There have been singing competitions hosted on YT before; this one seems really well put-together and I think it's got a lot of people's attention!! All the info you need is easy to obtain, the rules are laid out and the judging allows for listener imput while still going with the judges. Plus there is oodles of incredible singing to be heard and new choruses to discover!
Yes I do have my favorites- I about died when I realized that the latest release from Hana Pro was for this, and ZØDIAC is hosted by Liana. But I am looking forward to listening to all of the groups before I do any voting! I'm really happy that you get three votes; it would be awful to try and pick only one chorus!
For starters, the people at YTChorus that are running this have made a special (two part) video that's sort of an intro for the battle, and also goes on to display previews of all 30 contestants. I really love that they did this, because my internet hates to be nice when it comes to loading YT vids. Some days it's fine and other days it's slower than ever. This way I get to hear a bit from them all whilst bending my internet to my will!!
L i n k s :
ROUND 1 (PART 1 OF 2) / ROUND 1 (PART 2 OF 2)
YTC Battle @ Forum / YTC Battle @ Livejournal
ROUND 1 (PART 1 OF 2) / ROUND 1 (PART 2 OF 2)
YTC Battle @ Forum / YTC Battle @ Livejournal
There isn't much else to put in this entry, since I haven't fully listened to any of the choruses yet. I'll probably make another entry for that. But I'd like to post all of the contestants here for all y'all to see/hear. Please check out this awesome Battle, since I know a lot of work is going into it!! I am going to display these in a random order (seriously, just closed my eyes, swished my mouse about and clicked on one of the links, lol.)
Dancer in The Dark by VocaLight [12] ~ Ohmygosh, I was just going to list everyone here, but after I heard this I couldn't resist saying something. This is beautiful!! I don't even know what to say, but I am downloading this right now. Gorgeous!
If you read the drop-down section, all of the participants wrote their own message, and they really get across how proud this group is and how hard they worked. VocaLight has recently gained three members, putting their overall total at 9. They are a tight knit family who likes to have fun singing together.
---I might write something about choruses that catch my attention, but don't take it to heart if I don't say anything about your chorus!! Only so much time in a day and I'd like to write more than just this entry, lol. Plus 30 is a lot to take in. (Note: The numbers are simply the position of each chorus in the list, found in the description of YTC's Part 1 & 2)
Only My Railgun by Generation:Y [30]
(I really like this one too)
Keep only one Pokemon by ChuDaysooChorus [15]
MIDI MASTER by ZØDIAC [27] ~ I love Buggy in the beginning!! The mixing, overall sound, quality, effects, etc- It's all brilliant!! The verses are outstanding, I love the rap bits, and this whole shebang basically rocks my world. The strong delivery of lines by the talented singers who took part is killer; everything about this is amazing!
Reading the drop-down, Liana talks about how they picked a hard song to mix, were offered original art, crash coursed their learning when it came to the animation, "but GOSH DARNIT, WE GOT GUMPTION!" And I totally agree! I completely adore this. And y'all will too, when you give it a go. Cause it's so worth a bajillion listens.
Lily Lily Burning Night by Penguin Beat [28] ~ I know I haven't been saying much about the animation, and I know a lot of work goes into that as well as the singing. But I guess I automatically pay more attention to the vocals, heh. In this chorus a few things jumped out at me, firstly being the awesome graphics + animation! Secondly, the singers all blend well together, and I really like how the audio turned out overall! And lastly, I spotted Sherry's username (animezirow), which excited me that I knew someone, lol! Y'all should have a listen, and also read the little messages from the singers in the drop-down section~
Miki Romantic Night by Backstage Chorus [5]
(This is really cute)
Rukaruka Night Fever by Shyclone Chorus [7]
(The chorus is so catchy!)
Sharing Our Fate To Death by VocaRhythm [4] ~ This is so pretty ;w; I never mentioned that the theme for the first round of this Battle is- Techo, Eurobeat, or Trance. Many of the songs picked are somewhat upbeat ~ This one is too, but it's very flowy and the main melodies aren't super upbeat. This Chorus is extremely enchanting on it! They all sound so smooth and lovely. Exquisite. I love it.
Bad Apple by Moe Chorus [3] ~ If you only watch the previews in the videos made by YTC, you're robbing yourself of the full experience. I pick a Chorus to listen to, and then while it's loading I find it's preview and listen to that. Sometimes I'm not really wowed, but then I go listen to the actual chorus cover and am shocked! That is what happened with this chorus.
Most of the previews are the chorus-part of the songs sung, and while that's not bad, sometimes a Chorus-group shines on a different part of the song and if you don't listen to the actual thing, you miss out on listening! The verses and pre-chorus' are smashing in this!! I love so so many of the solos, and many of the singers blew my mind a little. The girls are gorgeous, and I LOVE the low low manly voice you hear in the mix. I love this.
Minna Minna Night Fever by Zakhoriss Chorus [26] ~ I'll admit that it wasn't the vocals that made me want to write about this one, but something else entirely that I think is so cool! Some of you know that I love to read, books as well as online fanfiction (etc). I'm a slash addict, though I've never read anything in the Vocaloid section. When I read about how this chorus came together I was delighted! I'll copy & paste so y'all can read, but the cool-creation aside, I think this turned out terrifically!
"All of us are writers for fanfiction.net, most of us mainly in the Vocaloid section! We've all decided to take a little turn from writing and give singing a shot. This chorus brought along a lot of firsts for all of us...The majority of us have never been in any sort of chorus before...and some of us had never even sung in Japanese before this. The animator had never used Sony Vegas to make a video longer than 25 seconds before this, and the mixer had never mixed a chorus before...But somehow, it turned out pretty well, and I'm really really proud of everybody!"
Love is War [Clubhouse Mix] by W.A.S.S [18] ~ The real win with this chorus for me is the solos (the beginning is gorgeous)! Individually, there are so many notes that are fantastically hit!! Plus the sound quality is awesome- the soloists can be heard clearly and the effects used are great! The group lines are a little less clear though marvelous all the same, but the solos are sensational. The raps rock, and I love love the verses!! I really like the guy lines in this, though the girls are equally as fabulous. Overall, it's a big bag of win.
Red Soul by Gorgeous Geek Gang Chorus [25] ~ I about hyperventilated when I saw some of the people who are in this! FAEFAE! RAKKUN!! MICHIMIRU! ;w; Why didn't I know about this?! I've heard of GGG before, but I didn't know they came out with this. This is spectacular!! I love the energy and power that this whole song is sung with! I also like the graphics! The rap part is freaking pwn, I love the verses and the chorus rocks hardcore! Rabu x a kajillion.
CMRevolution 「Celestial Mix」 by Celestial Chorus [13]
(Gorgeous! Epic!)
God Knows by MMChorus [22]
(Oh I like this one~)
Lily Lily Burning Night by Vocaloidism Chorus [6] ~ I got tingles while listening to the opening speaking parts in this! Persona did an awesome job, Biotoxia's vocalizing bit is lovely, and Krystal's "FIRE" is fierce!! I'm not in love with the song, but the amount of energy that everyone sings with really makes this an enjoyable chorus cover!! I also love Persona and Krystal's other speaking part, about 3/4's of the way through. The verses and pre-chorus are kickbutt, though the chorus is splendid sounding and lots of fun! This packs a punch!
Dream Fighter by HANAbira-gumi [19] ~ gkonwjeng *mind fry* This is beyond incredible. This song has grown on me and when I saw that this was Hana's choice I knew it was going to be epic. They've really outdone themselves with this chorus. I read the drop-down section on how all this came about (props to Rina) and I love that they just "jumped right into the deep end by entering this competition without any real prior experience" ~ I don't have to tell y'all that I'm downloading this. It's pure win.
Give a Reason Remix + Trance by Bloody Chapter Chorus [21] ~ I love the graphics that shows each singers name! It makes me think...Fire Emblem LOL. Of RP-like video games and such. I love it. The beginning speaking part is so cool!! I love how it looks and sounds and how it's computer-like, and also that it introduces the singers! And on top of that, the vocals throughout the song sound tremendous!
There are 2-3 songs are sung more than once, so much that I can now say I am familiar with at least a few Vocaloid songs, lol. It's not awful that there are a few covers of the same song, but I like it when I load one of these videos and it turns out to be a song I haven't heard yet! Another thing that I haven't mentioned much; harmonies!! Props to the people who sang back-up vocals and harmonies in all of these 30 entries! They sound great in this! Overall- the chorus is my total favorite, but this is excellent in it's entirety.
God Knows -Euro Mix- by Epic Family Chorus [23] ~ The chorus of this song gets my heart pumping! It's fiercely fantastic. Magnificent! I seriously love it like crazy. I've listened to this cover like five times already, and I want the mp3 badly! The group had some technical problems, and so the animation they had planned didn't get used- but I can live without, I'm happy that they still managed to enter the battle, and shared their wonderful singing with us!!
Bad Apple by 134th Brigade Chorus [10]
(Awesome animation & singing)
Servant of Evil Endless Night by Vocalindo Chorus [24]
(So upbeat! I love the chorus in this!)
Megu Megu Romantic Fever -mashup- by Banana Cream Chorus [16] ~ The link for this provided in the YTC Battle videos gives me an error message. I tried searching YT for the actual video and I didn't have any luck. So...I'm not really sure. But the 30 seconds you hear of it as a preview is extraordinary!! Breathing-taking! So so so so good! If anyone knows where I can hear all of this Chorus, let me know please!!
Love Is Meltdown by VocaMania [2] ~ This is flat out smashing! I was entertained just by watching the video at first, since the vocals don't fully start until almost a minute in. I was excited to see that Kuri~n and Kran are in this Chorus, I am familiar with their singing! The graphics are fabulous and the singing is beyond sensational! I love 1:36 *o* So pretty! I love the solos in this, and all of the smaller group parts as well as the full-cast lines are superbly ear-pleasing!

OMG that took longer than I planned lol. Holycrap, there are so many good covers!! So many awesome choruses! I've downloaded at least four, and am waiting on replies from other people I requested them from. I'm going to make a seperate YTC Battle playlist!! If I do end up voting, I'll have to think hard on who I will vote for.
Congrats to YTChorus on their anniversary, and I give'em props for this great idea + all the work they put into making it happen. Also thanks to all who are participating; I'm happy that everyone put their time and heart into this, sharing their singing with the rest of us. I really enjoyed listening, and this is only the first round!!
Y'all should check this Battle out~
...Erm. Hi. Randomly came across this post somehow OTL. Member of VocaLight here. And..., thank you for making this post. It lets us all know what people expect and...all that. Yeah. >_<. And this is random but I'm so glad that people actually read descriptions. You're awesome. Thank you so much for enlightening us all on what people see about the choruses. ^_^.