Sunday, May 9, 2010

Poll Stuff~

I wasn't surprised that Japanese won the language poll. I was surprised that English took second! I probably shouldn't be, I just thought Korean would place before it. Only five votes off, so it was fairly close.

I've never tried German, and I only know parts of two songs in Mandarin. Korean I know bits and pieces, whatever I pick up from listening, but I fail at looking at lyrics and trying to sing it. Japanese is the easiest for me, plus I like it.

I was glad to see that some people chose German, since one of my favorite non-H!P/korean dubbers sings in German quite often. And I love the way Mandarin sounds, it's lovely. I am very curious as to what languages people had in mind when they clicked 'other' - if y'all read this would you mind saying so in the shoutbox?

Thanks to all that took part in the poll!

And Rival has beaten aMa no Jaku by 14 votes!! No where near as close as the last battle between Nanchatte Renai and First Kiss, but at least S/mileage's song didn't get pounded-into-the-ground beaten. I think I knew what the outcome of this poll would be, because even though this H!P quartet is cute, their first song was boring. At least to me~

I would sing Rival any day over aMa no Jaku. Even if I tripped over my words while trying to stay on beat and such, lol. It's so peppy, rockin' and just flat-out fun, while AnJ bores me. And I adore Berryz. Thank you to the 44 people who participated in the poll!!

Which brings us to the next battle. If y'all ever tire of these let me know, cause they're becoming a reaccuring thing that I actually like. Or if you have suggestions as to what songs I should use, toss'em my way!

Yume to Genjitsu vs Mikan

Yes, another Aa! vs Momusu poll. I couldn't resist though. I usually go for the songs that have been dubbed a lot lately, and I've seen/heard quite a few of these two. I've had Mikan in mind for this poll for a little bit now, and I wasn't sure what other song to choose, but I finally picked.

I don't believe I have any downloaded dubs of either of these songs. I've been meaning to download HanaPro's version of Mikan though. And I haven't come across many YtG download links. If you wanna send dubs of either song my way, don't hesitate!

Once again; take your pick! Which song would you rather dub, not only based on personal tastes but on other things ~ How challenging/simple the song is, the difficulty level when it comes to mixing. Key, tempo, etc. A little influence of your own preference isn't too bad either.

Ugh, it's almost 4am. I'm getting too tired to focus, I'll deal with Featured Dubs and other stuff tomorrow. I would have liked to do some BTW today but the power going out screwed me a little for time, among other things. And tomorrow, er, today is Mother's Day, so the second half of the day I'll be busy with dinner and whatnot.

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