Sekai no Melody is "open to everyone and anyone" and their aim is to "keep a positive and friendly attitude." It's not all about talent, but dedication, and having fun. "We would rather work with a very nice girl who doesn’t have a good voice than a snobbish girl who has the voice of an angel. Attitude counts!"
The group holds scheduled auditions, a total of three times a year; likely to help keep things organized. "Anyone who fills out a form during these times will be accepted; it’s not a contest. There are a limited number of positions in each generation, but if you don’t get in then you will be placed into the Trainee group."

Bye Bye Mata ne by PureAmbition from their single Possession. This song is very special to me, because it was Maihacchi (Ishimura Maiha from Berryz Koubou) 's graduation song. I miss her ;w; I can't watch the vid of their final performance as the original eight without tearing up.
So when I saw this song yesterday while browsing I was like bfjkqfnkjfnkj!! And had to download it. This is a semi-old release, since it came out back in 2008. I don't know which girls or generations are singing, otherwise I'd put up a castlist for y'all as well. Eider and Sorachu were the mixers for this single; the former mixed Bye Bye Mata ne.
jgnjkgrkjgnkrjgn. I spit/type out garble like that when I just don't know what exclamation to use to express how much I like something. In this case; it's total love. This dub is Spectacular (yes, with a captial S). It's so so so pretty, sweet and lovely. The PA girls sound so epic, and the blending is superb- especially on the chorus.
I'm lame and can't think of anything to say. SPEECHLESS! lol, when does that ever happen? I'm always rambling about something. And this dub is so ramble-worthy. Magnificent. Brilliant. If you're a H!P fan (or a liker of listening to amazing things) you should download this.
I'm keeping my MP3 of this forever and ever. Along with all the others I have. I'll be 80 years old, sitting on the porch with an MP3player in my lap containing oodles of dubs & other Asian music. I'll be the hippest granny ever. And I'll play it for all my younger relatives, lol.
Spread the love; spread the lovely music. That's why I share stuff with y'all~
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