My second oldest sister has been into cake making lately, and she made the cake for this (it looked awesome!! I have a pic somewhere. . . ) So I wanted to try it. Plus, my mom made the couple a big quilt and I wanted to see her open it. I played with some cute kids I didn't know, blowing bubbles. But most of the time, I was bored out of my mind. I didn't know anyone, and though I can be social when I want to be, it's hard to when all I wanted to do was come home and blog.
I lost like three whole hours. Then, I *cough* got a bit distracted by TV. So I feel mega lame that I didn't get more done on here today. Hopefully y'all have had a good start to the weekend. Now, enough rambling, on with the blogging~

Cast, not in order of solo:
Lily (therealallisons)
Kimiko (KimikoOkami)
Saya (animefreakXDD)
Reika (candyraver009)
Passion E-CHA E-CHA by Shiawase Clover / I know I say it a lot, but I ADORE this song! I really like a lot of Berryz older B-sides, especially the ones with Maiha. And when I saw that this was going to be SC's B-side I got really excited. And now, it's here!!
*EDIT* Thanks for the CClyrics!! The cast as listed is not in order of solos, which is why my lyrics were incorrect. So I'll be changing names around a little bit. I'm actually a little frustrated, since it's time consuming. Providing CClyrics in the drop-section, when dubbers are not assigned a certain person, is one of the nicest things you can do. Not required, but greatly appreciated.
The first solo is Lily at 0:32 - at first I was thinking; needs more umph! But! This is actually how Maiha sings it. It's got sort of a easy-going vibe to it, especially on the "kikanai no." I love all of the "Tell Me / Call Me / Big News" parts in this song! All of the solos that are from 0:42 to 0:57 sound wonderful. The 0:59 solo by Reika is fantastic!! She sounds really cute and delivered her line well.
Following at 1:04 is Kimiko, her line is short but sweet, and she reminds me of Yurina a bit here. The chorus starts up at 1:14, and it's awesome! I love the "E-CHA E-CHA"s! And the little 'whoo's. The Chinami line at 1:57 by Saya sounds freaking adorable!! Not everyone gets the same amount of solos; Kimiko and Saya get one more each.
2:15 is Kimiko, and right before her is Lily, both of their solos are on the short side, but still good. Saya at 2:23 is more cuteness, and it looks like a semi-tricky solo, but it's well done. At 2:28 it's Reika; I liked the "TAIMU" part. And it turns out that the duets did get done, but I'm not going back through to listen to them. All of the vocals in this sounded good though, the blending too; so I know the duets were lovely.
Even with things that could maybe be picked at, I really really like this dub. First off, just cause of song choice - but these girls did a good job on it. The overall energy level is really good and I liked listening to everyone. I'll be your best friend if you do more Berryz B-sides, lol.
-EDIT- *tosses up hands* Fixing this entry really pushed my buttons. I was blogging about something else and now I feel fejkgfe fjnqwjkf efkjfnwkj. So I'm just going to go to bed. Sorry for my crappy mood.

Suzuki Airi: Saya (animefreakXDD)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Rii (AzNxRawRx)
Tsugunaga Momoko: Moka (animeobsessed40)
Bravo☆Bravo by Kanpeki / As I've said before when reviewing this song, there isn't too much that can be commented on, because it's all group parts except for three solos; on by each of the girls. I like this song, but sometimes I find it overly repetitive and just okay. Anyways!
In the beginning, the group parts sound great! I like Saya's solo at 0:49 - she sounds adorable! The chorus the first time around turned out nice as well, including the higher notes. On the group parts at 1:39, one person is louder than the others; I think it's Rii. This is probably due to the mixing? I can hear another one of the girls on the "oku" words though, especially the first three.
1:59 is Rii's solo; she had good energy and sounds pretty good. The following chorus is marvelous, and after some "P-A-T-I"s is Moka-chan's solo at 2:59 - her pronunciation is off. I barely understood her "ichinengo" and towards the end, her "tte run darou ne" is very unclear. So she should work on that, and I would have liked to hear more energy from her.
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