In reply; Y'all are definitely welcome. I immensely enjoy listening to RCR & alo!kira and was happy to blog about both of them. I'm glad that I got to showcase y'all and share your singing with other people. - Both of the girls said a lot of awful nice things, and Tsunku also passed along a message. Arigatou~ for the wonderful thank you!

And since we're already talking about RCR, share time!!
Suzuki Airi / Izumi [faraBANG]
Tsugunaga Momoko / Okie [DivaDagger]
Natsuyaki Miyabi / Risa [omgspazattack]
"love rider" (Renai Rider) by itadakimasu -- let's eat! (the Cupcakes) The A-SIDE to their second release / I can't say this has ever been a favored Buono song of mine. It's not awful, it just doesn't appeal to me. I don't care for the verses much mostly. But enough about the song; this isn't the best dub in the world, but pretty darn snazzy for a group of sick gals. Total props for recording even while not in the best health.
This is kind of a high song, eh? Like those "Suki da yo! Omae, Suki! Suki! Suki" parts; oh my. They turned out pretty good! I really like Risa's mature voice. Izumi had good energy, but being sick made her pitchy. Okie sounds freaking adorable! The majority of the solos turned out well, if it were a non-sick dub I'd say; more umph! - but I get where they're coming from. I've heard them before and they really are good.
My favorite part of this would have to be the chorus. It's my fave part of the song cause I like the melody there, and also I like the way the girls sound on it. It's not super high and you can hear each girl with her different voice, but at the same time they blend well together. I like how there is highish, middle-high and middle-low voices all in the same group. Diversity and unity. The little three-lined parts right before the chorus each time are also pretty.
Look forward to their B-side "it's a waste otherwise!", which should be coming out soon!

On a side note; AkaAnzu is now byebye off of my blog. I won't go into details. Let's just say he isn't a respectable dubber and hasn't been nice to some of my best dubbing buddies. He's gone by many names, including the username lkenokoi. He's also on the watch list of several dubbing/Karaoke groups and forums.
Dude; super mega big no. Way uncool. Anti-props. If you can't be respectable, you sure as heck don't deserve any kind of props. We don't want fakes or liars. So in the words of C-ute, Momusu and Berryz; "Bye Bye Bye" "Baka" "Bye Bye" (Bye Bye Bye, Onna Ni Sachi Are, & Bye Bye Mata ne - totally minus any and all good feelings/lyrics)
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