I left off with part 5, and since then this beautiful girl has released seven more videos! I don't have time to listen to them all tonight, so I shall try and get through a few in this entry and sort of decide as I go. The title I gave this entry I think is very befitting, because I started with part 6, in which Karen noted "I feel like sharing a bit of my life with you"
While singing a 'Hello Project Emo songs medley' she shares facts about herself, random images, as well as her thoughts on H!P members, and other small things that are part of who she is. I LOVE that she plays guitar for us ;w; And all of her song choices are so good!! She can sing pretty much any song in the world and completely own it, sounding epic every moment. Part 6 is amazing.
I absolutely love watching Karen's dance covers, especially when her friends join her. Her dance+dub vids are even cooler, but overall it's just fun to see people having such a blast doing what they love. Their smiles make you smile, and some expressions & movements make me totally LOL. For part 9, she and her crew danced to 2NE1's Fire! It looks like they had a good time and I had oodles of fun watching! OH and I think her Yossie pink hair is crazy awesome!!
Gah I want to write about everything, but I don't have the time. Above are the next two parts- a good ol' fandub, and a video all about Ayuchan's vocal imitations! She is pretty darn good at those, they aren't my kind of thing, but as she points out in the video, they are a way to try out your vocal range and see what you can do. And she ends it with something I always like to bring up in some way, "No matter how we do sound, what matters is to have fun."
Karen's Koisuru Angel Heart Song and Video Cover [P10] is adorably brilliant!! I love her outfit and I think it's a great song for her. Then her my Yossie addiction [P11] is beautiful! She duets with Yossie! "Harmonies, some lead vocals and extra vocals you'll hear were done by me...this is like ''my version'' of the song...with Yossie..." They sound so freaking good together *o* We all have our H!P faves, and we love to love them.
Tan Tan Tan [P12] is super adorable! I love Ayuchan's pink top, and all the other small things about her outfit that just work! She's not a Milky Way clone, but she's cute in her own way! And she sounds sweet 'n lovely! And that's up to the most recently released of Karen's NiJi-Iro-KanJi Video Collection. There is only one left!! I can't wait to see what it's going to be.
Something else that ChiiAyu's been doing in celebration of her dubbing anniversary is duets with her friends! So far she's sung with Lina [Supahwicked], Ash [diabolicbread], Eri [Charmystar01], Okie [DivaDagger], Saya [AnimefreakXDD], and Michikosaki. I think this is a swell idea and a good way to build even more great memories between friends. Plus it's also fabulous listening material for me & y'all.
And thus, I want to end this with one last dub, and that's Sweeeeets sung by Karen and Michikosaki. I love this song to pieces!!! It was actually in my Wish-list entry, cause I love the melodies a ton and adore the fact that it's originally a Chisato & Kanna duet. So when I saw this among ChiiAyu's videos, I knew I had to at least mention how happy I am at their song choice and how much I love their duet! They sing wonderfully and sound delightful together!
Until next time~
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