Friday, March 26, 2010

I really wanted to cover this last night, when it was released, but I was too distracted and then too tired. So I got up early to try and make up for it. I can't find the girl who sings for Momo anywhere on YouTube, and her username is way too long. So I am going to refer to her as Cookie. Which suits her, cause she is cute.

Tsugunaga Momoko: Cookie / xOXCookiesandmilkXOx
Suzuki Airi: Chii / ChiiAyu
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Mariah / SailorSednaPGSM

This is spectacular ! ! ! This is another song that I never used to care for very much, but it grew on me after I heard a dub or two of it, and this dub right here is down right epic. These three gals sound so good together!!

[*] Opening lines; Holy goodness. Someone said this in the comments, and I am thinking the same thing. Is Cookie like 6? She has such a freaking adorable little girl voice. Sometimes it would be cooler if she sang a little louder, but I do really like her cute voice. And as for Chii, I love her singing oodles and oodles. Every single solo of hers is wonderful.

I was talking to Faefae yesterday, and we were just chatting about dubs and blogging a little bit, and I got to talking about how I try really hard not to play favorites on here. Just like anyone else, I definitely have my those I like the most, or at least more. So sometimes I purposely avoid blabbering on about someone I really really like, cause I don't want the entry to be all about them, lol. Anyways!

[*] At 0:52 is Mariah, who I don't know if I've ever heard before. I get this niggly feeling that she auditioned for HanaP and I already- *is looking while typing* -yup, she did. So I heard that, but this is the first time that I've actually listened to her voice, and I like it. She suits Miyabi with her mature voice, and I think her energy level is good.

1:08. Chorus. UWAH. I love it!!! The blending is fabulous, all three of their voices compliment each other. They sound so good! They've got Cookie's high vocals, but also Chii and Mariah's middle range voices to keep things from sounding all too high. And I like all of their "Shining!"s.

[*] Cookie comes back in at 1:45 with her incredibly kawaii voice. It's a little mind blowing, how adorable she sounds. In one of my other entries, I called Aoi the goddess of kawaii. Well in that case, Cookie is a super mega princess or something.

Chii can dominate any part, any kind of song, with her skillz. She's fantastic. Mariah has this unique-ness to her voice, I quite rather like it. One of the things I commented on back when I was listening to her audition, is that she keeps time well; and it's true.

[*] More seconds of epic chorus. *rocks out to the little instrumental break* I always love these parts where the backing-music is quieter, and you can really hear the singers. Cookie, Chii and Mariah all sounded really good on their solo line. I especially liked Cookie's "Take it easy" and Mariah's held out teh from "shite"

[*] And the song finishes off with some more awesome blending from the girls. And three more great/cute "Shining"s. I really really liked this dub! I gave it 5 stars, and if more were an option, I'd pick whatever the highest amount of stars was!

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