Rii, you wonderful girl. She not only talked Kerri of HanabiPro into contacting me - she also referred the leader of Musume Charm, Brittany, to me. She's really a sweetheart and I'm glad to have her support. Brittany messaged me hoping that I'd take a look at the project and help promote them a little. She's away for this next week, leaving subleader Kiyami to manage things.

"While we may not always release perfect dubs, we emphasize on improvement—which we hope will be more noticeable in future singles." Wow! MCP has a wonderful website that has a very clean and easy setup, with a simple sweet layout. From what I've run into most groups are either A) YouTube centered sometimes with a forum or B) forum centered sometimes with a YT account.
MCP seems to be inbetween. I am guessing they started on YT and branched out to having a website and forum. The project began the same date listed on their channel; August 7, 2009. Much like Sekai no Melody, they have member-made single covers and seperate little entry-like pages for each single released. One downside is that they don't have any downloads up, as far as I can tell. Bit of a disappointment, but I'm sure if someone asks they will recieve.
One thing MCP does have that I just love is an 'About: History of Musume Charm Project' page!! LOL, I think I've been subscribed to Kanon, the creator of the project, and never known that she'd had her own group until now. Sadly, sometime mid-January Kanon decided to graduate from the project passing her leadership onto Brittany, though she still helps out.
I'm a little confused about generations, because the channel doesn't list the gens for MCP as a whole and in their About on their website only two gens are mentioned. But the audition video says it's for 4th gen. Who's 3rd gen? I could be missing something, I'm getting sort of sleepy, lol. There are around eight current members total, and MCP is looking for more!
"This audition will be split into three rounds." These auditions are very well set up; requirements, how to, and Judging Criteria are all listed. All the info is in the drop-down section. The first round ends May 13th, 2010. Don't miss out!
Over the past week or so, MCP has been releasing it's first concert (Happy! Spring Party 2010), dub by dub; a total of 21 songs! "The members that participated in this are Brittany, Kiyami, Eva, Mai, Ayuchi, Nana, C, Ter and Rii. These nine girls worked very hard to release this concert, so we hope you enjoy it." Just glancing through the list
I about died when I saw Progressive by Kalafina. There are a lot of ones I'd like to listen to, if I find the time. But we'll start things off with the first song of the concert; Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou by Musume Charm featuring Kanbi na Unmei~
I love this song!! It's so so so pretty. I prefer Icecreamusume's version more, but Momusu's is good too. These lovely gals sound splendid! They all did a wonderful job, I like how everyone sounds together. This dub doesn't have any solos, so there isn't much to comment on individually.
The group doesn't always sound super together; like some people may have held out notes a little longer, or someone was slightly off time on a certain part - all minor things. I really like this! Bah, I need to sleep before I doze off right here in my chair, lol. I'll be back on tomorrow with more!
LOL XD Go get some sleep Aya!
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