But when I took a peek, it only had a few comments!! Which meant I hadn't missed much, lol. And then I was confused as to where it started off. It took me a moment to realize that it was FOUR PARTS! How freaking awesome is that? Four times the goodness of the usual 10 minutes of Buggy. Lovely
We start things off with an interview with Kappa, leader of HanaProject~
I feel the need to say that right before the interview started; I clenched my fists, closed my eyes and smiled while squeeing silently with glee. Not in that order, but all at once. Cause I'm excited about this! One minor thing niggles me though; Kappa doesn't talk as loud as Buggy, and a few times I found the backing music was a sinch too loud and distracted me from listening to when she was talking. But that could just be me, lol.
Homg! It's so interesting, listening to them go back and forth!! And I'm loving all the Kappa info. I feel cool, cause I actually know who Ange (froghaterk) is! I don't know her really, but I stumbled across her profile the other day when I was checking out HanaP Gen 5 member BakaPai. She has a lovely voice, and if Kappa looks up to her, she's gotta be pretty wow-worthy.
Star-struck Kappa? Cute~ "I used to call her the mixing goddess," she's talking about Luthien; "she was patient enough to take my mixing and talk to me and give me advice. . . .she's been a hue impact on my mixing." *got distracted listening to her dubs* She is an awesome singer!! I loved her autotune Dakishimete, but y'all should also listen to something unauto-tuned too. She's fabulous.
I love how much time and work both Buggy and Kappa put into this. Thinking up all the questions, taking the time to anwser them, then doing the interview for recording, and mixing it all. All just to entertain us (though I'm sure they were too in the process). They did a spectacular job, and they most certainly have my attention and props!!
I don't know how much sense I'll make as opposed to how much rambling I'll do, since this is such a long episode. So forgive me now for my blabbing. I am going to spilt these into two seperate entries, two parts per, other wise I'll have one mega big one. Uwah, looks like tons more Hana info in Part 2!
DR- Episode 3 Part 1 Keywords & Quotes ~
"She is the founder and leader of Hana Project, and one the of the best mixers and producers out there in my opinion." -Buggy
"I think the thing I like the most about it is, the satisfaction you get after you put up something you know is really good. . . .It makes you feel that it was worth it, no matter how many sleepless nights you had." -Kappa
Favorite dub
"The stuff I've done with Junran is really top on my list. It's hard to make a call on it because there's been a lot of stuff that I've really fallen in love with. I think out of all the Junran. . . .Nanchatte Renai was the best one, in my opinion." -Kappa
AKS (manage AKB48) & minor LOL vaule
"They will get you dragged down into Youtube purgatory , never to be seen again." -Kappa

I love how this part of the episode gets so much into HanaP. And it's even better coming from Kappa. I know I read up on the project on their forums and maybe asked Rae and Kappa a question or so; but this is way way more fun and informative.
And it's not only an insight into HanaP, but into dubbing and projects. I can't say that I've ever experienced any of the frustrations or satisfaction (as result of putting a dub up) that Kappa mentions, but I like hearing about it! She's talking about her experiences, and by doing so gives us non-dubbers an insight into things. Cool beans~
I think the Keywords & Quotes for these individual parts say more than my typing this time. Because I'm not commenting on Kappa's interview really, just soaking in everything that these two are saying. So the K&Q section shows stuff that I picked up on, or things that I was interested in hearing.
DR- Episode 3 Part 2 Keywords & Quotes ~
Hana Project the Phoenix
"We definitely did rise up. . . .we topped 100 (subscribers) in just a few months. . . .we've gotten more and more since then somehow." -Kappa
"My original goal wasn't to make it popular or high-quality, but I did want to do my best to make sure that it was reaching it's full potentional. . . .and I wanted to be worth the time of the people in it." -Kappa
What sets Hana aside
"I think the biggest thing is that we actually get stuff done. . . .all of the members have a sense of responsibility and motivation, which I think is really special. . . .from my side, I try to keep everything as organized as possible. . . .and when all that comes together, we get stuff done. That's the secret formula to it." -Kappa
Keeping the peace: dramafree HanaP
"I don't usually have to smack anybody down for doing something stupid, because our auditions process really emphasizes the personality aspect. We make sure that the people we're letting in are the people for us, for our community. . . .
They have to fit vocally as well, but the most important part of it is that they're gonna get along with us, we're gonna get along well with them; we're gonna want to work with them." -Kappa
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