The difference between the two groups is that RANCHII is a dubber started group that is not part of HanaPro; while Yamabuki was the result of Hana-leader Sayuri and member & mixer-in-training Kiri (who has come a long way, and is a super kick-butt mixer now!) putting their heads together and going from there.
Yamabuki is to dub the latest in Berryz songs, and as for RANCHII, as it's leader Rae (Singingondemand) has said, "The goal of RANCHII is to cover berryz songs that aren't often covered."
And here we go with WAO, the cast is;
Sugaya Risako : Kiri [ singingondemand ]
Natsuyaki Miyabi : Sayuri [ xmikipinkux ]
Tsugunaga Momoko : Aoi [ chocolateblakberri ]
Kumai Yurina : Himawari [ karyhoshi ]
Tokunaga Chinami : Asagao [ yumeangel29 ]
Shimizu Saki : Ajisai [ homeschooledchick16 ]
Sudou Maasa : Botan [ missgumbiecat ]
[*] 24 hours. I am told that that's how long it took to mix this. Holy wow. First off, you have got to love those 'Oh WAO WAO's!! Though, it does makes me wonder if the girls got tired of singing them over and over as they recorded their lines. Same with the 'supaaku boi's! Those two repetitive parts were nailed by the Yamabuki girls!
[*] OH! Something I've wondered about has been answered (by helpful Princess Kiri) ; when the group is singing together, right after the 'supaaku boi's, the lines are "kono chikyuu no domannaka de hikari kagayake! inazuma no yo ni!" the first time around, at 1:06.
I thought I noticed different members of the group standing out a little on each line. I guessed that perhaps it was whoever it showed in the PV at the time, but it's not. "Some people (Berryz girls) were louder than others in certain parts so I mixed it that way" Kiri says. "You can hear Asa for SURE when it shows Chinami." I think this is super cool!
You must admit, Miya, Rii and Momo dubbers get a lot of lines, and with how this was mixed, everyone else gets a little bit more mini-featuring on top of their one solo. And maybe some people don't notice this, but I totally picked up on it. So even though all the girls shined during their solos, I'm happy that they got that little bit extra. Nice decision, Kiri!
[*] 1:48, I think this was the most powerful solo line in the song, sung by Asagao. "Kimi dake ga fukou janai" I totally loved the UWAH-ump that Asa put into that part!
[*] I don't know why, but I like Sayuri in this song more so than the A-side to Yamabuki's single. Maybe because I just like how she sounds on these faster lines, with it being a more upbeat rocking song? OH, and props to Sayu for video mixing! Does it take as long as audio mixing?
[*] 0:46, wahh, I love Himawari's voice! She was not in Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda, and though she was in Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance, I must say that I didn't pay oodles of attention to that dub. So this is my first time really listening to her, and she's great! I especially loved her beginning "un"
[*] 1:54, I don't really like to compare dubbers to the girls they are covering, but I must say; Botan really sounds like Maasa here to me. And I also think Ajisai fits the part of Saki.
I don't think badly of groups having girls who sounds like certain peoples; no no, not at all. I just don't like those who obsess about it, or won't accept dubbers for parts because they don't sound like the H!P girl.
So I think it's mega cool that all the Yamabuki girls suit their part, while still rocking out with their own amazing vocals.
[*] I have to say, I freaking adored every word out of Aoi's mouth. I could ramble on about how much I loved her lines, but I won't, lol. She is a fabulous dubber, and I'm really glad that she's apart of Yamabuki. (Her vibrato blows my mind)
[*] Kiri did fantastic on the mixing!! Leader Sayuri said, "It's really the best I've heard. . .and it makes me feel like a proud mama to listen to it." Gotta love her little WAO at 3:25, lol. She also did a really nice job on lead vocals~
(since in my head, this is Risako's song. You know how in some songs, certain girls just seem to stand out to you? Soku Dakishimete makes me think Megumi, Berry Fields makes me think Maiha, Gag 100kaibun Aishite Kudasai makes me think Momoko, Piriri to Yukou makes me think Saki, etc - Otakebi Boy WAO! = Risako)
[*] I've lost count of how many times I've listened to this dub. I've rated it a 5 once, and if I could do it again, I would! I am SO looking foward to whatever Yamabuki's next single will be!
There was just not enough time today. I shouldn't have fallen asleep! These things take me too long, lol. It's 1:36am. I wanted to cover the newly released Our Songs by Totemomo, but that'll just have to wait until tomorrow. Sayonara~
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