FLBP currently consists of 17 girls and 7 boys & while that's not very balanced, that's more boys than seen in most projects. That's a total of 24 members and together they make up the three existing generations. The project has had three releases so far, all by different units; Masaru, Sora, and Takeo (an all male group). We'll start off with their latest, and the one that was sent to me as a request;
Takahashi Ai: Akio [MidnightOtoko]
Kamei Eri: Minoru [TawanaiGachou]
Michishige Sayumi: Kiyoshi [Himitsuni]
Niigaki Risa: Kaarosu [AsunaSasaki]
Tanaka Reina: Ryo [IanTanaka]
Kusumi Koharu: Shin [ThatBananaYes]
Mitsui Aika: Ren [AnicroFan]
LinLin & JunJun: ?
Shouganai Yume Oibito by Takeo / Fuzziness! There is quiet a bit of it, due mostly to mics I'm guessing. It's distracting and takes away from the overall sound of the dub, so better mics would be cool. I know that isn't super easy all the time (I live like 40+ miles from the closest place I could maybe get a good mic from) but definitely something that would improve the final result. Also there is some pitchiness throughout.
0:23 is Ai/Re, I really like how they sound together! Following their duet is Aiko solo- aha! Finally a name to go with the voice! He has a very nice sound, his low notes are lovely and his line is pretty smooth. I like his "anata" ~ 0:37 is Ry/Sh, they have good energy, though on the ending "teru" one of them is off. Right after them is Kaarosu, ohmy such a deep voice; I like! His timing is a little iffy on "suki ni natta" but I like how he sounds overall, especially his "sono me wo" & "ano hi"
Minoru at 0:52, OH it's Tai/Louie! At first I was like; wow he sounds familiar, but I don't know his name. And then I looked at his username and it made sense. The moment I heard this solo I adored it, too bad it's not longer. Minoru sounds wonderful!! I wonder is there is a meaning behind all the names? I'll have to ask. Following is Kiyoshi (Himi), I'm happy that I'm actually familiar with some of the voices here, but also delighted to hear new ones. I love the little bit o' attitude Kiyoshi sings his solo with, but his pronunciation is a bit iffy.
It seems like no one was given LinLin or JunJun's parts, but they are obviously sung by someone. So perhaps the guys just took turns? Whoever sang the Lin/Jun duet at 0:59 did a fab job (maybe Ka/?). Chorus time!! It's started off by Ai/Sh/Re, with Aiko soloing at 1:13, and jeepers does he sound fantastic!! His "negao wo" seems funky to me, but his overall delivery is great!
1:22 is Ry/Sh/Re, followed by Ryo (Ian); eek mic! Unless it's just my headphones screwing with me (they love to). His umph! is awesome -as always- but I'd love to hear him clearer. His "desu" is lovely! Aiko at 1:38 (linewhore Takahashi), his "shouganai yume oibi" is gorgeous, but his ending "to" is off. Second verse, 2:01 is Ka + whoever's JunJun; I'm really digging it. 2:16 is Mi + whoever's LinLin; the first line is splendid but as the duet goes on the two guys aren't together, you can hear it more in the second line.
A quick run through of some solos- 2:08 Ka, 2:23 Ry, 2:30 Ai, & 2:34 Ki. And then following the pre-chorus is more chorus! 2:51 is Minoru, who's as marvelous as ever. His "yuku" is a little short, but not bad. 3:06ish is Kaasoru, he sounds swell & I like his "shukufuku dekiru" but his ending "kana" is off key. At 3:16 Kiyoshi has the "shouganai yume oibito" ~ it's sweet+lovely. Gosh, non-dub related; the instrumental violin piece is awesome. Rabuuu.
I get annoyed a lot with H!P's unfairness but you can hardly fault the dubbers, eh? 3:40 is Aiko, and he did a really good job on his solo. He hits a lot of nice notes, has a good level of energy and sounds terrific. I don't think I can pull out parts that I like, cause I like it all. 3:55 onward is a bunch of group parts, all of which are fabulous. 4:25ish is Ryo's "shouganai yume oibito" ; I like his light vibrato on "to" ~ his solo turned out wonderfully.
The ending line is by Ry/Sh/Re, it's a nice finish, except the last few notes are iffy. This is an awesome group of guys and I totally enjoy listening to them, but their ending notes seem to be a point that needs work. The pitchiness is here and there throughout, but a lot of the last notes or words at the end of a line end up off key. Other than that and the fuzziness from mics, I think this turned out splendidly. It's nice to hear all guy groups, since there don't seem to be a lot of them. Thanks to Karlee & Kaarosu (AsunaSasaki) for sharing~
--Just for kicks and giggles, here are FLB's other releases;
Takahashi Ai: Ai
Niigaki Risa: Oi-chan *cover
Kamei Eri: Shuichi
Michishige Sayumi: Kiyoko
Kusumi Koharu: Youko
Tanaka Reina: Cho
Mitsui Aika: Belly *cover
JunJun: Haru
LinLin: Nozomi
[FLBP debut] Mikan by Marasu / Download MP3
Shimizu Saki: Kana
Tsugunaga Momoko: Haru
Tokunaga Chinami: Karu *cover
Sudou Maasa: Shuichi
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Youko
Kumai Yurina: Haya *cover
Sugaya Risako: Cho
Ryuusei Boy by Sora / Download MP3
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