Party Time by HanaChiiru / Ohhh, she sounds really good/sweet!! If I had to pick a girl that she reminded me of it would Yurina, once in a while a tiny bit Risako. I love her on the group parts, when she's singing with herself. She has a very clear and pretty voice that is super enjoyable to listen to. Downloaded ♥ Warning; listening to Chiiru's kick-butt vocals may lead to addiction and result in repeated listenings

Hajimete no Happy Birthday by Manami1992 / This is only one of the Kappa b-day vids I saw, but I just had to put it up here cause it's SO good and cute!! Manami !! Where's a download link ;w; This is totally fantastic!! Love it. I adore her "happy birthday"s! Kawaii !!

I've been chitchatting to Purply from Totally Up! Project. And today amdist her reply she sent me Twilight Legend's Nanchatte Renai dub. I must have heard like 12+ groupdubs of this, and I never tire of it.
The cast list greatly confuses me, so I won't put it up here, lol. Ohemgee, the rap parts are flipping awesome!! I really liked this group of dubbers; their solos lines and when they sing together. Very wonderful dub~
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