Saturday, May 8, 2010

Oh WAO frickin' WAO

Ohmygosh. Earlier I was thinking of doing a random Song Search entry since I'd been seeing a few of the same song and especially since I heard a really awesome version of it. And then I just looked at my shared vids and subscriptions, and there are TWO more of the same song. So now I am definitely doing this.

If y'all don't yet know what this is, you can check out the entry I explained it in recently. I know I said that I'd be taking votes for the next one, and I will; but I've decided that whenever I randomly decide to do one myself I will, while votes are adding up. I've just got a mega urge to do this, so I'm going to. Starting with WAO dubs on my computer~

It is a must that I begin things with the first dub of this I listened to, that is still one of my favorites. The B-side to Yamabuki's premiere single, Friends are Friends. I've had the MP3 on my computer since it came out and I adore this cast. Such energy!

And now for the more recent stuff that I just listened to today~

RAKKUN (pepsiguy93) ~ It's been far far too long since I listened to something by this darling guy. I think he just gets better and better, cause every time I hear his latest release I'm even more wowed than the time before. I totally agree with Takara (IKP) "This is love."

The energy level is WAO and I really love how Rakkun sounds with himself; especially on the "Oh WAO WAO Oh Yeah Otakebi" and the chorus. He pwned this song, hardcore. Congrats to him on 300 subs!! Go and listen!

Next are the two releases of WAO from project's I keep an eye on & that y'all have come to see quite a bit here. Because I fully covered Yamabuki's version I shalln't be doing so on another WAO dub anytime soon. As I've mentioned before; going over a dub second by second for at least 30+ minutes and breaking it all down can only be done once in a while or I get utterly sick of the song.
Saki Shimizu - madleybloomingstar / Awai
Momoko Tsugunaga - ShugoCharaWorlds / Amber
Chinami Tokunaga - Vendready / Kazzy
Maasa Sudou - Lilacsilk28 / Sayuri
Miyabi Natsuyaki - chocolateblakberri / Choco
Yurina Kumai - amiswami2 / Ami
Risako Sugaya - ChiiAyu / Ayu

Cookie Koubou (cremeproject) / Could have used more energy overall, especially with this being such a powerful song. I love Ayu as Risako though I didn't know it was her at first, she is such a strong talented singer. And before I looked at the cast, when I heard Choco I knew it was her, though it was a little different to hear her as Miyabi, lol. She sounds as wonderful as ever, I love that she sings with such emotion.

Amber seemed a little. . . .not dead but unenergetic, to me. If she put a little more umph into her lines they'd be more fun to listen to, though she has a nice voice. Omg, Ami has such a Yurina voice, but she was a little too quiet. Sing it out, girly! 1:50 is really the only time you hear the rest of the cast, since this song is ruled by Rii, Miya and Momo parts.

Kazzy has a cute voice but it'd be nice to hear more PAWAA from her, especially on the line that she has. Awai did great on her solo, I liked her "dou sa." Wow, I didn't know it was Sayuri singing next. She sounds good and I know she naturally has a quite-ish voice, but I feel it could have been better, though I can't put on my finger on how.

The group parts are swell and overall this is a good dub, but a lot of people sounded too passive or soft. It's not about perfection, but if us listeners feel that y'all enjoyed yourself just by what we hear, then we are likely to enjoy it more ourselves.

I agree with Fae - ". . . .apart from the energy problem (which we all know is hard) this sounds great. It's nice to be able to hear everyone in this! And this is quite a hard song, so you all did well." I hope everyone had fun since that is what it's all about.

Shimizu Saki: RionDrug
Tsugunaga Momoko: ChiiAyu
Tokunaga Chinami: AiriSuzuki24
Sudou Maasa: Diabolicbread
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Kakkoiko
Kumai Yurina: VeePinku
Sugaya Risako: Konaneko93

Kyohaku (HoshiDubs) / I don't really understand why the "Oh WAO WAO" parts are quiter. *EDIT* I talked to Fae and she explained some stuff for me. The harmony-WAO's I mention and the man-voice I heard were in the same file that she recieved to mix. And so were the melody-WAO's "I couldn't really change the volumes on it cause it was all combined." Totally understandable. So when you read what I say in the next few paragraphs, keep this in mind.

One thing I do like is that the "Oh Yeah Otakebi" parts are so there and so energetic! I remember reading a comment on some dub of this once, that the 'Otakebi' parts were basically getting left out, since it couldn't be heard. Not the case here. But on the other hand, the melody 'Otakebi's are supposed to decrescendo as they go lower, one reason they are often missed. They sort of drift off towards the end of the word.

And in this dub you really hear the harmony-like ones that are on higher notes and they don't get any quiter. They are very cheer-like and overpower the part that is supposed to be heard. So I must say that this dub has very unique 'Otakebi's, which may just have been unintentional when mixing, but I actually like it, even if it isn't accurate. Okay enough rambling about that, lol

Konaneko had nice energy and I think her Rii lines were pretty good, maybe a slight notch more power from her. I really liked Kakkoiko and ChiiAyu. Kakkoiko sounds awesome,;I adore her voice, it's so clear and lovely. And I can't help but lol at the fact that Ayuchan was in the previous dub of this as well. I always enjoy listening to her.

VeePinku did well on her solo; even though it's not a very long one. I'm glad that the effect was used on AiriSuzuki24's line since it's cool and she sounded good. RionDrug was a little passive/soft, definitely could have used more umph. Diabolicbread nailed her solo; awesome, I love her energy! There were one or two spots where the timing was kind of iffy, but nothing too bad.

I liked the "SUPAAKU BOOI" parts. Though, was I hearing a guy somewhere? Is it part of the instrumental or something? (*edit* already explained) idk. And also, at about 2:45 on the last set of'em the "BOOI"s is echoed. *EDIT* I guess they are in the original BK version, but very soft. I have to look into this cause I'm curious. Anyways, this dub is a little odd in some ways, but that makes it unqiue. Worth a listen~

Shimizu Saki - Rei
Tsugunaga Momoko - K
Tokunaga Chinami - Nyanko
Sudou Maasa - Suu
Natsuyaki Miyabi - Bakapai
Kumai Yurina - Molly
Sugaya Risako - Msaki
Tsunku - Joel

Batmanz Kikaku (Yoproject) / I imagine y'all are about as sick of this song as I am right now, lol. But I promise this is the last one. My ears will bleed if I listen to this song anymore. I saw this dub on the forums before I did on YT, but decided to put up the video anyways~

"Are we the first dub on youtube to add the lightning SFX back in? I think that's something to be more ashamed of than anything, sigh. ACCURACY IS SWEET OKAY" ~ I love Liana. And I love this dub! & The lightning is epic. And everyone "did a SLAMMIN' job" - so props to this wonderful cast for gifting us with such ear pleasing stuff to listen to.

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