Cast: Kiro, Asuka, Hikari, Stella, Ayumi
Shunkan Sentimental by Chiisai Otaku / OH MY kfjewjkfnejkn!! I am such a hardcore SCANDAL fan, and they are rarely groupdubbed! A lot of guitarists play their songs and sometimes you may find a solo cover- but not all that often. I about hyperventilated when I saw MI had sang this song. They have a little piece of my heart forever cause of this ;w;
Yeah yeah, the energy level could have been a lot higher, but I'm so flippin' excited about their song choice that I don't care. The chorus is my favorite part of this, because I love all of the trios and mini-groups the girls sing in! It's fabulous to me and I couldn't help rocking out. Also I think the energy is the best in the chorus~
LOL the other day my mom was by the computer cause I was looking something up for her, and she snagged one of my earbuds to listen to what I was listening to. Then for some reason or other I started playing the few videos I have, including one of SCANDAL's and I was naming the girls off and like; 'Mom, they're awesome. And her? That's Tomomi. I love her' - I love all of them though, they are epic individuals that make up one smashing whole.
Ahem, anyways [/fangirlness] So yeah, I'm pretty much over the moon about this dub. There are a lot of good solos, and I'm really glad these gals gave this song a go. Kiro's opening solo is fantastic- so strong, and I love her voice!! I have to say that Stella's energetic & kickbutt singing caught my attention, and I really like Hikari's solo at 2:56.
Everyone sang a lot throughout the song (yay for good scripting) forming different pairs and such, like marvelous sounding Asuka/Ki/Hi at 2:51. Though I would have liked to hear Ayumi solo more than just the small lines she had, she sounds really sweet at 2:36. Overall I got a happy high from listening to this, and would love to hear another SCANDAL song from Motto Imouto!

I had to get that excitedness out of my system, lol. And now that I have, on with more MI! They recently celebrated 50 subscribers with the above dub of Lucky Cha Cha Cha! It's super cute and a really fun listen! The girls did a sensational job on it! Congrats to them; I hope their number of fans continues to grow!
2010 Fall Concert
Go! Go! Gakuen (Part 1)
Go! Go! Gakuen (Part 1)
Boss-chama, Stella, NozoAi, Nichan,
Hikachi, Asuka, Hikari, Me-chan,
Kiro-chan, Superkagome, Ayumi
VTR + Manatsu no kousen & Happy Summer Wedding / YAY CONCERT! They're so much fun! Boss-chama apologized for what she did for the VTR, but I think it turned out nicely! I love that the text is easily readable and different colors! I also really like the info provided- dubbing is so cool because it unites people of all ages and nationalities!
Wow, I haven't heard the first song in a long time. I remember back when I first heard it and wrote about it on my H!PE blog, lol. I did not like it, but I must say that those "ENDORESU SAMAA"s have really grown on me. They sound marvelous in this, and they're probably my favorite part- besides the gorgeous blending!! The girls sound spectacular together!!
Muhaha, I used my super detective skillz to find the CClyrics for this!! Except I'm not sure if they are completely accurate, so please remember that if you refer to them. jfnejkwnfew, the solos are all outstanding! I love Nichan's "sore demo ii kka" at 2:19, but every solo is splendid! And then it's the next song~ohmygawd, those "Pala Pala Pa PA"s are SO CUTE!
I've always loved the "tousan kaasan arigatou" line in the first verse, and Hi/Ni/Bo (I think that's right) sing the first part spot on, with everyone joining in on the "arigatou" ~ Nozoai's manly "WAHAHA" totally made me laugh, and I love the full-cast "Fuwa Fuwa Fu"s! Overall, I like that the songs were a bit more uncommon, and I think Part 1 turned out wonderfully!!
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