And thus this is Part 1 of -as the title says- Pocket Kisetsu (BBD Ver). There are over 20 members, so I'm only doing 5 this time, or else the entry would be HUGE. If you are interested in doing something like this for a project your in, contact me!!
Before I begin, I just wanted to shout out that I am interested in doing an interview with a narrowed down topic; I'd like to talk to a group mixer, project or non, and the leader of the group too.
I want to select a dub and then talk (preferably in messenger) about how it came to be; both with the mixer and leader (sometimes they are one in the same). Deadlines, the mixing process, problems, positive stuff, etc. Please let me know if you're interested!!

I went with sort of a concert theme. I asked more than one question, cause I felt like it. And they aren't exactly the type of questions you'd find on Pocket Morning, but this is a way to learn more about the project members. I basically just did things my way, lol.
[1] If you could design your own Kisetsu concert outfit, what would it be like? If it's one color, what would you pick? If it's 2-3 colors, what would you want? What design; A two piece outfit with belly showing, a dress, a pants/shorts outfit?
[2] Are you the type of person to move your arms about a lot when you sing, hand motions and such? On stage would you rather have a headset-mic so you could be free to move a lot with both limbs, or would you rather be holding onto a mic? Would you prefer to be dance more-than sing like C-ute, or sing more-than dance like Berryz?
[3] What would be (one of) your favorite part(s) of your concert to sing? A medley? A full-cast, all-groups number? A solo? A song sung by the Kisetsu group that you're in? Something else? And would you go more for something upbeat or slower?
[4] Sort of non-Kisetsu- If you could attend a concert by any group, band or person, what would you go to?

[2] I'd rather have a mic, even though it could be annoying while dancing. It just gives me more a 'professional' feeling and I just like holding a mic! Usually, when I sing, I make a lot hand motions. I also do that when I'm talking. It's a good way to express yourself better and to make your message clearer to others.
And I both like C-ute and Berryz Koubou. I like Berryz better as a group and their songs and voices are awesome. But C-ute's songs are really cute and I think I like their dances better. I'm not sure what to choose, but I'm in Kisetsu's Aki Koubou, so, let's go with Berryz!
[3] I'd like to do a medley with all kind of songs of each group, sung by their own group, and a few songs sung by all the groups together! It would give the feeling we're all connected, like a family. Because that's what we are: we are the Kisetsu Family!
[4] I'd go to a Wonderful Hearts concert and watch all the Hello!Project members. I'd buy those color lights and let them shine for all my favorite members! That makes me think, I would love to go to the graduation concert of Junjun, Linlin and Kamei. I really love Junjun and Linlin and it would be nice to see them perform as part of Morning Musume once... T__T

[2] I always love to move around when I sing. If not I'd wear a headset for dances. I always do hand motions when I dub for songs XD I don't know If I'm the only person that does this.
[3] I love doing medleys with all of the members. It would be nice ^-^ A upbeat song for the opening of the concert and a slow song for the final curtain call.
[4] I'd go to a Morning Musume concert. It would be a dream if they come over here in the UK for an Anime Expo. If they do, I'M SO GOING. I'd cry if I'm near Ai-chan as she is my idol and I'd really love to meet her someday.

[2] Oh yes, I move my arms A LOT when I sing. I kinda emote according to the song. LOL On stage, I think my preference would differ according to song. If it was a slow, ballad-y song, I would rather hold a mic. If it was a nice dance number, then it'll be a headset-mic. I much prefer Berryz to C-ute, so sing > dance like Berryz it is. 8D
[3] My favorite part(s) of a concert...? In order of preference, it'll be: Medley, Genki+, Full-cast all-groups number, a solo. And yes, I'd rather go for a more upbeat song. Slow numbers in concerts are best done in a duet or a solo, IMO.
[4] A concert I could attend... I'll most definitely go for an actual H!P concert. I would also loooove to go to stuff like Rebocon (concert by seiyuus of the anime, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!). On the other hand, I'd love to attend concerts from great dubbing groups like HanaPro and IKP. Even if it's minus the dancing. XD *shot*

[2] When I sing I like to move around, unless the song is slow then I don't move much. On stage I think a headset-mic would work much better 'cause you are more free to move around. I like to sing more than dance, like berryz koubou.
[3] I love choirs so I gotta say my favorite would be a full-cast all-groups number. It would be upbeat with a lot of choreography. Seeing a lot of people doing the same moves and singing together is an awesome sight for me.
[4] I do wish to go to a morning musume concert (since I was lucky enough to go to an akb48, when they came to L.A. and I missed morning musume's).

[2] I do a lot of hand motions and such when I'm singing. I bounce around, and do things that are related to what I'm singing about. If I was on stage, I would prefer a mic though, I don't really like headset-mics, and I can still wave around freely with my other hand. XD Also, I'd like to sing more-than dance like Berryz! I'm weak in the dancing area, but I love to sing, so singing would be much better for me~
[3] Some of my favorite parts in a Kisetsu Project concert would probably be to sing a solo song or to sing a song with different members of the group, for variety. I'd like to sing a slow song, they tend to bring out the best of your voice.
[4] If I could attend any concert by any group, I'd want to go to Arashi's. I absolutely love Arashi to death and I really want to see them live and sing along with them. :) I also really want to go to one of SHINee's concerts, I love them as well!

And that's it for Part 1! I also decided to chop this up 'cause I don't have all the girls' replies yet. But I know school is a big factor with how much time everyone has these days, and I'm good at being patient. I've also decided that I will anwser these questions myself!! I haven't yet decided which girl I'd like in my name-image, cause my favorites are already being used, lol. I might pick outside of H!P for fun or something, idk.
I had a good time reading these replies, and I thank all the girls for their time and Angeru for helping me out with this random idea of mine. I really hope I didn't typo on the images anywhere, cause I'm not too keen on fixing anything, heh. I had a lot of fun playing around in paint though, so it's worth it. Hope y'all enjoyed this! Goodnight~
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