Tsugunaga Momoko: Mai (dblingchiu)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Lizzie (Liz9419)
Suzuki Airi: Belly (Rasubelly)
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! by Bûmu (Yoku Project) / Getting right into things; Bellychan! it's been a while since I heard her, or it feels like it at least. She starts things off wonderfully, and that's just the beginning; she sounds awesome throughout the dub! Liz, ohmy she's really improved. She was never bad, but she's gotten better- like, her lines are more flowly with less iffy notes, great energy and a fab delivery. Then there is the cutecute Mai, I adore the melody of the pre-chorus and she's darling on it.
This song is cute but kind of blah for a dub choice. The chorus is high and if the notes aren't in your range (*raises hand*) there is sometimes straining or pitchiness. And I don't only mean this particular dub, because I've heard this song dubbed quite a bit and the chorus turns out iffy a lot of the time. Also, when you strain your voice to hit the notes, it often makes it sound like there is a lack of energy or volume. Plus I think the melody of the chorus is easy to be pitchy on.
The girls did a nice job on the chorus overall, a little strain by all of them at some point, but the group parts are nice. lol, y'all don't want to even hear me trying to sing this, unless I brought it way down so I could sing it without sounding pathetic. Anyways! This trio of adorable gals sound fantastic on their solos in the verses & pre-chorus. And I've always really like the "A.i.shi.te.ru / Da.ki.shi.me.te" parts and they're terrific in this! My fave parts are the verses, but the overall sound of this dub is really nice.
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