Miya (TokyoStarx) ~ Aiko (AkioAki) ~ Mitsuki (MitsukiUsagii)
They have their own blog at; http://sweetkyandii.wordpress.com/ where you can find member profiles as well as dub-to-dub information, there is also their Youtube page, where all of their dubs can be found.
[*] TokyoStarx has an insanely cute voice. Her notes are so sweet. Her voice really suits the simple melody of the beginning verses and the chorus.
[*] And if Miya is cute, MitsukiUsagii definitely is as well. I really liked her 'gureta' part in her first line. Another sweet voice. But the two together isn't overkill, it sounds nice when all three sing together.
LOL, I got that it was in order of hearence, but I didn't know if it was the solos as according to the girl singing them, or if they were divided up more. I listened hard, and I heard the switch from Miya to Mitsu during Nakanishi Rina's first solo.
[*] Aiko is EPIC at 0:41. That little bit there is one of my favorite parts of the songs, cause I love how the low notes sound, and Aiko hit them spot on!! Beautiful. She has a lovely, strong voice. And I like 0:55 when the other two join and in they all sing together.
[*] Those 'Ashita wa ashita's are SO good!!! I love the chorus! The blending is awesome and it's balanced out well. You can tell that Miya and Mitsu have an eaiser time on the higher solos during the chorus, but I give Aiko props for singing her stuff out anyways!
[*] I still have a little trouble telling Miya and Mitsu apart, lol. I think the second verse pans out about the same as the first for lines, which is cool cause it helps my silly brain. And everyone still sound fabulous on their seperate lines. The solos at 2:32 were really good too! (uhhhh, Miya and Mistu?)
[*] Anyways, pretty dub! Definitely worth a listen!
This video was shared with me via KonichibaProject.
Kyandii's most recent dub, released 03/07/2010, and what an awesome song choice!! This is one of my favorite songs by W, and it's cool to see that they found a version where they didn't have to do a ton of solo splitting, since Matsuura Aya performs this concert version with Aibon and Tsuji-chan.
[*] Some awesome energy!! Mitsu is Aibon, Miya is Nono, and Aiko is Aya. I do think that Ai sings with the most energy, and I had the most fun listening to her. But don't get me wrong!! I loved Miya and Mitsu as well!
I know energy isn't as easy as it seems, you can think you're singing with energy and then you listen to yourself and you're like; ugh WTF? (happens to me all the time, lol) Plus, after listening to the slow yet pretty AKB song, it's fun to hear all of the girls singing something so upbeat and rocking!
[*] When I hear Mitsu, it could very well be Aibon! Mitsu just has that cuteness to her voice that Aibon does, and so she fits the part very well. I don't think I've ever actually heard Matsuura Aya, so I can't really say if Ai fits the part. But when I'm watching the vid and take in Aya's maturity, I imagine her voice could sound low-ish and rocking, like Ai's.
[*] Those high notes in the chorus are high, nee? I think they all did a great job on them!! Ai managed very very well with her having a lower voice. And they are so high, even Miya and Mitsu did some straining. But props to all the girls for pulling them off.
[*] 0:32 is MEGA awesome!! My goodness, the trio just sounds so so gooood there. Especially the held out 'eeeee' sound from 'gurai'. And I loved the ending 'touzen' and then going right into the chorus; fabulous! I loved Ai's line at 0:44!
[*] I feel like I'm talking about Ai too much, lol. Miya and Mistu did wonderfully in this dub!! Two sweet voices that do awesomely as W, all of their solos were well delivered. I loved all those 'suki's! 2:30 was one of my fave chorus-solos for Miya. And you've got to love Mitsu's 'yes man' in the beginning!
[*] Basically; I loved this~ I gave it five stars!!
Wow! Oh my god. U're so nice! *O* Thanks for all the compliments! It's a honor to see that someone really likes our groupdubs! We're doing our best all the time but songs aren't always so easy and it's a good training for us to improve ^^ Thank you again for such a nice comments about our voices! *O*
ReplyDeleteThank youuuu <3 I'm really pleased + happy that someone likes our dubs ^^ I enjoyed reading your blog ;D its so informative about dubbing projects! normally u see reviews about professional singers so its nice to see reviews about dubbing singers for a change ^^