Egao 9 (hosted by xmikipinkux) / YT Vid / Download
Participating dubbers ~ Kappa [ xmikipinkux ]
Ajisai [ homeschooledchick16 ] / Mandy [ tokidokihaato ]
Palla [ nephiminechan ] / Buggy [ shockingbuggy ]
Aoi [ chocolateblakberri ] / Giselle [ giselledesu ]
Yume [ yumeangel29 ] Rae [ singingondemand ]
PureAmbition (Sekai no Melody) / Single + Download
Cast not listed~
All members of the group;
Hitomi, Katie, Rayna
Solaire, Suky, Pame
Aqua, Lilmenchi, Ariah`
Ruri, omni (song's mixer)
Mango Musume (PineapplezProject) / Download
Participating dubbers ~ Ikii [Ikenokoi]
Chi-chan [lele01kj] Waffles [psycholeidoscope]
Rae [SingingOnDemand] Ian [IanTanaka]
Sayuri [Lilacsilk28] Selené [o0SweetSunshine0o]
Waffles [psycholeidoscope] Mechs [Lilxlicanita]

Takahashi Ai - Violet
Niigaki Risa- Carmine
Kamei Eri- Amaranth
Michishige Sayumi- Cerulean
Tanaka Reina- Jade
Kusumi Koharu- Pearl Pink
Mitsui Aika- Celeste
LinLin- Amber
JunJun- Aqua
Fuantei (IroKokoroProject) first track off of their first single, A Solitary Morning / The reason I didn't have this one is because it was just released! I downloaded it before I even listened to it, lol. I know I've covered this. As I'm sitting here studying this, I recall having gone over every second before; I think it was when Egao 9 released it. So I won't be going into full detail on this one.
Violet did a fantastic job as Ai! All of these girls sound fabulous! But I've gotta admit that since Ai is a line whore and Violet has her part, her parts stuck in my head the most. 0:46 is Pearl Pink, I'd like more energy/emotion from here, but she still sounded good; I liked her 2:46 line more. Celeste's rap starting at 1:10 was great! And Cerulean did good backing vocals on those lines.
Amaranth at 1:14 sounded great on her "Oshiete hoshii" and also on her 2:59 solo. Jade did swell on her 1:33 solo; she's good on her verse-solos but I think I like her more on the chorus. Cerulean nailed her solo at 2:13, I love the energy & she sounds cute. 2:52 is Carmine, who sounds freaking wonderful; she makes a good Risa!
Amber and Aqua only get one line with their parts, and it's not very much to go by. But I've heard them in other stuff and I adore them. They mainly contributed to the group parts at 3:41, making them that much more awesome! This is really good. I don't think I heard any wrong notes, the timing was on, the volumes seemed fine. Congrats to these ladies on the debut!

I've had another random idea. I want to do more entries like this, where instead of focusing all on one group, I focus on one song. I've decided to call this Song Search. I haven't exactly figured out how I want to do this, so bear with me for now. I don't want to create a forum, nor do I want the shoutbox getting spammed up over this. So I think I'm going to try formspring.

Once a song is chosen, I will first search my folder of downloaded dubs for any that I have of it and they will be included in the entry. Next I will search the song title on YouTube, because as most of us know dubs are often mixed in with the actual songs. However many votes the song gets is how many dubs of the song I'll feature (if I can find that many); re-touching base on those I've already covered and mini-covering those I haven't.
*formspring is being pissy right now, so I'll get it up ASAP* I would love feedback on this idea, and if it doesn't go over well after a while I'll simply stop doing it. I immensely enjoy all these different dubs of Nanchatte Renai and always look forward to more. Just for kicks here is one more, also a sort of look into what I'll be blogging about sometime soon; Musume Charm ~
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