Kago Ai : Suiren [ nephiminechan ]
Tsuji Nozomi : Ajisai [ homeschooledchick16 ]
Mika Todd : Botan [ missgumbiecat ]
Yaguchi Mari : Sayuri [ xmikipinkux ]
KAWAII PAWAA! That's what this release make me think, cause it's just so full of cuteness. I totally love the lyrics "AI NII JUU" and these girls sounded so good on that part, plus the whole adorable little beginning set of lines and vocal noises (from the start until about 0:32).
[*] Ajisai! Gah, I love love her singing! She always has such kick-butt energy, and she's got a great voice! Her solo is clear and cute! I still don't know Botan super well, but I'm glad that I've gotten to talk with her some. She's a nice gal, and she's got skillz. Lol. I always enjoy listening to her, and her first solo is no exception.
Sayuri's voice has grown on me so much from the first time I heard her. As I've said previously, she just has this super unique voice that I've come to adore. Her "ka" has such wonderful umph! to it. And ohmygosh, Suiren has such a cute voice!! I really liked her "oomori ne."
[*] 0:56 is another awesome line delivery from Sayuri. Followed by Botan, and I love how she rolled her 'R' in "MARON." Ajisai at 1:03, with her cute little "mitai"! I really liked Suiren's "himawari no tane" solo, as well as the next line where the whole group sings together. Especially the semi-high louder energetic ending "wa~"
The chorus is so upbeat and the girls really gave it all the peppiness and energy it needed to sound as fabulous as it does! Plus I like the two little "Yay" like sounds in the chorus. 1:24 is a really cute solo for Suiren, and the rest of the group joins in for the fabulous "WOW WOW WOW WOW"s.
[*] Aw, some more of those adorable "AI RABU YUU"s, and "AI NII JUU"s. Also those "MINIHAMUzu"s, which I love the melody of, the lower note note on the 'zu'. These four gals really blend well together, making all of the group parts rock!
Starting at 1:52, all four of the following solo lines sound marvelous!! As I said, this just full of cuteness. And win. I really liked Botan's part at 1:56. With her voice, I think it's sometimes easy for her to sound off-key, but she sounded really good on her solo there!! She was adorable and spot on.
[*] All of the sets of solos are awesome! Sometimes a certain girl or line stands out to me imparticular, but really everyone totally owned their lines, and this song. 2:09 to 2:23 is just more brillant singing by all. I think Ajisai's "yo" at 2:17 was incredibly cute.
More of lovely chorus before we hit 2:36 and Sayuri's solo. What I like about her, is that you can always tell she is really putting her all into singing. With her good energy and the character that the majority of her lines have. It's nice ♥
[*] And the song finishes up with two repeats of the first set of lyrics. This dub is totally worthy of all the praise it's given on YT, and so, most definitely, are the girls. I think this is probably the cutest song I've heard from HanaP, as of yet. Give'em some love and 5 stars, cause I sure did!
AND HOMG. How adorable are these?!

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