Wada Ayaka: Kanny [kannychan21]
Maeda Yuuka: Mai [dblingchiu]
Fukuda Kanon: Umika [YukiNagakami]
Ogawa Saki: Daniel [lovelyneko10000]
Yume Miru 15sai by S/hineage ~ Debut release! I could not get into this, mainly cause my attention span is starting to go. But also because sometimes one group dubs a song and then it owns your heart. Lol, that sounds lame but it's true. I'll always think of a certain dub when I think of or hear this song, and sometimes not comparing is difficult.
Just from listening to this a few times through; I think the overall energy level is pretty good, but a few more notches wouldn't hurt. All the girls sing at a good volume and blend well together. The high notes are nice throughout, though some of them could be stronger and/or held out a bit longer (depending on the note). I'm not really feeling the "That's Summer Love" (whatever the lyric is) parts in this, but I do like the group parts that lead into the chorus, like "Minogasenai" at 0:57.
Kanny sounds wonderful but I'd like a bit more umph! from her. Mai is adorable, though her soft/cuteness makes her energy more subtle. Umika I'm new to I belive; she has nice energy and a lovely voice. Daniel did a really swell job on Saki's part and sounds marvelous overall. I like the girls on all parts of this song, it's hard to decide what I like the most. idk. There are a handful of off notes here and there, but nothing super bad.
The timing seems fine (one or two iffy spots), and though I don't have the lyrics in front of me right now, I haven't heard any really off or confusing pronunciation. The "FIFUTIIN"s are a little iffy at times, not always super clear. OH I just picked on the fact that the duets in the pre-chorus are sung as solos (0:50ish & 2:00ish). I don't know if it's intentional, but if the dub is supposed to follow the original song, then the duets are lacking.
Hmm if I had to pick some fave lines by each girl it'd be the following. Mai I like the most on her solos during the 'summer love' parts at 0:42ish ("Mune ga sawagu wa") & 1:52ish ("Machi kirenai wa"). Her "AH"s are nice too. Daniel's terrific at 0:46, her "dekiru" is pretty and she manages the solo well. With Kanny it's slim pickings, cause Ayaka doesn't have tons of lines. I like her the most at 2:28 & 3:02 -the same melody both times- because she has the most energy at those times out of all her solos.
Daniel's "wow oh" around 3:13 is epic!!! I love her attitude. Umika has pretty good energy throughout the dub, but I think she shines most at 3:04 & 3:17. She's swell on the verses but I like her more in the chorus, and on her last two solos she's got great umph! especially on "teiru" and "shii yo" ~ all the little things aside, this dub is a splendid debut.
-- And since it's not likely I'll ever write about it, cause I really dislike the song;
Pepper Keibu by Yoru Musume (debut!)
Takahashi Ai: NaeHoshiChan
Niigaki Risa: megasakura93
Kamei Eri: vikinglady09
Michishige Sayumi: kannychan21
Tanaka Reina: HelloReinaKizZ
Kusumi Koharu: RainbowRii
Mitsui Aika: xsclsm
JunJun: iluvmangos2
LinLin: UsagiBele