Then I remembered! They have a dubbing/karaoke section in their forums, so I went there to take a look around. I decided I'd hop from thread to thread, listening to whatever I was offered. The very first youtube link I click on in the first thread; which username does it turn out to be?
MegHitomiVAA. Who is one of the Gen 5 HanaP members. LOL. I had said back in that entry that I would try and have a listen to all of the girls I didn't know. And I am right now! But I totally didn't plan it. She's pretty good.

And now for another discovery through yoproject! UNiQstudios (a new dubbing project that is still taking auditions) recently put out this teaser trailer for AisuPOP Idol 2010. I must say it looks pretty interesting. I'm more into dubbing for the fun of it, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with a little healthly competition. I am crossing my fingers for no drama though, lol.
Plus- much like the American Idol that inspired the idea -it's something that dubbers and fans alike can look foward to, as the contest gets step by step closer to the end and announcing the winner. A building of exciment that draws in viewers. At least that's what the headers of this idea are aiming for, I'm sure. I am definitely awaiting the first video, so I can get a taste of what it'll be like.
Also, on UNiQstudios' blog, it has been recently mentioned that this contest will be featured in a coming episode of Dubber's Radio! Now I'm really interested. If Buggy is taking the time to promote, then it's gotta be something worth checking out.
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