AYA: *When did your project first start?*
AMAYA: "I first started this project late January-ish last year. . . .However I closed it down a little while after because I felt that keeping a project was too complicated. BUT THEN! I opened it back up again for a second shot."
AYA: *Where did the idea come from?* Just a random thought? A friend's idea? A funny conversation?
AMAYA: "I have no idea! Haha. Well, I guess listening to Hello Project songs and seeing cute little projects up all around Youtube really inspired me and I wanted to try."
AYA: *Who are/is the leader(s) and/or sub-leader?*
AMAYA: "I'm the leader and the sub-leader is Mari (SailorSednaPGSM). I've just recently chosen her as sub because she's a really reliable member and PLUS, she has the most amazing, pretty voice."
AYA: *What would you say is the goal of your project;* Are you set on making progress as a group, or is your main goal to just have fun? Somewhere inbetween?
AMAYA: "I've never considered that before but I think we have many goals! I want to make progress as a group and be successful but also, I think that mainly, it is to have fun and interact with new people!"
AYA: Any questions for me?
AMAYA: "Where did you get your idea for blogging (about) Asian music dubs? . . . .I don't think I've ever seen a review blog like yours before!"
AYA: Well, Rae (SingingOnDemand) planted the seed in my mind, and I just went from there. I had started a Hello!Project blog (H!PE) & AKB blog and she told me that I should make one on dubbing. All it took was a couple clicks of a button, thinking up a name and going at it. I'm super glad I did!
Gosh I need to think up new questions, lol~

Also! Konichiba just opened auditions for their groups Hoshizora (C-ute) and Harajuku (Eggs). They're looking for 1-2 new members, which will join the project as the 3rd generation. All the information you need is in the video and/or in the drop-down info section. There is currently no closing date listed, but it's noted that "Auditions close soon!!"
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