that sounds lovely! I love her "ROMIO to JURIETTO" at 1:49, and I also really like her "desu" in her 0:36 solo.
Nina is a quiet; she does have a soft voice, but I'd like to hear her sing out a little louder. I think I like her first solo the most ("shiawase ga sugiru kara") but it's a tough call, cause I also like her "anata to aruiteru" at 0:45 a lot. She sings with a very subtle energy, because of her quiet volume, but it is there. 2:02 is her longer solo and it's marvelous; I'm happy to hear her a little stronger on her first line, especially "mou sugu aeru"
And last but not least, Kiro. I like her unique voice- a mix of mature, cute and pure her. I had a bit of a tough time picking my favorite from her as well, but I think it's got to be her longer 0:58 solo. I find her "PA tto tsukutta" adorably charming and I also like her ending "wa" ~ But all the rest of her lines are fabulous as well, like the one at 0:40, of which I like her "chikaku de" a lot.
As I mentioned before, all of the group parts are so good!! The blending is brilliant and I really love how the girls sound together. They should all be proud of this first release for their unit as well as for their project! I would love to continue by writing about Yuuyake's Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba dub and Kirameki Shuffle's DESTINY LOVE, but it's late.
---I have another K entry I want to do badly, but it can wait until tomorrow. My right shoulder gives me a lot of problems when I'm online for long periods of time in a day, and since I usually work I'm on half the amount of time I've been on lately with all this free time on my hands, lol. That and I sprained my left wrist or something, cause it's been bothering me today. So bed time for me. ILY'ALL!
2010 Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert
I must interrupt the plans in my head for the next few entries to write this entry. I fell in love with Renna's singing the moment I discovered her through yoproject forums via hearing her Ame no Fu etc dub. Then I learned that she's an amazing mixer and a hard worker who puts together her own ideas and projects as well as helps out other people. After a friendly nudge from Liana I looked into HelloProjectAllStars -run by Renna- and was impressed with her work there, and shortly thereafter, fell in love with Femme Fatale.
Then a little but ago, Renna told me about this next project she was working on. I haven't talked to her since, so I don't really know any of the ins and outs (and no one that would know is on MSN *shot*), but I shall stumble through this entry anyways!! I'm sure she's had some help from the participating leaders, and overall many people worked -individually and together- to make the following possible, and thus it is born!!

IroKokoroProject, SekainoMelody, MilkyStar Project
Pinky Team, Charms! Project, Hoshizora Dubs
Creme Project, Kirei na Project, Pafekuto Project
BonBon Project, Kaori Basket, Hello! Stage
Hanabi Project, Kanashimi Twilight, Saikyo Studios
Genki+Rabu, LolliProjectDubz, Hello!ProjectAllStars
The above are the 21 groups that are to participate in 2010 Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert. Which is basically a huge collab, a bunch of groups coming together to sing a full concert for us! Each project has it's time to shine among the program of 17 tracks + the finale + an encore.
Setlist Details: (CT = concert tour)
SMAP & Momusu, Power Zenkai Special Medley
by Yo!Project
Momusu Fall CT 2009 ~Nine Smile~
by Totally Up! Project
CT 2005 Haru Dai Rokkan Hit Mankai! Part 1
by Hana Project
CT 2005 Haru Dai Rokkan Hit Mankai! Part 2
by Kanashimi Twilight & Pinky Team
H!P 2006 Summer Live ~ Wonderful Hearts Land~
by Kirei na Project
Momusu CT "The Best of Japan Natsu ~ Aki '04"
by Milky Star Projects
°C-ute CT 2009 Natsu Aki ~Cutie JUMP!~
by Hoshizora Dubs
Buono! Live 2009 ~Hybrid Punch~
by Creme Project
57th Kōhaku Uta Gassen, Momusu+GAM
by Saikyo Studios & BonBon Project
H!P 2000 Shuffle Units, first half
by BonBon Project, latter by Charms! Project
H!P 2001, Together! Summer Party
by Hello! Stage
H!P 2002 Shuffle Units (LIVE Pop Jam)
by Sekai no Melody
H!P 2003 Shuffle Units
by Kaori Basket
H!P 2005 Shuffle Units
by Hanabi Project
Berryz Koubou CT 2009 Fall ~Medachitaii!!~
by IroKokoroProject
2007 Haru ~Hajimatta yo! Cutie Show~
by Genki+Rabu
AKB48 Music Japan 100404
by Pafekuto Project
Fall 2009 ~Nine Smile~ Medley
by Totally Up! Project
"The songs are coming out in (hopefully) the same order listed in the menu. In the case where a group still has not turned in their files, the next available video will be uploaded!" I am guessing that since this is the first track to be released but the second track in the concert, the first track is not ready yet.
I have no CClyrics, I'm not positive the castlist is completely correct, and I don't know all the songs used in the medley. I'd like to get a bit more info before I write about this, but I thought I'd share with y'all since it's out! I really like the "Please be Freedom" part of this! Have a listen and enjoy!
Misc Project Releases
*KireinaProject ~ The Bigaku by Yumi [SugoiiYumiChan] / I really like Yumi on the verse melody, especially her "yukouze MIDNIGHT" at 0:41ish. She delivers well and sings with a nice amount of energy and her own little bit of attitude. I like her "Cry cry cry" at 0:56, leading into the chorus. Her "Oi"s are cool, especially the part at 1:39- her "OI...MOTTO!!" is funny yet adorable and makes me smile. Yumi's higher notes (ex 1:23) are somewhat strained, but she sounds lovely+cute overall.
Rii [PrincessJoycie]
Micchy [Hikasaiii]
Jen [BanryuSaint]
*kOreanDUBs ~ For Muzik / Debut! This is the first release from this new project, check out their channel to learn more about them! Wow, this is a short song. At first I just thought it was a short dub, but I looked it up and it really is like this. The girls are said to sing in 'order of solos' but I was sort of confused sometimes. So because I'm unsure, I'm not using names.
I really like the "You never know where this music is gonna take you" in the first solo ~ it's so cute yet cool. The "hey"s and "ho"s are kickbutt. "Soul maker" (0:50) is sung with attitude, and I love how "aljido motamyeonseo" sounds (0:53). I also like "deo keuge let`s come" (0:57ish), which leads from one solo to another. The first line ("sesange deullyeojul dalkomhan nae mellodi") sounds awesome and is well delivered.
Overall there are little things that could probably be better, but the girls did their best and I like listening to them. We can look forward to hearing; I My Me Mine (4Minute), Abracadabra (Brown Eyed Girls), and Good Girl, Bad Girl (Miss A) from these three girls plus the group's other two members, Molly [MollyxFace] and Karlee [MomoxMochi].
Shimizu Saki: Airen [malajesterices]
Tsugunaga Momoko: Mystery [xLittleMystery]
Tokunaga Chinami: Ameimi [Ameimii]
Sudou Maasa: Sootie [SootjeNL]
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Miri [xXLuvleeMerodiiXx]
Kumai Yurina: Memoire [Memoiree]
Sugaya Risako: Fuyu [SAILORKONA]
*KireinoBijoux ~ Seishun Bus Guide by Shiny Sapphires / I was so happy when I saw that this unit had released more singles, because I've been stuck on their their Furare Pattern dub ever since I first heard it. I downloaded this a little bit ago and have listened to it quiet a few times since. The song has grown on me and this group of girls did a marvelous job on it!
You hear Fuyu and Mystery often because their parts have the most solos- both sound terrific! There are a good amount of smaller group parts throughout as well as fullcast lines, and the blending on them all is wonderful!! A few girls could use a bit more umph! but the energy for the most part is swell. This turned out nice!
Hannii (c), AutumnBaby (c), Corsica (k)
Bel (k), Eunmijjang (c), Mystery (k)
*KisetsuProject ~ Kaccho ee / CClyrics / These girls are the second generations to the Aki Koubou (k) and Haru-Cute (c), three to each unit. Hanni's "Ikimasu yo" at 1:36 is so sweet+cute! I think the "kaccho ee"s could use more punch, I don't feel anything from them. The faster lines in this song can be tricky, so the few stumbled solos are understandable. Practice brings progress!
Autumn and Eun Mi had some trouble- but I really like Eun's 2:42 "kaccho ee jan x2" solo, and Au's following "ookiku" solo is nice. Cor (1:55), My (2:31ish), Ha (2:37) and Bel (3:21) all sound splendid! I also like Mystery's 2:00 "kaccho ee jan x 2" solo, and all of the short little solos throughout are swell. This is a pleasant dub, though I'd like to hear the girls among their full groups on a different song~
Rainielovealways as Hebe
EarthtoEata as Selina
Littledd as Ella
*KCJEntertainment ~ Yi Yan Wan Nian / I am entirely new to KCJE, but I am not new to S.H.E- I love them and don't listen to them nearly enough!! I've heard this song a few times before, but not in a long while. It's a somewhat tough song choice, since many slow songs and fast songs are difficult in their own ways. You've got to watch pitch and timing on a song like this. But whatever little thing may be picked at, I give these ladies props for giving it a go!
I didn't know what to expect, since I don't believe I have heard any of the singers in this before, but Eata was a pleasant surprise. Her opening "lei you dian xian you dian tian" is very lovely!! I really like her sweet voice, and her whole solo is enchanting. Lildd follows, her timing is close to iffy sometimes but she sounds marvelous all the same.
Ohmy, 1:20 is magnificent! The girls blend so well -like their "lian lian bu mie"- and they sound so pretty together!! After the chorus is Rainie, she's a bit pitchy and her timing isn't perfect, but I like her "de ce lian" (2:25) a lot and her ending "hui" is nice. 2:43 is a semi-short solo by Eata, followed by Lildd; frick, I love her "hai an xian yue rang ren liu lian" line at 2:51!! So pretty!
Then it's more of the chorus, and though the girls aren't always in sync, it's very soothing and lovely. All of the high notes -in group parts and solos- are managed well in this dub. I'm really glad I took the time to listen to this. It makes me want to explore KCJE much more!
Get yourself ready for some K's. I'm always coming up with different ways to determine how to play catch up from day to day. In some ways I'm real behind and in others it's not that bad. But while thinking of what to write about today I randomly picked a number and it happened to match with the letter K's position in the alphabet. So I'm going to be catching up on K projects. This next dub I started writing about, and after a bit I decided to slap it in it's own entry~
Dawn Musume Summer Live 2010
~All Over the World~ concert
Ai Takahashi: Naoly [oONaolyOo]
Risa Niigaki: Memoire [Memoiree]
Eri Kamei: Ameimi [Ameimii]
Reina Tanaka: Aiko [ReinaLoverAi]
Koharu Kusumi: Airen [malajesterices]
Sayumi Michishige: Hanna [HannaPulla]
Aika Mitsui: Hanni [HanniLoreee]
JunJun: Kokoro [LoliiKokoro]
LinLin: Naoly [oONaolyOo]
*KanashimiLegend ~ Love & Peace! HERO ga Yattekitta~ / I LOVE THIS SONG. I know I say that about a lot of songs, cause in many ways H!P rocks and thus there are a lot of good songs. But this song is SO COOL! So fun and energetic & I completely adore the melodies. It's actually kind of funny, cause it's the song Renna (HPAS) used on her Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert video and I remembered then how much I love this song. And now I'm listening to this, lol.
But onto the dub! Much of this is various group parts, but the beginning "EVERYDAY EVERYNIGHT" etc is mainly by everyone; it could have used more energy overall. At 0:32 it picks up some, there is more emotion, and everyone sounds fabulous. Memoire's "daisuki yo" at 1:00 is so adorably charming! 1:16 is my favorite melody in the song, it's amazing. This is one time I bow to Tsunku for a cool song.
Ameimi sounds sensational at 1:23, and following is more "HERO! HERE WE GO!" etc which turned out nicely! And 1:36 is Naoly, props to her for being a cover! I really like how the cast sounds on the verses, the second of which starts at 1:55. There is some nice blending going on and I like it!! Frick, I love Aiko. I've noticed her here and there on different group lines with her fantastic emotion, and her "daisuki yo" at 2:23 is so kawaii+pretty!
I really like Na/Ha at 2:33 ("kanatte hoshii")- they lead the way to more of the rockin' chorus. Memoire's 2:45 solo is wonderful, I like her "kanpeki na" ~ and at 2:59 Aiko totally pwns her line, her "dakara" is smashing!! The "EVERYDAY EVERYNIGHT" etc at the end doesn't really get me going anymore than in the beginning; the girls sound good, but I'd like more umph!
You don't hear Airen, Hanna, Hanni (yay for being a helpful cover), or Kokoro individually but they all contributed to the various group parts! I like this quite a lot!! I've barely listened to Kanashimi Legend, but I shall try and pay them more attention in the future!
Dawn Musume Summer Live 2010
~All Over the World~ concert
Ai Takahashi: Naoly [oONaolyOo]
Risa Niigaki: Memoire [Memoiree]
Eri Kamei: Ameimi [Ameimii]
Reina Tanaka: Aiko [ReinaLoverAi]
Koharu Kusumi: Airen [malajesterices]
Sayumi Michishige: Hanna [HannaPulla]
Aika Mitsui: Hanni [HanniLoreee]
JunJun: Kokoro [LoliiKokoro]
LinLin: Naoly [oONaolyOo]
*KanashimiLegend ~ Love & Peace! HERO ga Yattekitta~ / I LOVE THIS SONG. I know I say that about a lot of songs, cause in many ways H!P rocks and thus there are a lot of good songs. But this song is SO COOL! So fun and energetic & I completely adore the melodies. It's actually kind of funny, cause it's the song Renna (HPAS) used on her Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert video and I remembered then how much I love this song. And now I'm listening to this, lol.
But onto the dub! Much of this is various group parts, but the beginning "EVERYDAY EVERYNIGHT" etc is mainly by everyone; it could have used more energy overall. At 0:32 it picks up some, there is more emotion, and everyone sounds fabulous. Memoire's "daisuki yo" at 1:00 is so adorably charming! 1:16 is my favorite melody in the song, it's amazing. This is one time I bow to Tsunku for a cool song.
Ameimi sounds sensational at 1:23, and following is more "HERO! HERE WE GO!" etc which turned out nicely! And 1:36 is Naoly, props to her for being a cover! I really like how the cast sounds on the verses, the second of which starts at 1:55. There is some nice blending going on and I like it!! Frick, I love Aiko. I've noticed her here and there on different group lines with her fantastic emotion, and her "daisuki yo" at 2:23 is so kawaii+pretty!
I really like Na/Ha at 2:33 ("kanatte hoshii")- they lead the way to more of the rockin' chorus. Memoire's 2:45 solo is wonderful, I like her "kanpeki na" ~ and at 2:59 Aiko totally pwns her line, her "dakara" is smashing!! The "EVERYDAY EVERYNIGHT" etc at the end doesn't really get me going anymore than in the beginning; the girls sound good, but I'd like more umph!
You don't hear Airen, Hanna, Hanni (yay for being a helpful cover), or Kokoro individually but they all contributed to the various group parts! I like this quite a lot!! I've barely listened to Kanashimi Legend, but I shall try and pay them more attention in the future!
Monday, August 23, 2010
kjgjkegn rjk
I want to make love to this dub. (No, I did not say I want to make love in this club- let's keep Usher out of this please) I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO THIS DUB. I got Liana's shoutbox message about her new account, so I was all *la la la click click* and then the dub started loading on her page while I was poking about. I finally blinked at it a few times before I hit the play button and I am SO GLAD that I did! ! !
Taeyon: Coxy (coxychox)
Jessica: Shi (shi2js)
Tiffany: Liana (letigressfabulous)
Sunny: Mandy (tokidokihaato)
Hyoyeon: Amanda (catanaition)
SooYoung: Windy (x_lovelywindy)
Yuri: Ronnie (nephiminechan)
Yoona: Hitomi (xxhitomixx)
Seohyun: Hxiong (hxionify)
Star Star Star by X♡X♡ (hosted by letigressfabulous) / I actually found some cool color coded lyrics for this song, they may not be perfectly accurate, but they helped me to know when which girl was singing (since I am a fail SNSD fan, and don't know them by name very well). Still, forgive any mistakes! The beginning speaking part is by Hitomi, she did it so well! I really felt the emotion when she said "michigetda byeol deura" all sad like.
HOLY kjgneskjg grkjngrjk grnegjjgr !!! Coxy sounds AMAZING. The second I heard her, I probably had some brain cells die or something, cause she sounds mind-blowingly incredible! Her voice is SO beautiful! Smooth, rich, flowing, not to mention her vibrato gives me tingles. She's followed by Shi, and FRICK she's just as extraordinary! She sounds so lovely, enchanting, and superb! I love both of their "oh baby"s
1:01 is Windy, who's so sweet!! Like cute, endearing, charming, mega sweet, but in the most beautiful way. All of her held notes are wonderful, and I especially like her last line, "na amugeotdo halsu eobtjanha" ~ As Windy sings, Mandy has higher solos that follow after each line. She sings them fantastically and sounds utterly divine!! 1:15 is Liana, who's as marvelous as ever- I love her on the melody of the second line ("watdeon geoya neoreul chaja") her low notes are delightful. I also like her pretty "Shining Star"
Mandy follows, she has awesome emotion! Her "jeongmal" is sensational and I love her ending "hana" ~ 1:54 is Hxiong, she has such a gentle lovely sound, her singing is very soothing and pleasant. I really like her "ddo ni saenggake" ~ 2:09 is Liana again, goodness gracious I love her whole solo here! The second time around Amanda (2:22) has the lines that are followed by Hitomi's tremendous solos. Her held notes are splendid and she sounds beautiful overall.
2:37 is Ronnie, who's brilliant and very moving to listen to. Her "malhaebwa" is exquisite, her lower notes in the second line so lovely, and her "daedabhaebwa utjiman malgo" is breathtaking. Following is the mellifluous Coxy, who's intensely ear-pleasing. I love her "byeol"s and so much more. At 3:11 Hitomi only sings three words, but they're sweetly captivating- "Star star star" ~
Coxy's 3:17 solo of similar lyrics plus some vocalizing ("Ooh...whoa") is very lovely, as is Hxiong's solo thereafter. Shi's last solo closes the dub; her "jeongmal" is very pretty and her "hana" purely gorgeous. ! ! ! ! O M G I had to try so hard not to repeat myself when writing about this, because I kept wanting to use the same words; amazing, beautiful, etc.
But I think I managed to get my feelings about this dub and the girls across in a good variety of words, though often times I had to search for the right word. And no matter how many words I use, I can never say enough good things about this. IT'S STUNNING! I thank these singers for sharing their singing with us! This is very sweet, soothing, magnificent and moving! I am dying for an MP3 *coughlianaily*
I strongly suggest y'all give this a listen. It deserves many.
*EDIT! I found the thread on yoproject's forums, including the MP3!! Go there to download this gorgeous dub. AND I discovered that I did have a few of the solos mixed up. I wondered why Hitomi only had the bit in the beginning, but it turns out she has two other solos, which I have fixed above.
Taeyon: Coxy (coxychox)
Jessica: Shi (shi2js)
Tiffany: Liana (letigressfabulous)
Sunny: Mandy (tokidokihaato)
Hyoyeon: Amanda (catanaition)
SooYoung: Windy (x_lovelywindy)
Yuri: Ronnie (nephiminechan)
Yoona: Hitomi (xxhitomixx)
Seohyun: Hxiong (hxionify)
Star Star Star by X♡X♡ (hosted by letigressfabulous) / I actually found some cool color coded lyrics for this song, they may not be perfectly accurate, but they helped me to know when which girl was singing (since I am a fail SNSD fan, and don't know them by name very well). Still, forgive any mistakes! The beginning speaking part is by Hitomi, she did it so well! I really felt the emotion when she said "michigetda byeol deura" all sad like.
HOLY kjgneskjg grkjngrjk grnegjjgr !!! Coxy sounds AMAZING. The second I heard her, I probably had some brain cells die or something, cause she sounds mind-blowingly incredible! Her voice is SO beautiful! Smooth, rich, flowing, not to mention her vibrato gives me tingles. She's followed by Shi, and FRICK she's just as extraordinary! She sounds so lovely, enchanting, and superb! I love both of their "oh baby"s
1:01 is Windy, who's so sweet!! Like cute, endearing, charming, mega sweet, but in the most beautiful way. All of her held notes are wonderful, and I especially like her last line, "na amugeotdo halsu eobtjanha" ~ As Windy sings, Mandy has higher solos that follow after each line. She sings them fantastically and sounds utterly divine!! 1:15 is Liana, who's as marvelous as ever- I love her on the melody of the second line ("watdeon geoya neoreul chaja") her low notes are delightful. I also like her pretty "Shining Star"
Mandy follows, she has awesome emotion! Her "jeongmal" is sensational and I love her ending "hana" ~ 1:54 is Hxiong, she has such a gentle lovely sound, her singing is very soothing and pleasant. I really like her "ddo ni saenggake" ~ 2:09 is Liana again, goodness gracious I love her whole solo here! The second time around Amanda (2:22) has the lines that are followed by Hitomi's tremendous solos. Her held notes are splendid and she sounds beautiful overall.
2:37 is Ronnie, who's brilliant and very moving to listen to. Her "malhaebwa" is exquisite, her lower notes in the second line so lovely, and her "daedabhaebwa utjiman malgo" is breathtaking. Following is the mellifluous Coxy, who's intensely ear-pleasing. I love her "byeol"s and so much more. At 3:11 Hitomi only sings three words, but they're sweetly captivating- "Star star star" ~
Coxy's 3:17 solo of similar lyrics plus some vocalizing ("Ooh...whoa") is very lovely, as is Hxiong's solo thereafter. Shi's last solo closes the dub; her "jeongmal" is very pretty and her "hana" purely gorgeous. ! ! ! ! O M G I had to try so hard not to repeat myself when writing about this, because I kept wanting to use the same words; amazing, beautiful, etc.
But I think I managed to get my feelings about this dub and the girls across in a good variety of words, though often times I had to search for the right word. And no matter how many words I use, I can never say enough good things about this. IT'S STUNNING! I thank these singers for sharing their singing with us! This is very sweet, soothing, magnificent and moving! I am dying for an MP3 *coughlianaily*
I strongly suggest y'all give this a listen. It deserves many.
*EDIT! I found the thread on yoproject's forums, including the MP3!! Go there to download this gorgeous dub. AND I discovered that I did have a few of the solos mixed up. I wondered why Hitomi only had the bit in the beginning, but it turns out she has two other solos, which I have fixed above.
Sunday, August 22, 2010

But I just love dubs so much that I wanna listen to'em all the time, without waiting for YT to be nice to me. Just *click* and TADA. My list is rather short this time, but I haven't really taken stock of what I want. I would LOVE to have an MP3 of MottoImouto's Summer Shuffle 2010! Part One (GuruGuru JUMP! & Tane), as well as Onna Be's two latest groupdubs (Sprinter & Perfect Girls).
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to please little ol' me~
Totally Up! Project
2010 Summer
Kamei Eri: Katie & Serenyty
Mitsui Aika: Yumiko
Kumai Yurina: Hinaki
Okai Chisato: Ameimi
Oujisama to Yuki no Yoru [Track 10] / Ohmygosh, I haven't watched any concert performances by the new Tanpopo, so this is a treat for me! Wow, I checked out the MP3 and it doesn't have any of the wotas and other sounds. I get that they're there in the dub cause it's a concert, but the sound is so much better on the MP3! You can really hear the girls, so I suggest that y'all give it a listen. You don't need to download if you don't want to, cause it's on box!
To prevent me from rambling on, I'm going to pick out my favorite solo by each girl. Starting with Hinaki; her 0:53 "ofuro ni hairou to" is short but splendid! Many of the solos in this song aren't very long, so there isn't always lots to say about them but that doesn't make them any less marvelous. Hinaki sounds very sweet on all of her lines! I like the "shitara" at 0:56 too, how the word is split up and sang slowly.
I don't know Katie and Serenyty apart, I can tell the difference between their voices, but I don't know who is who. The wonderful beginning solo ("TEREBI wo mitetara") and the lovely solo at 2:09 ("oujisama mitai na hito tte") are by faves from the two. Ameimi is sooooo cute!! I like all of her solos, like the short little "BAITO" at 0:59. My fave from her is tough- I like her at 1:18 and also at 5:53ish.
What I like most by Yumiko is actually really short; her "dakedo" at 1:23 is pretty! My first thought when hearing her was that she sounds kind of quiet / muffled. In the MP3 you can hear her much better though! I also like her 2:36 solo. The group lines in this are super lovely and sound terrific overall! The girls did a real nice job on this song~
Kireina Project Aloha!
~Summer~ 2010 Concert
Yajima Maimi: Saya (animefreakXDD)
Umeda Erika: Juri (Juwibean)
Nakajima Saki: Rei (RaReiRoo)
Suzuki Airi: Kimiko (KimiOkami)
Okai Chisato: Lily (therealallisons)
Hagiwara Mai: Okie (DivaDagger)
Shiritsu Kyougaku [Track 3] / The tracks in this KireinaPro's concert seem to be short but sweet, with none of them being over 2 minutes. But even with the length, all of the girls get a chance to sing- which makes me happy. Rei starts the song off and just blows your mind with her extreme kawaiiness. I adore her singing and think she did a smashing job!
0:29 is Juri, who sounds very pretty, and cute too! She also sings with emotion, as all of the girls do! That's it for the longer solos; following are Kimiko, Saya and Okie, they may not sing long but they certainly sing well and sound fabulous! Ohmy, I love the girls altogether on the chorus, especially the first line, "Anata wa donna kakkou shite kuru no" ~ but all of the group part is fantastic, and so is the dub!
Yoku Project Concert 2010
Summer ~*Ai wo misete kudasai*~
Tsugunaga Momoko: Mai (dblingchiu)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Lizzie (Liz9419)
Suzuki Airi: Belly (Rasubelly)
Nakimushi Shounen [Track 9] / Whoa, is that the instrumental that sounds weird? Whatever it is, the vocals totally take your attention away from it almost instantly! The chorus of this song is so freaking catchy, I love how this trio sounds on it in the beginning. I really like them on "kono basho wo tobikoete ikou" ~
I love Belly's mature sound so much, she's super lovey and delivers wonderfully! Liz totally rocks her solos and sounds sensational! Mai is so cuuuute! She's much more than cute, but that's the first thing I think of when I hear her, cause really- she's adorable!! She sings terrifically in this. All of the girls have a moment of odd timing in the second verse, but it's no biggie.
For some reason, my head likes to mix up Lizzie and another dubber with a somewhat similar sound. But with this other person I often think "more energy" and so sometimes I make a mental note of that before I hear Liz, then I realize I'm confusing people, lol. Liz has got great energy! Mai has a more gentle energy, because of her cute yet quietish singing. It's more noticeable at different times.
Wow, this is a Momo & Miyabi dominated song, which is surprising 'cause Buono is usually pretty fair or if there is anyone with a few more lines it's Airi. But Belly has 4 solos while Mai and Liz has 7 each! I try and talk about cast members as evenly as possible, but it can also depend on line division- Belly doesn't have as much to comment on, but she did a swell job!! And all of the girls contributed to the delightful chorus!
PA-FE Kyuuto! 2010
Summer Concert
Cast: Awai, Aiko, Ai
Pira! Otome No Negai [Track 6] / CClyrics / Whenever I think of this song, the duet by Kohaku and Himawari comes to mind. Sadly the video is no longer up, but AHA HA HA I have the MP3 that I downloaded ages ago. I love being able to listen to stuff I like, even if something happens to it. I can pop the MP3 on my box account if anyone is interested, just let me know! But on to this dub!
"Yes we decided to sing the crazy tongue twister song" and a tongue twister it is indeed! With those "PARAPIRAPORAPORAPPO" and "PIRAPPOPPOPPO" parts. But they're really fun!! Geesh what a spectacular job this trio of tremendous gals did! The whole beginning part is awesome and spot on, with oodles of emotion and good pronunciation!
0:37 is Awai! I always have good things to say about her- she's fantastic as ever in this! Cute + pretty + & peppy! I wish the volume of solos was a little louder; it'd be nice to hear the girls more. 0:50 is Aiko with her strong and lovely vocals, followed by the fun & epic "WO AH OH..." by all three. 0:57 is Ai, who is utterly adorable. I like her "Setsunakute"
More solos- Aw (1:04) & Ak (1:11). And then it's another round of...would it be considered the chorus? lol idk. The tongue twister followed by a short solo, part of the song. The first time (0:23) Ak & Ar had the solos, and this time (1:20) Ak & Aw have take turns on them. I'm going to skip over the magnificent solos and the kickbutt "PARAPIRA..." part from 1:33 to 2:57, and jump into the solos thereafter;
YAY we get to hear the girls sing the one of the main parts individually! I have to say that I like Airu the most. The melody is higher, lower, higher, lower- Airu really sounds great singing both and delivers well! That's not to say I don't like the other girls; Awai and Aiko both sound excellent! As listeners, we all have different things that catch our attention, eh? The rest of the dub is mainly more group-sung tongue twisters, with a few solos here and there. I really enjoyed this!!
*EDIT: it was Ai, not Airu. I got confused because the CClyrics said it was Airu, and it was not noted anywhere in the drop-down section that Ai was covering. So without such a note, I put two and two together, and figured it was Airu in both the castlist and lyrics, simply shortened to Ai in the cast. Thanks to Airu for setting me straight!
Hana Project
Natsu Matsuri 2010
MORNING MUSUME: Sayuri, Ajisai, Kanna
Suiren, Kisagi, Kiku, Aoi, Kuchinashi, Chuurippu
BERRYZ KOBOU: Himawari, Kiri, Kikyo,
Lilmenchi, Rina, Nadeshiko, Asagao
C-UTE: Tsubaki, Ibara, Hinageshi
Chuurippu, Kuchinashi, Asagao, Rina
Souda! We're Alive [Track 32] / I've never been a big fan of this song. So even though the Hana girls sound amazing, this dub doesn't float my boat a ton. I do like parts of the song, and love the emotion that it's all sung with. 0:29 is fun, and 2:00 & 2:38 are pretty. The solos are outstanding, the group parts beautiful yet packed with punch, and overall this turned out awesome!
PA-FE Kyuuto,
Totally Up Project,
Yoku Project
Saturday, August 21, 2010
As you can see from the banner that assaults your eyes the moment you click your way to my blog, I changed it! I don't only blog about H!P dubbing groups, and so I felt my previous banner was misleading. Plus I started out only writing about a handful of projects; now I keep tabs on over 80. It doesn't seem fair to have the name of only about a dozen of'em up there, and none of the rest.
Plus- AK and SnM cover all kinds of songs (Asian, English, and much more), there are AKB48 groups, kpop groups, etc on YT, and I like to listen to solos too. Also, people who don't know me or don't follow the YT & dubbing communities were probably confused by my old banner, lol. So even though I stuck to a very basic banner this time, I'm happy enough with it for now.
Nashi [ missgumbiecat ]
Kani [ madleybloomingstar ]
Ringo [ thecutieastig ]
Hiduke [ fantasykingdom1227 ]
Ichijiku [ crazyselphie ]
Campus Life ~Umarete Kite Yokatta~ by Amai Hikage (ShizenProjectDubs) / I was a millasecond from being really sad that I didn't know who was singing when and stuff, then I remember that Ayaka gave me the CClyrics AGES ago when she sweetly asked me to look at it. (OMG they even named it 'color codes for Aya' gaaaah ILYGUYS) I downloaded it then and have been listening to it ever since, and it's one of my favorite dubs of this song. And definitely one of the best.
jkgneswjgn I love Kani. She is so amazingly kawaii, I could say it twelve dozen times and I know it'll still be true, but I can't help fangirling over her voice. She has the first solo and instantly you're loving the dub when you hear her. Not that it's all about her, no no no, she just starts the song off wonderfully and I'm loving it!
0:33 is Ichijiku, she's such lovable mix of pretty & cute!! She sounds soooo good and delivers well! I like her "suwatteru" though every word from her is magnificent! 0:46 is Hiduke, her solo is semi-short but super lovely! I love her "kiita" ~ she's followed by Na/Ri, and ohmy they sound fantastic together!! And then it's the chorus!! YAY.
This song has grown on me a lot, as many songs end up doing (except for Seishun Collection, lmao). I really like the melodies, and on them this gorgeous group of gals is great to the gillionth power, and then some. Seriously. The chorus sounds sensationally spectacular!! I love love love LOVE it!! I'm just bobbin' along in my chair and enjoying this 'music to my ears' quite literally.
Kani has the first "SUKI" solo at 1:24ish, and it's purely adorable! On to the second chorus- 1:38 is Ringo, who reminds me a bit of Ichijiku, in that they both have a similar sound; mega pretty + cute, just in their own different ways! I really like Ringo's "tappuri to" ~ she sings with oodles of emotion and dazzles my cilia with her outstanding vocals!
1:51ish is Hiduke, I don't know why but she reminds me of Rae (SingingOnDemand) in this. I've heard her sing quite often before, maybe it's just this song, or me being weird? lol idk. Anyways, she is delightful!! I don't know which part of her lovely solo to pick out, cause it's all awesome! Following is Ichijiku, again not a long solo but she's cute 'n charming. I like her "kara ne"
2:09 is Na/Ka, and they are making me believe -even more so than I already do- that it's likely impossible for this group of girls to sound anything but amazing together!! And if they don't do it, the chorus right after certainly does!! The blending in this overall is through the roof! I love the chorus to pieces, and if this dub were cake I'd say screw the pieces and take a fork to the whole kickbutt confection!
Ringo at 2:42, I really like her last "SUKI" but all three of them are sweet. (*has the stupid hiccups*) And then 2:57 isMartha Nashi! I need to get used to the names in this project, lol. Goodness gracious, do I love this lady's singing; she sounds incredible! I love the sound of her voice and the emotion she puts into her lines. After the last set of lines in the chorus -sung by everyone- Nashi has the final "SUKI SUKI SUKI"
klefeklfej lgkernjgklr YAYAYAYAY, yes if you read between the lines that is my name in caps, but the main point is a big YAY for this dub!! I totally love it and will go on loving it, and am happy to share my adoration with y'all and hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did the first time and still do!
ALSO *HINT HINT* I am downloading their Suki Sugite Baka Mitai dub ASAP (which will be right now if technology keeps being nice to me) and y'all shouldn't hesitate to give that a go as well. Though I can't say anything about it yet, since I haven't heard it. I'm sure it's going to be wonderful. We shall seeeee~
Plus- AK and SnM cover all kinds of songs (Asian, English, and much more), there are AKB48 groups, kpop groups, etc on YT, and I like to listen to solos too. Also, people who don't know me or don't follow the YT & dubbing communities were probably confused by my old banner, lol. So even though I stuck to a very basic banner this time, I'm happy enough with it for now.
Nashi [ missgumbiecat ]
Kani [ madleybloomingstar ]
Ringo [ thecutieastig ]
Hiduke [ fantasykingdom1227 ]
Ichijiku [ crazyselphie ]
Campus Life ~Umarete Kite Yokatta~ by Amai Hikage (ShizenProjectDubs) / I was a millasecond from being really sad that I didn't know who was singing when and stuff, then I remember that Ayaka gave me the CClyrics AGES ago when she sweetly asked me to look at it. (OMG they even named it 'color codes for Aya' gaaaah ILYGUYS) I downloaded it then and have been listening to it ever since, and it's one of my favorite dubs of this song. And definitely one of the best.
jkgneswjgn I love Kani. She is so amazingly kawaii, I could say it twelve dozen times and I know it'll still be true, but I can't help fangirling over her voice. She has the first solo and instantly you're loving the dub when you hear her. Not that it's all about her, no no no, she just starts the song off wonderfully and I'm loving it!
0:33 is Ichijiku, she's such lovable mix of pretty & cute!! She sounds soooo good and delivers well! I like her "suwatteru" though every word from her is magnificent! 0:46 is Hiduke, her solo is semi-short but super lovely! I love her "kiita" ~ she's followed by Na/Ri, and ohmy they sound fantastic together!! And then it's the chorus!! YAY.
This song has grown on me a lot, as many songs end up doing (except for Seishun Collection, lmao). I really like the melodies, and on them this gorgeous group of gals is great to the gillionth power, and then some. Seriously. The chorus sounds sensationally spectacular!! I love love love LOVE it!! I'm just bobbin' along in my chair and enjoying this 'music to my ears' quite literally.
Kani has the first "SUKI" solo at 1:24ish, and it's purely adorable! On to the second chorus- 1:38 is Ringo, who reminds me a bit of Ichijiku, in that they both have a similar sound; mega pretty + cute, just in their own different ways! I really like Ringo's "tappuri to" ~ she sings with oodles of emotion and dazzles my cilia with her outstanding vocals!
1:51ish is Hiduke, I don't know why but she reminds me of Rae (SingingOnDemand) in this. I've heard her sing quite often before, maybe it's just this song, or me being weird? lol idk. Anyways, she is delightful!! I don't know which part of her lovely solo to pick out, cause it's all awesome! Following is Ichijiku, again not a long solo but she's cute 'n charming. I like her "kara ne"
2:09 is Na/Ka, and they are making me believe -even more so than I already do- that it's likely impossible for this group of girls to sound anything but amazing together!! And if they don't do it, the chorus right after certainly does!! The blending in this overall is through the roof! I love the chorus to pieces, and if this dub were cake I'd say screw the pieces and take a fork to the whole kickbutt confection!
Ringo at 2:42, I really like her last "SUKI" but all three of them are sweet. (*has the stupid hiccups*) And then 2:57 is
klefeklfej lgkernjgklr YAYAYAYAY, yes if you read between the lines that is my name in caps, but the main point is a big YAY for this dub!! I totally love it and will go on loving it, and am happy to share my adoration with y'all and hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did the first time and still do!
ALSO *HINT HINT* I am downloading their Suki Sugite Baka Mitai dub ASAP (which will be right now if technology keeps being nice to me) and y'all shouldn't hesitate to give that a go as well. Though I can't say anything about it yet, since I haven't heard it. I'm sure it's going to be wonderful. We shall seeeee~
Sorry for my laziness lately. The bad thing about having time off is that time slips away from me, I'm easily sleepy unless I keep myself busy, and often times I get sidetracked doing stuff that I normally don't have lots of time for (ex slash reading, lol).
Also we're trialing a new kitten, my mom has named him Diego and he is troublesome- batting at my headphone cord, getting under my feet and making me worry that I'll roll over his tail, climbing all over behind my computer and making me fret that he'll unplug something, etc. He is adorable, but tries my patience often.
I still have four days left and I shall try and make the most of them!!
I don't really know all that much about this, as there isn't a lot of information provided. The contest will be composed of three rounds, and in the end there will be prizes for the top three placements- being featured on kpopcollab's YT channel, the promise of subscribers, and a background of their "favourite kpop group/idol" (differs depending on placement).
Round One took place Aug 6th and more than 40 people entered via video response (the required means of applying). "You guys can sing ANY kpop song for this round. It can be an old cover you've done or a new cover. We are looking for a well rounded Idol so this is how we will judge the covers..." The following listed was; Vocal quality, Range, Emotion, Style, and Adlibs, Belting, Vibrato, Harmonizing or Rapping.
It was noted that no voting will go on for the first two rounds -which will be decided by the two judges- but only in the third round. Round Two began on the 12th with the current deadline set at the 25th. Of the original applicants, 20 made it through to the second round. You can view the drop-down section to the video to read about how things are going down this time, I'd rather not ramble on about it, lol.
Instead I have decided to do as I did with Hana and IKP auditions before. There are now only 40 video responses left up (I expected some to no longer be listed) and it is my goal to get through them all! Because listening alone will take a long time, I may not write about every single dub, we'll just see how it goes~
*EverlastingGoals ~ Lucifer / Wow, I see why this song is so popular since it came out, it's pretty awesome. This is my first time hearing it, and this is one kickbutt dub of it!! Line has such strong vocals, loads of confindence & emotion, and delivers like a pro. On her profile she has a few Q&As, one being whether she is a boy or girl, and I'll admit myself that I wasn't sure at first. She sort of reminds me of Leilani (only201miles), so I was leaning towards female (with hella fierce vocals), but I don't like to assume. This is extremely brilliant!
*HICHI4you ~ Oasis / This is so relaxing. Bella is beautiful on the chorus, though the solo in entirety is wonderful! I think she handled the few higher parts well, and I love so so many of her ending notes, like her "jweo" at 1:21ish. Both of her "I wanna make love"s are awesome, and I really like the rap too!
I am guessing that either the guy vocals were on the instrumental she used or she chose to include them? Either way, her singing blends well with them. Her voice doesn't get lost in the backing vocals, instead fitting easily and sounding splendid. It's good that she sounds swell alone as well as with others, and also shows that her timing and key are on. Really nice.
*rhapsophonia ~ Bad Girl Good Girl / I find the "You don't know me" & "So shut up boy"s in this repetitive. I think they're cool sounding dub wise, but at the same time annoying song wise, lol. I'm not familiar with the song, so I don't know how the original sounds- thus I'm not doing any comparing in my head, simply listening.
I really like the "Hello, hello, hello"s (+ "euro x 3" & "dwiro x 3") and the part at 2:33. Charmaine doesn't have the kind of vocals that knock you off your feet, but she has a lovely sound and puts emotion into her singing. This is my first time hearing her, and she mentioned that this song was a bit hard. So I await hearing her in the next round on a different song.
*blackangelz09 ~ We're Breaking Up Today / At first I thought this was something serious, like an official recording or something. Y'all know what I mean- this is so amazing I didn't think it was a cover. The opening verse is so gorgeous!! Lin's singing is very moving. She has some iffy higher notes throughout the chorus' but those are easily tossed into the darkest corner of the it-doesn't-matter pit, because overall she did a divine job on this song. The verses are definitely my favorite, but the chorus' are lovely too.
*Melodicafiles ~ A Girl Meets Love / You have to wait until 1:24 to hear Mimi, but it's not a bad thing - her partner in this collab, Raddy, did a nice job! But focusing on the applicant, I like Mimi on the lower melody of the verse; in fact, her very first line is my favorite. She's good on the chorus too, but it appeals to me less. I don't know how to explain why. I'd like to hear her on a different song, so I shall try and look for her in the next round.
*icsk8grrl ~ Chocolate Love / I love vibrato- especially the right amount of a controlled vibrato, which is what Haru has. She uses little bits of it here & there and my ears are drinking it in. The fantastic sound of her mature voice is like chocolate. I really like her on the verses. She sings this song with a sexy vocal attitude, and it's utterly delicious. The part at 2:07 is fun, and the following "woo~" etc part at 2:21 is fabulous.
--Okay this is taking forever because my internet hates me today. That's all I am going to do for now, cause I'm frustrated that it's taking so long. I will try to get to the rest little by little.
Also we're trialing a new kitten, my mom has named him Diego and he is troublesome- batting at my headphone cord, getting under my feet and making me worry that I'll roll over his tail, climbing all over behind my computer and making me fret that he'll unplug something, etc. He is adorable, but tries my patience often.
I still have four days left and I shall try and make the most of them!!

Round One took place Aug 6th and more than 40 people entered via video response (the required means of applying). "You guys can sing ANY kpop song for this round. It can be an old cover you've done or a new cover. We are looking for a well rounded Idol so this is how we will judge the covers..." The following listed was; Vocal quality, Range, Emotion, Style, and Adlibs, Belting, Vibrato, Harmonizing or Rapping.
It was noted that no voting will go on for the first two rounds -which will be decided by the two judges- but only in the third round. Round Two began on the 12th with the current deadline set at the 25th. Of the original applicants, 20 made it through to the second round. You can view the drop-down section to the video to read about how things are going down this time, I'd rather not ramble on about it, lol.
Instead I have decided to do as I did with Hana and IKP auditions before. There are now only 40 video responses left up (I expected some to no longer be listed) and it is my goal to get through them all! Because listening alone will take a long time, I may not write about every single dub, we'll just see how it goes~
*EverlastingGoals ~ Lucifer / Wow, I see why this song is so popular since it came out, it's pretty awesome. This is my first time hearing it, and this is one kickbutt dub of it!! Line has such strong vocals, loads of confindence & emotion, and delivers like a pro. On her profile she has a few Q&As, one being whether she is a boy or girl, and I'll admit myself that I wasn't sure at first. She sort of reminds me of Leilani (only201miles), so I was leaning towards female (with hella fierce vocals), but I don't like to assume. This is extremely brilliant!
*HICHI4you ~ Oasis / This is so relaxing. Bella is beautiful on the chorus, though the solo in entirety is wonderful! I think she handled the few higher parts well, and I love so so many of her ending notes, like her "jweo" at 1:21ish. Both of her "I wanna make love"s are awesome, and I really like the rap too!
I am guessing that either the guy vocals were on the instrumental she used or she chose to include them? Either way, her singing blends well with them. Her voice doesn't get lost in the backing vocals, instead fitting easily and sounding splendid. It's good that she sounds swell alone as well as with others, and also shows that her timing and key are on. Really nice.
*rhapsophonia ~ Bad Girl Good Girl / I find the "You don't know me" & "So shut up boy"s in this repetitive. I think they're cool sounding dub wise, but at the same time annoying song wise, lol. I'm not familiar with the song, so I don't know how the original sounds- thus I'm not doing any comparing in my head, simply listening.
I really like the "Hello, hello, hello"s (+ "euro x 3" & "dwiro x 3") and the part at 2:33. Charmaine doesn't have the kind of vocals that knock you off your feet, but she has a lovely sound and puts emotion into her singing. This is my first time hearing her, and she mentioned that this song was a bit hard. So I await hearing her in the next round on a different song.
*blackangelz09 ~ We're Breaking Up Today / At first I thought this was something serious, like an official recording or something. Y'all know what I mean- this is so amazing I didn't think it was a cover. The opening verse is so gorgeous!! Lin's singing is very moving. She has some iffy higher notes throughout the chorus' but those are easily tossed into the darkest corner of the it-doesn't-matter pit, because overall she did a divine job on this song. The verses are definitely my favorite, but the chorus' are lovely too.
*Melodicafiles ~ A Girl Meets Love / You have to wait until 1:24 to hear Mimi, but it's not a bad thing - her partner in this collab, Raddy, did a nice job! But focusing on the applicant, I like Mimi on the lower melody of the verse; in fact, her very first line is my favorite. She's good on the chorus too, but it appeals to me less. I don't know how to explain why. I'd like to hear her on a different song, so I shall try and look for her in the next round.
*icsk8grrl ~ Chocolate Love / I love vibrato- especially the right amount of a controlled vibrato, which is what Haru has. She uses little bits of it here & there and my ears are drinking it in. The fantastic sound of her mature voice is like chocolate. I really like her on the verses. She sings this song with a sexy vocal attitude, and it's utterly delicious. The part at 2:07 is fun, and the following "woo~" etc part at 2:21 is fabulous.
--Okay this is taking forever because my internet hates me today. That's all I am going to do for now, cause I'm frustrated that it's taking so long. I will try to get to the rest little by little.
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