But I just love dubs so much that I wanna listen to'em all the time, without waiting for YT to be nice to me. Just *click* and TADA. My list is rather short this time, but I haven't really taken stock of what I want. I would LOVE to have an MP3 of MottoImouto's Summer Shuffle 2010! Part One (GuruGuru JUMP! & Tane), as well as Onna Be's two latest groupdubs (Sprinter & Perfect Girls).
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to please little ol' me~
Totally Up! Project
2010 Summer
Kamei Eri: Katie & Serenyty
Mitsui Aika: Yumiko
Kumai Yurina: Hinaki
Okai Chisato: Ameimi
Oujisama to Yuki no Yoru [Track 10] / Ohmygosh, I haven't watched any concert performances by the new Tanpopo, so this is a treat for me! Wow, I checked out the MP3 and it doesn't have any of the wotas and other sounds. I get that they're there in the dub cause it's a concert, but the sound is so much better on the MP3! You can really hear the girls, so I suggest that y'all give it a listen. You don't need to download if you don't want to, cause it's on box!
To prevent me from rambling on, I'm going to pick out my favorite solo by each girl. Starting with Hinaki; her 0:53 "ofuro ni hairou to" is short but splendid! Many of the solos in this song aren't very long, so there isn't always lots to say about them but that doesn't make them any less marvelous. Hinaki sounds very sweet on all of her lines! I like the "shitara" at 0:56 too, how the word is split up and sang slowly.
I don't know Katie and Serenyty apart, I can tell the difference between their voices, but I don't know who is who. The wonderful beginning solo ("TEREBI wo mitetara") and the lovely solo at 2:09 ("oujisama mitai na hito tte") are by faves from the two. Ameimi is sooooo cute!! I like all of her solos, like the short little "BAITO" at 0:59. My fave from her is tough- I like her at 1:18 and also at 5:53ish.
What I like most by Yumiko is actually really short; her "dakedo" at 1:23 is pretty! My first thought when hearing her was that she sounds kind of quiet / muffled. In the MP3 you can hear her much better though! I also like her 2:36 solo. The group lines in this are super lovely and sound terrific overall! The girls did a real nice job on this song~
Kireina Project Aloha!
~Summer~ 2010 Concert
Yajima Maimi: Saya (animefreakXDD)
Umeda Erika: Juri (Juwibean)
Nakajima Saki: Rei (RaReiRoo)
Suzuki Airi: Kimiko (KimiOkami)
Okai Chisato: Lily (therealallisons)
Hagiwara Mai: Okie (DivaDagger)
Shiritsu Kyougaku [Track 3] / The tracks in this KireinaPro's concert seem to be short but sweet, with none of them being over 2 minutes. But even with the length, all of the girls get a chance to sing- which makes me happy. Rei starts the song off and just blows your mind with her extreme kawaiiness. I adore her singing and think she did a smashing job!
0:29 is Juri, who sounds very pretty, and cute too! She also sings with emotion, as all of the girls do! That's it for the longer solos; following are Kimiko, Saya and Okie, they may not sing long but they certainly sing well and sound fabulous! Ohmy, I love the girls altogether on the chorus, especially the first line, "Anata wa donna kakkou shite kuru no" ~ but all of the group part is fantastic, and so is the dub!
Yoku Project Concert 2010
Summer ~*Ai wo misete kudasai*~
Tsugunaga Momoko: Mai (dblingchiu)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Lizzie (Liz9419)
Suzuki Airi: Belly (Rasubelly)
Nakimushi Shounen [Track 9] / Whoa, is that the instrumental that sounds weird? Whatever it is, the vocals totally take your attention away from it almost instantly! The chorus of this song is so freaking catchy, I love how this trio sounds on it in the beginning. I really like them on "kono basho wo tobikoete ikou" ~
I love Belly's mature sound so much, she's super lovey and delivers wonderfully! Liz totally rocks her solos and sounds sensational! Mai is so cuuuute! She's much more than cute, but that's the first thing I think of when I hear her, cause really- she's adorable!! She sings terrifically in this. All of the girls have a moment of odd timing in the second verse, but it's no biggie.
For some reason, my head likes to mix up Lizzie and another dubber with a somewhat similar sound. But with this other person I often think "more energy" and so sometimes I make a mental note of that before I hear Liz, then I realize I'm confusing people, lol. Liz has got great energy! Mai has a more gentle energy, because of her cute yet quietish singing. It's more noticeable at different times.
Wow, this is a Momo & Miyabi dominated song, which is surprising 'cause Buono is usually pretty fair or if there is anyone with a few more lines it's Airi. But Belly has 4 solos while Mai and Liz has 7 each! I try and talk about cast members as evenly as possible, but it can also depend on line division- Belly doesn't have as much to comment on, but she did a swell job!! And all of the girls contributed to the delightful chorus!
PA-FE Kyuuto! 2010
Summer Concert
Cast: Awai, Aiko, Ai
Pira! Otome No Negai [Track 6] / CClyrics / Whenever I think of this song, the duet by Kohaku and Himawari comes to mind. Sadly the video is no longer up, but AHA HA HA I have the MP3 that I downloaded ages ago. I love being able to listen to stuff I like, even if something happens to it. I can pop the MP3 on my box account if anyone is interested, just let me know! But on to this dub!
"Yes we decided to sing the crazy tongue twister song" and a tongue twister it is indeed! With those "PARAPIRAPORAPORAPPO" and "PIRAPPOPPOPPO" parts. But they're really fun!! Geesh what a spectacular job this trio of tremendous gals did! The whole beginning part is awesome and spot on, with oodles of emotion and good pronunciation!
0:37 is Awai! I always have good things to say about her- she's fantastic as ever in this! Cute + pretty + & peppy! I wish the volume of solos was a little louder; it'd be nice to hear the girls more. 0:50 is Aiko with her strong and lovely vocals, followed by the fun & epic "WO AH OH..." by all three. 0:57 is Ai, who is utterly adorable. I like her "Setsunakute"
More solos- Aw (1:04) & Ak (1:11). And then it's another round of...would it be considered the chorus? lol idk. The tongue twister followed by a short solo, part of the song. The first time (0:23) Ak & Ar had the solos, and this time (1:20) Ak & Aw have take turns on them. I'm going to skip over the magnificent solos and the kickbutt "PARAPIRA..." part from 1:33 to 2:57, and jump into the solos thereafter;
YAY we get to hear the girls sing the one of the main parts individually! I have to say that I like Airu the most. The melody is higher, lower, higher, lower- Airu really sounds great singing both and delivers well! That's not to say I don't like the other girls; Awai and Aiko both sound excellent! As listeners, we all have different things that catch our attention, eh? The rest of the dub is mainly more group-sung tongue twisters, with a few solos here and there. I really enjoyed this!!
*EDIT: it was Ai, not Airu. I got confused because the CClyrics said it was Airu, and it was not noted anywhere in the drop-down section that Ai was covering. So without such a note, I put two and two together, and figured it was Airu in both the castlist and lyrics, simply shortened to Ai in the cast. Thanks to Airu for setting me straight!
Hana Project
Natsu Matsuri 2010
MORNING MUSUME: Sayuri, Ajisai, Kanna
Suiren, Kisagi, Kiku, Aoi, Kuchinashi, Chuurippu
BERRYZ KOBOU: Himawari, Kiri, Kikyo,
Lilmenchi, Rina, Nadeshiko, Asagao
C-UTE: Tsubaki, Ibara, Hinageshi
Chuurippu, Kuchinashi, Asagao, Rina
Souda! We're Alive [Track 32] / I've never been a big fan of this song. So even though the Hana girls sound amazing, this dub doesn't float my boat a ton. I do like parts of the song, and love the emotion that it's all sung with. 0:29 is fun, and 2:00 & 2:38 are pretty. The solos are outstanding, the group parts beautiful yet packed with punch, and overall this turned out awesome!
send a message to maliciousdevice on youtube and she will get you the motto imouto mp3s :3
ReplyDeleteAh! I (Airu) wasnt the one singing Pira! Otome No Negai! It was Ai~ She covered for me because i had a sucky mic that picked up every little puff. So the credit goes to Ai! Her voice is the one you like, lol. :D