Sun 05.23 - Sat 05.29
~Part 2~
~Part 2~
*aimforthestarss ~ Kagayaki Days / Not a very long dub, and I'm new to the song, but Star sounds fabulous! She's such a mix of adorable & lovely. Sometimes my ears are just like KAWAII, and other times I'm in love with the pretty side of her voice. If that makes any sense, lol. She hits a lot of really nice notes that are very ear pleasing. And she sings with great energy / emotion!! This whole dub is well delivered, and a delightful listen.
*CherryxJuice ~ Ame no Furanai... / I think I've previously made it clear how much I love this song; it's beautiful ;w; I get chills just listening to this. Lucy did a really good job on the verses, she sounds fantastic; a wonderful start to the dub!! The chorus is great too! But I think I like her more on the verses. She tackled LinLin's higher part towards the end pretty well. I give her props for song choice alone!! I'm glad she decided to dub this, she sounds splendid.
*MidoriiW ~ Our Songs / Wow, Miichan!! It's been too long. I love this song so much, so cheers for song choice (go Ary)! She could have maybe used a sinch more energy, but her overall level is pretty darn good. I like how she sings out her lines, using good volume - she has a really nice voice. I think she suits Miyabi the most out of the three, but all her lines are marvelous! It's nice to hear her again.
*madleybloomingstar ~ Otakebi Boy WAO / This song again, "its seems like everyone has been dubbing this song lately." Yes, yes they have. lol. But I adore Awai, so I had to have a listen, especially since her last Happy Karaoke Fun Time (RIVER) was so epic. *dubs starts* Ohemgee. Awai was like, born to sing this song. Her smashing energy gave me goosebumps at first.
I haven't yet watched a concert verison of this song, so this is a first for me; LOL Chinami's wide eyes at 0:45. Anyways, I think going concert was a good idea; the video and vocals work together. Awai's opening Risako solo sounds epic! I love love love her lines at 2:11, where it goes Chinami, Saki, Maasa. She sounds so good!! Awai totally rocked this song, making this one effing fantastic dub.
*amiswami2 ~ Yume Miru 15sai / I have come to love this song SO much. As I was coding the links for this review my sister asked to get on for 10-15 minutes and I grudgingly said yes. And the whole time I was randomly walking / dancing around my house singing this song, lol. Ami sounds incredibly adorable!! I love everything about this song; verses, pre-chorus, chorus, etc - and she sounds good on all of it. I really like her harmonies!! And the little extra added echoes at 2:53 are cool. Overall, a sweet dub.
*MaryG2091 ~ Monster / I've only heard this song once before, and it was only a little bit. And now after hearing it fully, I've found I really like it! I love Mary on the chorus-like part a ton, but my favorite thing about this cover would have to be the "Monster"s. Gah, I know when I cover Mary & MoA's dubs on here, I'm basically just fangirling, lol. But I love sharing their amazing singing with y'all. This is in my top five from Mary, definitely.
*HanaChiiru ~ Y / Gosh, this is smexy! I love and adore Chii's covers, and this one gives off such cool vibes. The beat is so, idk the word for it, but this is a great song for her. As expected when I clicked on this, Chii sounds spectacular. I really really like her on the chorus!! The "Y" lines are pure win. I also like the autotune; it doesn't take away from the listening experience, what you hear is still all Chii, and it sounds cool. Gah, I can't stop listening to the chorus! This isn't exactly a solo, since FrozenxRose does the rap, but oh well. Btw, the rap is epic!!
*bibblebobble629 ~ Tan Tan Taan! / Fricking A! Beth always shines in any group or project dub I hear her in, but I don't think I've listened to her do anything solo. First off, the video for this is adorable!! Secondly, I really like how she did this! I believe this is the first time I've heard anyone sing as part of an H!P dub. Some people might not really go for this idea, but it's cool in a lot of ways;
Beth doesn't have to sing all the lines, basically group dubbing with herself. While I like dubs where people do that, I know it can be more work; in this case, Beth can focus on the sound of her lines alone, then the mixing. And also, this shows you how talented she is, and how good she is at singing with other people, even H!P girls.
If she sang Kikkawa's part off in any way, she wouldn't sound as good as she does with the other Milkyway members. Her skillz and lovely voice fit her splendidly into this group. Like on the pre-chorus part, where Koharu has the long notes, and the other two sing back up; Beth sounds awesome with Sayaka! Lol, this is getting rather long. To cut to the chase, I think Beth did a really good job on this.
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