Saturday, July 31, 2010


Raii [HanonHoshoAquaPearl]
Rei [Rareiroo]
Saya [AnimefreakXDD]
Ai [lovelybeige]
Kate [piratecool192]

Koi no Jubaku by Amai Natsu (ChARmSproject) / CClyrics / WOW! Thank you to Rei for sharing this with me, cause it's spectacular!! I already downloaded and slapped it on a playlist. Raii's first solo is kickbutt, unique and super ear-pleasing. She's got an adorable+lovely voice and sings very well. Her "-de yo" is mind blowing. I wasn't expecting it, but I totally love it. Following her is Rei; I love her "shiranai" ~ she has such a clear pretty sound. Cute too.

0:47 is Saya and I can't help but think; Momoko. Saya is perfect for this part with her energy and utterly kawaii singing. 1:01 is the pre-chorus; Kate has the first solo and she sounds wonderful! Following is Ai (1:04), Saya (1:07) & Rei (1:11). Chorus time 1:21!! O M G, rabu rabu rabu rabu. The chorus is AMAZING. I think I am hearing Raii and Rei more so than the rest of the girls on the full-cast parts, but the overall sound of the chorus is fantastic! The blending rocks!

Inbetween the group parts are smaller groups- 1:24 is Ai/Ka and 1:31 is Re/Sa/Ra ~ both groups are terrific. Kate has the first "Koi no jubaku" at 3:06, I think it could be stronger, but she did really good. Her notes are lovely. Ai does have a solo in the first verse but in reality, talking about every solo in a dub would be killer, lol. And when I heard her in the second chorus I knew I wanted to mention it more than her 0:54 solo. Ai at 1:44ish is sensational! She delivers well, I really like her "-de yo" ~ she sings it with attitude.

Rei at 1:51, goodness do I love her singing. Her transition from word to word is smooth, she has a delicious voice and I immensely enjoy listening to her. Following her is Saya, who's so spot on!! She's darling and her solo is fabulous. 2:14ish is Raii, I like her "tame no" ~ she's magnificent overall, even though you don't hear her all that much. Other solos in the second round of the pre-chorus are Ai (2:11), Rei (2:18), & Saya (2:21).

More chorus at 2:31!! Again, the blending is epic! 2:34 is Ai/Ka/Ra and 2:41ish is Re/Sa. I haven't yet mentioned that I also like the "aaa"s in this dub. 2:47 is Raii and her "koi no jubaku" is very pretty, I love it! The next chorus is by the full-cast, and starting at 3:08 it's the less-background-music part of the song (and I've always liked those parts). After two lines the music comes back in fully and the girls keep on rockin'! Pure win!

Saya's "koi no jubaku" at 3:24 is awesome!! She sounds so so so good! I love her "baku" & her whole solo is excellent. 3:32 is more group singing, which I looooove *o* 3:38ish is Ai/Ka/Ra again, who make a splendid trio. I especially like their "yappa koko de unazukenai aaa" ~ Rei has the last "koi no jubaku" of the dub, and it's fantastic! khjrtlkhmtrkl This is an outstanding release and I freakin' love it. Totally worth a listen.

1 comment:

  1. lol too much Raii praise? -_- I don't deserve that considering I was soooo energy-less at that time. But thank you!

    and yes this release is LOVE <3
