I must interrupt the plans in my head for the next few entries to write this entry. I fell in love with Renna's singing the moment I discovered her through yoproject forums via hearing her Ame no Fu etc dub. Then I learned that she's an amazing mixer and a hard worker who puts together her own ideas and projects as well as helps out other people. After a friendly nudge from Liana I looked into HelloProjectAllStars -run by Renna- and was impressed with her work there, and shortly thereafter, fell in love with Femme Fatale.
Then a little but ago, Renna told me about this next project she was working on. I haven't talked to her since, so I don't really know any of the ins and outs (and no one that would know is on MSN *shot*), but I shall stumble through this entry anyways!! I'm sure she's had some help from the participating leaders, and overall many people worked -individually and together- to make the following possible, and thus it is born!!

IroKokoroProject, SekainoMelody, MilkyStar Project
Pinky Team, Charms! Project, Hoshizora Dubs
Creme Project, Kirei na Project, Pafekuto Project
BonBon Project, Kaori Basket, Hello! Stage
Hanabi Project, Kanashimi Twilight, Saikyo Studios
Genki+Rabu, LolliProjectDubz, Hello!ProjectAllStars
The above are the 21 groups that are to participate in 2010 Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert. Which is basically a huge collab, a bunch of groups coming together to sing a full concert for us! Each project has it's time to shine among the program of 17 tracks + the finale + an encore.
Setlist Details: (CT = concert tour)
SMAP & Momusu, Power Zenkai Special Medley
by Yo!Project
Momusu Fall CT 2009 ~Nine Smile~
by Totally Up! Project
CT 2005 Haru Dai Rokkan Hit Mankai! Part 1
by Hana Project
CT 2005 Haru Dai Rokkan Hit Mankai! Part 2
by Kanashimi Twilight & Pinky Team
H!P 2006 Summer Live ~ Wonderful Hearts Land~
by Kirei na Project
Momusu CT "The Best of Japan Natsu ~ Aki '04"
by Milky Star Projects
°C-ute CT 2009 Natsu Aki ~Cutie JUMP!~
by Hoshizora Dubs
Buono! Live 2009 ~Hybrid Punch~
by Creme Project
57th Kōhaku Uta Gassen, Momusu+GAM
by Saikyo Studios & BonBon Project
H!P 2000 Shuffle Units, first half
by BonBon Project, latter by Charms! Project
H!P 2001, Together! Summer Party
by Hello! Stage
H!P 2002 Shuffle Units (LIVE Pop Jam)
by Sekai no Melody
H!P 2003 Shuffle Units
by Kaori Basket
H!P 2005 Shuffle Units
by Hanabi Project
Berryz Koubou CT 2009 Fall ~Medachitaii!!~
by IroKokoroProject
2007 Haru ~Hajimatta yo! Cutie Show~
by Genki+Rabu
AKB48 Music Japan 100404
by Pafekuto Project
Fall 2009 ~Nine Smile~ Medley
by Totally Up! Project
"The songs are coming out in (hopefully) the same order listed in the menu. In the case where a group still has not turned in their files, the next available video will be uploaded!" I am guessing that since this is the first track to be released but the second track in the concert, the first track is not ready yet.
I have no CClyrics, I'm not positive the castlist is completely correct, and I don't know all the songs used in the medley. I'd like to get a bit more info before I write about this, but I thought I'd share with y'all since it's out! I really like the "Please be Freedom" part of this! Have a listen and enjoy!
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