Also we're trialing a new kitten, my mom has named him Diego and he is troublesome- batting at my headphone cord, getting under my feet and making me worry that I'll roll over his tail, climbing all over behind my computer and making me fret that he'll unplug something, etc. He is adorable, but tries my patience often.
I still have four days left and I shall try and make the most of them!!

Round One took place Aug 6th and more than 40 people entered via video response (the required means of applying). "You guys can sing ANY kpop song for this round. It can be an old cover you've done or a new cover. We are looking for a well rounded Idol so this is how we will judge the covers..." The following listed was; Vocal quality, Range, Emotion, Style, and Adlibs, Belting, Vibrato, Harmonizing or Rapping.
It was noted that no voting will go on for the first two rounds -which will be decided by the two judges- but only in the third round. Round Two began on the 12th with the current deadline set at the 25th. Of the original applicants, 20 made it through to the second round. You can view the drop-down section to the video to read about how things are going down this time, I'd rather not ramble on about it, lol.
Instead I have decided to do as I did with Hana and IKP auditions before. There are now only 40 video responses left up (I expected some to no longer be listed) and it is my goal to get through them all! Because listening alone will take a long time, I may not write about every single dub, we'll just see how it goes~
*EverlastingGoals ~ Lucifer / Wow, I see why this song is so popular since it came out, it's pretty awesome. This is my first time hearing it, and this is one kickbutt dub of it!! Line has such strong vocals, loads of confindence & emotion, and delivers like a pro. On her profile she has a few Q&As, one being whether she is a boy or girl, and I'll admit myself that I wasn't sure at first. She sort of reminds me of Leilani (only201miles), so I was leaning towards female (with hella fierce vocals), but I don't like to assume. This is extremely brilliant!
*HICHI4you ~ Oasis / This is so relaxing. Bella is beautiful on the chorus, though the solo in entirety is wonderful! I think she handled the few higher parts well, and I love so so many of her ending notes, like her "jweo" at 1:21ish. Both of her "I wanna make love"s are awesome, and I really like the rap too!
I am guessing that either the guy vocals were on the instrumental she used or she chose to include them? Either way, her singing blends well with them. Her voice doesn't get lost in the backing vocals, instead fitting easily and sounding splendid. It's good that she sounds swell alone as well as with others, and also shows that her timing and key are on. Really nice.
*rhapsophonia ~ Bad Girl Good Girl / I find the "You don't know me" & "So shut up boy"s in this repetitive. I think they're cool sounding dub wise, but at the same time annoying song wise, lol. I'm not familiar with the song, so I don't know how the original sounds- thus I'm not doing any comparing in my head, simply listening.
I really like the "Hello, hello, hello"s (+ "euro x 3" & "dwiro x 3") and the part at 2:33. Charmaine doesn't have the kind of vocals that knock you off your feet, but she has a lovely sound and puts emotion into her singing. This is my first time hearing her, and she mentioned that this song was a bit hard. So I await hearing her in the next round on a different song.
*blackangelz09 ~ We're Breaking Up Today / At first I thought this was something serious, like an official recording or something. Y'all know what I mean- this is so amazing I didn't think it was a cover. The opening verse is so gorgeous!! Lin's singing is very moving. She has some iffy higher notes throughout the chorus' but those are easily tossed into the darkest corner of the it-doesn't-matter pit, because overall she did a divine job on this song. The verses are definitely my favorite, but the chorus' are lovely too.
*Melodicafiles ~ A Girl Meets Love / You have to wait until 1:24 to hear Mimi, but it's not a bad thing - her partner in this collab, Raddy, did a nice job! But focusing on the applicant, I like Mimi on the lower melody of the verse; in fact, her very first line is my favorite. She's good on the chorus too, but it appeals to me less. I don't know how to explain why. I'd like to hear her on a different song, so I shall try and look for her in the next round.
*icsk8grrl ~ Chocolate Love / I love vibrato- especially the right amount of a controlled vibrato, which is what Haru has. She uses little bits of it here & there and my ears are drinking it in. The fantastic sound of her mature voice is like chocolate. I really like her on the verses. She sings this song with a sexy vocal attitude, and it's utterly delicious. The part at 2:07 is fun, and the following "woo~" etc part at 2:21 is fabulous.
--Okay this is taking forever because my internet hates me today. That's all I am going to do for now, cause I'm frustrated that it's taking so long. I will try to get to the rest little by little.
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