On an off-topic side note. I mentioned before about how I baby talk my dog. Sometimes I'm sure it sounds like I am speaking an alien tongue. Now and then I come up with new phrases to say to her (out of nowhere). Before, it was something like "jubba jubba jubba." No lie. I'd say it all baby like, in a cutesy 'I-love-you' voice while petting her belly.
Well now, for some reason, I'm moved onto "Ah cha puh paow" I don't even know how to spell what I say. The ending 'paow' I exaggerate and hold out, and sometimes I'll throw in an extra 'puh' or two. Why is my brain so lame? And I call her every pet name there is, but my recent favorite is 'sugarbean.' Sugar doesn't even come from beans! Anyways, I just felt like sharing more about my weird self. Onward!
[*] Kappa is adorably funny. I admire that she accepts and shares with us that there are ups and downs to being in charge. When Buggy asks her what she doesn't like about running HanaP, and she laughs and says the same anwser as for what she does like, with different reasons; I couldn't help laughing a little along with her (& smiling).
I like how Kappa runs things, from what I've heard. If there is a way to do something or set something up so that things get done smoothly and quickly, with a good result; it's definitely preferred. A little OCD isn't so bad. Organization is a great quality for a leader to have! And as she says, Kappa always has her sub-leaders to "make sure that I'm not doing anything off the wall crazy."
[*] Wow. I had run across KawaiiStarProject's first comment on cremeproject's profile, and I my first thought was; WTF? I didn't know that they'd posted yet another one. Like Buggy mentions, it's awful that KSP resorted to posting their hater comments on someone else's profile!! Cremeproject is wonderful, and it sucks that their page got such trash posted on there.
And I agree with what Kappa said in her reply comment, "Not that I understand like, anything they said down there." I don't either. KSP doesn't seem to be run by the most literate person. And it wouldn't be as bad if KSP was more than just a hater. If they were some amazing jaw-dropping project that was feeling extremely threatened or competitive, okay.
But the other day as I was browsing through YT, under the Recent Activity section I saw that someone (who shall remain un-named) had rated a video 1 star. My first thought was; only one? Is it really that bad? So I clicked and had a listen. And Yes. Sadly, it was that bad. I can't claim to know anything about mixing, but I do have two ears and they didn't enjoy what they heard. The dub I clicked on was KSP's first actual dub.
And I'm not bashing the singers. They all sounded rather good! I actually liked most their solos, some cute voices. They show promise. But their parts were all over the place, mixing wise. Almost nothing was together. Some of that might be due to possible off-timing when it came to the singing, but the dub overall was just badly put together. It seems likely that KSP is just hating on HanaP out of jealousy, perhaps? (oh, and when I say KSP I am referring to whoever runs the thing is, not it's members)
If you look down at 'How to Deal with Haters' in Keywords&Quote section, take in what Kappa says in the second paragraph. The leader of KSP has managed to give their project a bad name through their actions. Immature nonsensical hater. That is what's in my thoughts now.
I love how Kappa and the Hana girls dealt with this. They were very mature. Well, I think the LOL bit was really funny, but it wasn't horribly offensive and Kappa wasn't trying to push buttons. Hopefully this is finally smoothed out, and KSP will just go on doing whatever, and HanaP will go on rockin'
DR- Episode 3 Part 3 Keywords & Quotes ~
On Being a Busy Bee
"Currently I'm in my last year and a half of college, so it definitely doesn't make the work load any easier to keep up with. . . .so as much as I don't want it to be, some days it gets really stressful. But it makes it worth it in the end, that's why I keep with it." -Kappa
"They're an unfortunate part of the package, sadly." -Kappa
How to Deal with Haters
"I have an extremely quick temper. . . .somebody has to hold me back, cause I'll be like gung-ho to go tell somebody off. I have to make myself take a deep breath first, which gets easier the more it happens. . . .
I don't know if any project leaders out there realize this, but. . . .You're a main representive of that project, and if somebody sees you acting immaturely, no matter how the rest of your project acts, that's how they're gonna think about your project." -Kappa

Right on to the final part!
!! I'm so happy that Buggy mentioned Sayuri (Lilacsilk28)! She is a super nice girl, and it's lame that she had to put up with KSP's comments. It's cool that Dubber's Radio, HanaProject and CremeProject all support each other! UWAH~
Another thing I love about dubbing in general (but HanaP included) is that it has no age limit. I think it's awesome that 25-30 year olds are still dubbing. Heck, I still wanna be a huge dubbing, blogging, Hello!Project fan in ten years. Whether your 14 or 22 or 27, it doesn't matter! It's all about having fun!
Hoshizora's Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai was the dub selected this time around for the Critique. Buggy had to do a lot of cutting, and so if you'd like to hear more than what she fit into the video, download the full critique. I did!
Both Kappa and Buggy had a lot of good pointers. And even if you're not a part of Hoshizora, but you're looking to improve your dubbing, your project, or you're planning on singing this song; have a listen!
On a sidenote, Buggy sounds so much like this girl I was in girl scouts with a long while ago. Her name is Amelia. It's weird how similiar their speaking voices sound. So every time I listen to Dubber's Radio, I am reminded of her. I wish I had a voice sample of Amelia's so I could show y'all, lol. But yeah. Random.
& I don't really have any good Keywords or Quotes this time around. Lameness. I'm just not focused enough to sort through this 4th part to come up with a few good ones. But I really enjoyed listening to this entire episode, and I look forward to the next!!
Ughh .. KSP D:
ReplyDeleteI WAS part of that project and I had the feeling of like wrestled on a concrete floor when I knew about KSP's owner hate comments on the projects that I adore :( Seriously, I was cursing under my breath using my native language lol