Monday, May 31, 2010

Milky Star's latest~

Baaah, I need to get into blogging mode. I don't have TONS to do, but I do have quite a bit, lol. And my attention keeps wandering off. So let's get things rolling!!

Solo (In order of hearance):
Zoey [Himawari] (as Satoda Mai)
Yume [EGGs] (as Suzanne)
Mitsuki [EGGs] (as Kinoshita Yukina)

Koi no Hexagon, EGGs Promo! (Milky Star) / Gah, I really like this, but I've been confused for like, the last 2-3 minutes. One reason I dislike 'order of hearance' & 'in order of solos' or whatever, is because you don't always know if the project is splitting solos according to how the song has them spilt originally. I like having CClyrics, or something that defines who sings when, as a guide. Also, it's easy to get lost, and once you're lost, you have to backtrack and count your way through the solos.

It says in order of solos/hearance, but I consider the "Hora, Hora, Hora"s in the beginning as solos, therefore I was really confused because Mai doesn't sing first, Suzanne does. So I didn't understand why the cast was ordered the way it is. After I figured out that Mai has the first longer solo, I thought that maybe that's what is meant? And if it is, I think it could be more clearly stated in the drop-down section, so the listener doesn't get confused.

It does say that Zoey sings as Mai first, but now that I get where things are starting off, I'm guessing that that info is just as reference? Does she sing as Mai throughout the song? Some people could think that, since it says 'as Satoda Mai' - that info can be confusing if one were not to pay enough attention to the text above the castlist. So since it's in order of solo, starting at 0:22, from there it should cycle through the three girls. It sounds like it.

I know it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but sometimes you've got to consider that people who listen to your dub; don't speak, read or understand English well - are not familiar with the singers and so cannot pick out voices as well as some other regular listeners may be able to - may (like me) view things about the dub/song differently than you do (such as what the starting solo is) - or are just easily confused - ETC.

Yes; you can't make everyone happy, and you should be dubbing for yourself and your own enjoyment first and foremost. But listener-friendly dubs are appreciated. Blah, I feel bad rambling on about this, but it's honestly what I think. I really really like this dub, the girls sound awesome!! But when I got lost right from the get-go, that started me off thinking negatively, and when that happens, you keep going in that line of thought until something changes it.

I would totally download this, in fact, you can find the MP3 link in their forums. So I just might!! This is a fabulous trio - they sound awesome together; I love the group parts, the chorus pwns! All of the solos are well delivered, and each girl sounds amazing in her own unique way. Pure win, really.

And Milky Star's other recent release~

Valentine Kiss by Dcgoddess / Aww, this is a cute & fun song, and it's a good choice for Menami. I really like her in the beginning, and on the chorus. She's good on the verses as well, but I don't like the melody as much. The song does get a bit repetitive, but overall I think this is a sweet dub.

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