Bye Bye Bye! by amiswami2 / I adore the chorus to this song, the "Bye bye bye"s & Ami did wonderfully on them! I also really liked her on the main melody (Airi's lines), especially on the "mukatte" at 1:26. The little slow-trill thing on that part is awesome.
Her harmonies are freaking epic!!! I loved them on the beginning of the verses, like 0:18 and 0:21; but all throughout the song too. I also think she did a good job on the high notes. She sounds really cute/sweet in this, and even though it's a short dub; it rocks~

Airi Suzuki - Lilacsilk28 / Sayuri
Reina Tanaka - Memoiree / Memoire
Miyabi Natsuyaki - chocolateblakberri / Choco
First Kiss by Kuzumochi, (cremeproject's latest release) / Lovely! All the girls did a great job on their parts, and they sound marvelous together. Sayuri sounded sweet and had awesome high notes on the verses. Memoiree had some pitchiness, but great energy. I liked her at 1:12 and 2:33 on "kawatta." Aoi is as cute as ever. Most of the Miyabi solos are small, but when you do get a good listen, like at 2:37; she sounds so awesome! 5-star ladies~
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