Do y'all know what the name of the font I used in the above image?
Barbie's Jealous Sisters. And I think it is the perfect choice for this entry. I've written something like this before, but it was smaller and actually. . . .I can't find the entry LOL. *goes back and edits* Aya is a smart cookie. I found a date and it helped me to narrow it down to a month, then I just searched through until I
found it!! I still think what I thought then, probably even more so now.
I first knew of AkaAnzu as Ikenokoi, I remember seeing his name in some cast lists and such. Back then I had no idea who he was. He goes by any of the following;
AkaAnzu, Ikenokoi, Iky-kun, Anzushii, etc. And most recently, his profile says;
Akachiu~i. For some reason, my mind likes to mix up the vowels in his name and I always call him Aku, lol. The first time that I actually recall listening to him in anything (though now, I'm sure I had before) was in a dub that is no longer on his current channel.

Even I - like many many others - thought; Wow, this kid's good. But now, I'm not even sure if it was him I was listening to. About half of you right now are nodding your heads cause you know what I'm talking about, the other half of you are like; Huh? Well my dears, it's time for a little crime show; dubbers version. Kind of like Cops and America's Most Wanted where they tell you about the kind of people you don't want to be associating with. Except...way less extreme. (Okay, Aya fails at comparisons sometimes).
I have not even talked to Aku more than maybe once at most. I subscribed to him and left a comment somewhere. I also briefly blogged about him here. Then a couple people contacted me, telling me some things that quickly changed my opinion of him. That's when I wrote that other little bit about him on here. I don't doubt that this kid can be nice when he wants to, but that doesn't make up for anything.

It sort of went to the back of my mind for a while, until it was recently resurfaced by something passed along to me by a project leader. And then today, one thing lead to another, and I found myself on his profile. It really saddened me to see how many of the dubbers I listen to, like, and respect - interact with Aku. Not that it isn't their choice, but I think many don't know what they're putting themselves out there for. Again, I can't speak from personal experience, but I'll share with you what I know.
Some people may believe that it's solely a Hana Project & AkaAnzu thing. And as far as I know, HP is the project to have had the most problems with him. But they aren't the only ones. This isn't gossip, rumors or me trying to push some buttons with libel. The members of Hana are highly respected and with good reason, and I believe what it's leader tells me as well as what I have read from other project's members.

*shakes fist* I wish the image would have loaded bigger, but it won't. You can simply click on it to view it in a bigger size. Nobody wants to be friends with a fake, or someone who is definitely less than honest. Dubbers put a lot of time and hard work into what they do - sure, it's nice to have other people like your dubs, to recieve compliments, to be good - but it's all about singing for fun. Having fun. Meeting other people and experiencing things. Not a 'whose is bigger / better' competition.
I could do some more summarizing with the information I have, but I think instead I'll give it to you in their words. 'Their' implying other dubbers, project members, project leaders, etc. I am leaving out names on purpose.

It's not my intent to make enemies or stir up the fire. I just think everyone has the right to know. And sort of in reference to what the random BOB said in my shoutbox as well - this is my blog, it's supposed to be a place to express one's opinion. And that's what I'm doing. I hope not to lose any readers over this. Here's one last quote, from Kappa;
"I want to make it very clear that it's not my intention to start some army against him, or try and affect any friendships he might have with any of you. I'm just here to give a warning of what he's done and been doing because if nothing else, people deserve to be aware of his tendencies."
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