Friday, June 11, 2010

Hana makes the unthinkable happen~

Takahashi Ai : Sayuri [ xmikipinkux ]
Niigaki Risa : Himawari [ karyhoshi ]
Kamei Eri : Kanna [ tokidokihaato ]
Tanaka Reina : Kinsenka [ shockingbuggy ]
Michishige Sayumi : Suiren [ nephiminechan ]
Mitsui Aika : Mizuki [ telenagikinetic ]
JunJun : Akizakura [ babychi ]
LinLin : Kiri [ singingondemand ]

Seishun Collection by Junran (Hana Project) / Many of you know by now that I am not crazy about Momusu's latest release. I'm disappointed really. But that won't stop me from listening to this, as it is the HANA girls' latest release - and I love'em.

jkgejkg gnew gfknwegkj egkjnk gfjknfeklfjnekjf kfnewkjf fnekwjfn knfejk ! ! ! This song may not appeal to my ears, but the PURE EPIC WIN BLENDING in this dub is freaking MIND BLOWING. The first sentence out of their mouths is EARGASM worthy. I better close my mouth before I start to drool over how much I LOVE the way this sounds. I'm a little grumpy that it has to be this song, but regardless, this is probably one of the best releases by Hana I've heard lately.

I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO THE CHORUS. I will grudgingly admit that H!P didn't do too badly on it, it's kind of pretty. But pwsh, Hana's Junran PWNED it hardcore and that's only reason I'm listening to this song. There aren't a lot of solos, so you don't get to hear the individual girls very much - and I don't have as much to comment on - but the SPECTACULAR group parts more than make up for it.

Hana Pro could actually make me start to like this song. GASP. No, I won't give in! AW, I definitely heard Kiri in the mix and that made me ridiculously happy. The more I listen to this, the more I'm convinenced that this could believably be thought of as the actual song. Not that these girls are Momusu sound-a-likes; just that they sound so EPIC in their own special way that someone unfamiliar with dubbing could easily stumble across this think it was something official.

I think I'm going to download this, OMG. An MP3 of Seishun Collection on my computer. EW. I'll rename it something else. idk. Something cool and Junran / Hana related. But I don't think I can pass up on downloading something so AMAZING. And now, with Hana epicness fresh in my mind; jkfnw kjfnewjk jkfnejkw jkfnewjk ! ! ! I am so freaking excited for when Yamabuki (HanaProIndies) does *sings* MAJI BOMBA!

Anyways, I know this basically all fangirl rambling. But seriously. Even if you don't like this song, give this a listen. It really is very very very super mega good. Yeah, Hana has had many other awesome dubs, maybe even some that you may think are better than this. But this is some of the best blending and group parts I've heard on YT. So! Be a dear to your ears, and have a listen~


  1. Ah I love this dub sooo much!Oh and your labeled this as Hanabi Projects xD

    Just a pre warning hun~

  2. LOL! Hanabi falls right above Hana P in the labels, so I probably just clicked on the wrong one. Thanks for letting me know!! ^o^
