I don't even know Rae's mum, but she is one epic person (so is ChiiAyuchan's momma). If I asked my mom to sing something with me, she'd probably look at me funky and then laugh at whatever songs I showed her. Plus she can't really sing, cause she had surgery on her spine via her neck a few years ago, and her vocal chords got jacked up in the process. So singing is difficult for her. And as for my sisters; one of them would be all WTF LOL, and the other one would probably politely tell me no and laugh in the process, cause she sings gospel music and would likely refuse to attempt Japanese. Anyways! (lol, rambling) I think it's great that her mom is so cool that she sings with Rae, even if it is some "Go go! Fight"s or some "YEY"s.
I love that these two each picked a girl to be in color whenever they sang; Rakkun gets points for using Chisato!! And come on, who doesn't love Airi? *no hands are raised by the crowd* that's what I thought! PVs are all good and fun, but not a necessity when it comes to a good dub. So props to Rakkun for doing the bit with the pictures. I know Rae worked hard on the mixing, and it turned out fabulously!
!! I couldn't help but lol a little when I read part of Eve's (xsweetgurl) comment, "Rakkun-san, you actually have a really..HOT voice." - Rakkun does have a smexy voice, eh? Well, whatever word y'all use to describe it, he is one fine singer! I always enjoy listening to him; in fact, I verbally prodded him into giving me the download for his Hitomi no Screen dub!!
But yeah, this is a good song for him. I really like his vibrato, and he did great on his part of the chorus. Gah, his verse solos are fantastic, I love'em all! Rae is a mix of pretty & adorable in this; I've always really liked her singing, and I knew that she would sound as wonderful as ever before I even clicked the play button. She was great on the verses too, & I super love her solo at 2:50!! The music quites down, so you can really hear her; she's epic! And also her "SUKI SUKI SUKI" at 3:18!
This entire dub is just FOW, so go listen~

"First generation member, Princess Peachii, is celebrating her day of birth, and to help her celebrate, we, the members of Hanabi Project have sung this groupdub for Peachii with a little twist to it! This is a birthday dedication to Peachii, who will also be receiving a mini album with solos from the other members and this very song. For this surprise we gave it a code name: PBS which Kerri-kinz calls Peanut Butter Sammich but it actually means Peachii's Birthday Surprise. ENJOY!"
Kago Ai - My-chan (xLittleMystery)
Tsuji Nozomi - Kerri-kinz (StarburstSunDrops)
Yaguchi Mari - Rii (AzNxRawRx)
Mika Todd - Sootie (SootjeNL)
Mini. Peachiiful Pie by HanabiProjects / CClyrics / This is so sweet! I don't like the song itself very much, but the thought behind this dub is incredibly nice. I really like pep and energy, the girls all sound really cute and wonderful. Happy Birthday Peachii~
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