lol, I can't say I know exactly what they are talking about with those last few things, but that's okay. I am very unfamiliar with Yoproject. Their leader, Liana, actually made this nifty thread; Yo Project: A History and Explanation. So if you wanna know more, go read that!
Many of the Admin and forum members has been doing dubbing/karaoke for a long time. The project's YouTube channel has over 100 dubs uploaded, though I'm sure there is tons more than just what is on YT; "We'd upload them and they'd be downloaded on your computer because youtube didn't exist yet."
Yoproject isn't all about Yoproject, that's one thing I like. They have many sections to their forums, for example their Karaoke section; "The heart and soul of Y!P! Post karaoke from anywhere by anybody whenever you want."
There is also a section for starting your own project/cover group; a section for exclusivly Hello!Project covers; and an area to "let go of Tsunku's hand and try something a bit different" like Kpop or Musicials. Plus Yoproject has it's own radio show!
It's a very open forum, which is probably why they have so much activity and happy members. "This IS a place to discuss- and to disagree. This IS a place for friends to run around and make jokes, make each other and the forum laugh. This IS a place to be yourself, loud, proud, and (relatively) uncensored."
I'm putting this up for the video because [A] I really like it and [B] I didn't know what to pick, so I went with the latest release on their YT account. I'm not going to be covering this really, just wanted to put up something for y'all to have a listen of.
I really like both of the singers in this dub, they sound fabulous! Liza has such a strong lovely voice, and I love the harmonies and backing vocals that Koolman does~ Lol, know how I've talked (twice now) about how I load a video, then end up playing it repeatedly while typing? I've listened to this song at least a dozen times or more now.
Homg! Food's here! (I'm eating a very late dinner, heh)
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