Saturday, May 8, 2010

Electricity [I'VE GOT THE PAWAA]

It's a love/hate relationship sometimes. Like, everything of interest I do is related to electricity. With the exception of reading and my MP3 player. Maybe some other stuff too, but the things I like to do most require PAWAA. So if I have no electricity it sucks majorly.

And guess what? My freaking power went out this morning!! I was typing, like mid-sentence, and suddenly BLACK SCREEN and I was all NOOO! So I sat around listening to my MP3 player until it was time to go to the baby shower. Then we had dinner with my grandma and watched Avatar (which was awesome). I'm so glad to have power again *clings to computer* Bah, I have so much I want to blog about.
A while (quite a while) back, I said that I was itching to blog about a groupdub but was lacking information, and I wanted to make sure the singers were okay with it. I was super excited yesterday when one of the girls and I made contact, and she shared some information with me!!

I spoke to Kira.Lushia, a member of the dubbing trio Ki³Chan. "Our nicknames are all with the 'Ki' (Kim, Kiro & Kirakishou). . . .so we decided that name." Ki³Chan is a unit of Fuyutsuki Studio, a project created by Kira about a year ago - though before FS begun she and the project's co-founder were already active in the dubbing community.

"The FuyuStudio Staff is italian but we are open to every people from every country." Auditions are currently open, here is the video where you can apply if interested. FS seems to be very wide spread and well known, as they have an active site, forum, blog and YT.

It all looks so interesting that it makes me wish I wasn't running into such a language barrier. I can lamely use Google Translate and even if it's not correct I can get an idea of things. Here is Ki³Chan's Anataboshi. They also did Tan Tan Tan, but that song is dubbed more than this one, so that's why I picked this.

Kusumi Koharu as : Kira.Lu
Kikkawa Yuu as : Kiro
Kitahara Sayaka as : Kim

jigewgnjgnerjkgnerjk. I freaking loved this the first time I heard it. These three blend so well together!! And all of them have awesome vocals. I adore how upbeat this song is, but it's also still got those slightly slower bits inbetween and such. The chorus is super catchy and it sounds wonderful.

I love that Kira has a totally un-Koharu like voice; her solos are great, and she sounds cute in her own way. Gah, Kim is so good/cute! And Kiro has such a lovely mature voice. Neither one of them get oodles of lines, cause that just how Tsuku is with solos most of the time, lameness. But I liked what I did hear.

The energy on the chorus is fabulous! Best part of the dub for me. All of these gals did a good job at keeping up with the pace. I don't want to nitpick too much, cause I like this a lot and I don't really know these girls. But I was happy to share this dub with y'all. I totally downloaded both songs~

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